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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

my 4 month old has GERD

My daugther Emma has had acid reflux since she was born. She was fussy when it came to eating and was constantly spitting up. But she had been sleeping through the night since she was 5 weeks old and was a very easy baby other than acting like she didn't want to eat. I tried nursing her for the first 3 weeks but she was too fussy. So we switched to formula and soon after put her on soy thinking that she was lactose intolerant. But it was still a battle to get her to eat.
The doctor's on base suggested a baruim swallow and discovered she had a bad case of GERD. They put her on Zantac 3x per day and told me to add one tsp. of rice cerearl per every ounce in her bottle. But I was surrpised when the Zantac actually made her worse. She no longer sleeps through the night and still fights her bottle with or without the Zantac. She isn't spitting up as much but now I have the fussiest baby all the time and don't know what to do. I talked to antoher doc on base who suggested Prevacid (not approved for kids under 12 mos) at a lower dosage and the one time we gave it to Emma she flipped out and wouldn't eat for several hours. I am getting a referral to see a specialist and wish I could take this pain away from my baby girl! I never know what she wants anymore and before putting her on the Zantac (6 weeks ago) she was on such a wonderful schedule. Now I'm at a complete loss and don't know what to do.
  christababy on 2006-03-19
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
firstly need to deal with medicinal disease (zantac dosing) placed upon symptomology...

(2 pellets nux vomica 200c dissolved in 10 tablespoons of pure water)--give one dose single (1 teaspoon from mix ) nux vomica--before bed--1 hour after last feeding...NO REPETITION of this AT ALL...

do above and answer questions..

what immunizations/vaccinations/ child have ?dates?

how many white spots on/under child's fingernails

what other illness child been treated for?when?please explain

what complications during pregnancy/labour /birthing with this child?what mother state of health during this time?what meds mother used during this time?reasons?please explain thoroughly

John Stanton last decade
P.S. NO other medicines..

also start using "organic Soy Formula with Lipids -"parent's choice""--this product named as such available at Wall-mart stores--or use similar (organic)
John Stanton last decade
if fail the cure nux vomica then try the following medicine will get result quickly.

(2 pellets Pulsatilla 200c dissolved in 10 tablespoons of pure water)--give one dose single (1 teaspoon from mix ) Pulsatilla 200 twice in a day

dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade

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