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proving symptoms merc sol 200

I am taking few doses merc sol 200 and my mind feels better....but I am too open to speak out I think...yesterday just somebody wanted to fight me, because I talk back and stuff before I was always quiet, afraid of everything......

i took Merc sol because of chronic bad breath, seems that I suffer from syphilis miasma, supporation, throat always feels inflamed, supporated.....and merc seems to do the job, at least on mind level, I dont obsess about bad breath so much, and i seem to be stronger....but like I said I dont hold back......

I tried other meds like 10 years ago, I did most of constitution remedies...I like sulphur, calc carb, I felt different in my mind after taking CM and 200 10 years ago, but they did not do anything for my physical body.......

merc sol 200 seems to do something on physical level, i feel less tired, more energy, less afraid, less obsessing about bb, my mouth feels more fresh etc....

I must say my teeth are perfect....no cavities....and for the past 20 years I always feel there is this bad taste in my mouth, throat, like it is cupporating and it cant heal.....
and merc picture shows people who can fill the room with their bad breath....so that is me.....I feel rooms....so the smell is horrific, there must be something going on in my body, supporation, that my body cant close and heal....so it smells 24/7

I would appreciate any reply from homeopaths...on what to do.....

I was looking at carcinosin, because of my childhood and parents pressure.....also nat mur becase I feeel sad because my life is so bad, and I have no friends and i am very sensitive......

merc is giving me this power somehow that I like, and the only withdraw is me snapping back at people....like I was supressed before, in fact all people are somehow...you cant speak freelly, but merc opens you up, but people freak out about it...so that is it
  fidalgo on 2017-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
This is a common confusion. People go through polychrest remedies. They find most of them well indicated in their case. They get confused.
Similarly they expect too much from the remedies they take. Remedies help for a while, they are not game changers.
Some homeopaths are behaving like energy transfer experts and creating huge confusion for patients.
What will happen after taking a remedy can't be predicted by any homeopath whatever may be his claims.
Life is much deeper than homeopathic intervention.
kadwa 7 years ago

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