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Chamomilla for Teething? Page 9 of 19

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ok got u--
teth slow coming in key..

if still having nappy rash --

single dose calc -carb

take note of 2nd dilutuoin below..

1 pellet in 4 oz water--stir heavy--1 teaspoon of this in 2nd glas of 4 oz of water --stir heavy--I tablespoon dose

take either about an hour before noon (11AM)--1/2 hour between eatings...

or 11pm

John Stanton 7 years ago
as far as meds--we will be only using 30c and LM form this point..

here is site in us--less time for delivery..


lycopodium LM1
John Stanton 7 years ago
ok that's 30c right?
rom109 7 years ago
Ok thanks
rom109 7 years ago
I was careful to observe proper dilution....

haven't noticed anything so far. still feel the same. I'll try to take a nap ASAP(aka ASBD [as soon as baby does!])

I'll keep you posted.
rom109 7 years ago
ok--keep close eye as usual

take look at sonny's gums (where teethar ecoming thru)--how much inflammation?color?
will he allow u to touch?
John Stanton 7 years ago
he did allow me to check them out earlier for like a second. normally he does not like me to. there doesn't appear to be any inflammation. except i noticed that yesterday it looks like his lower left lat. incisor is beginning to come up. there is some swelling there. but not 'swelling', just like a tooth-bump.
rom109 7 years ago
how u doing?
what current scene?
John Stanton 7 years ago
Thanks for checkin :)

The day was pretty much the same as yesterday. I tried to take a nap with son but it didn't work out too well.

Basically I feel about the same. I started to get some energy back around 5-6 ish as I normally do but im still very much dragging and bla.

I think the Calc might have kicked up the teething cuz he's really been wanting to bite things today. His mood is about the same as yesterday, maybe slightly more reasonable.
rom109 7 years ago
what th e exact state of nappy rash?

what ur thoughts on going a day without acorbic acid..so as see if affects at all?
John Stanton 7 years ago
Well since I was pregnant I've used Vitamin C as a laxative so it takes maybe 1-2 days of going without it to get stopped up again and I very quickly start feeling pretty awful from that alone. My body does not deal well with toxins ...and it never will.

I have, however, completely stopped taking nettles and haven't had any issues with allergies since first dose of lycopodium so that's awesome. even after that whole afternoon at the lake.

Sons diaper rash is gone since yesterday.
[message edited by rom109 on Fri, 01 Jul 2016 17:24:17 UTC]
rom109 7 years ago
my eye lid has been itching since last night...this morning pretty bad so I just looked at it and i've got two sties underneath the lashes. my right eye.

i sometimes get them when I've been wearing a lot of makeup. which I haven't been for a while.
rom109 7 years ago
I often forget to take my supplements for days at a time...sometimes I forget a day and then I'm like, oh well whatever and go a few more days without because I'm sick of keeping up on the routine. and then after a while of that I start to feel really lousy again and get back on it. It's primarily my multivitamins and vitamin C that do the trick. oh and this zetox stuff. Zeolite for detoxing. it also has a small amount of methyl-b12 in it. that stuff perks me up overnight.
rom109 7 years ago
ya so last night was pretty rough for the babe. he was pretty restless -- tossing and turning-- and once sat up and was crying because he wanted to nurse but couldn't get to it fast enough... it was very difficult to keep him asleep all night.
rom109 7 years ago
anything that gives effect is medicinal..and as such will interfere as go along...

read aphorism 260 and footnotes...and some before and after that...

I will keep with u no matter how u choose--but I want u know--it leaves me guessing--when certain symptoms are removed by other medicines...just what is what...

why u say "...My body does not deal well with toxins ...and it never will..."?

styes --same location usually get them? what differences and likenesses (current/past)?
John Stanton 7 years ago
I say my body does not deal with toxins well because of the genetic mutation that I have. MTHFR. look it up. doubt it existed in Han's day. because my methyation process (ending in glutathione) is hindered, my body functions at a maximum of about 40% detox capability. that's my genetics. no medicine can change my genetics. that's why i say 'it never will'.

that's why i've kind of been questioning this whole thing. because what's my goal here? I can only just deal with symptoms for the rest of my life.
I don't know i'm just having doubts.

I will read those aphorisms.
thanks for stickin with me
rom109 7 years ago
oh, the styes.

they've always been in different spots...usually on my lower lid.
this one was on the top.
rom109 7 years ago
Sorry...typo up there...I meant methylation* and diminished by 40%
rom109 7 years ago
So this is new. My son today has been crying-- like 911 fit-throwing-- whenever I take something away from him. He usually only does this when he's super tired, and even then, it's never been this extreme.
rom109 7 years ago
My head is itching today and my hair is falling out a bit more than usual.
rom109 7 years ago
So today my son's right ear is really bothering him. He's itching/rubbing it and when I press (gently) on it he leans in to my pressure as if it is a deep itch. It's only the right ear.
rom109 7 years ago
He's also got semi soft stools that seem to be slightly burning.

All day he's been pretty cranky. Just crawling around whimpering/whining/crying the whole way.
I'm kind of worried about his ear.
rom109 7 years ago
what is teething status?
check glands on that side..relate what is noticed..and son's response to touching theses areas..
John Stanton 7 years ago
He doesn't like me messing with his face like that. He acts like it tickles and he doesn't want to sit still for such an inspection lol.
I don't notice any swelling in his glands.

Last night/yesterday he was pretty unhappy and acting in pain from his teeth so I gave him some children's Motrin. I know masking symptoms is not homeopathic but he's a babe and I'm not going to let him be so uncomfortable.
rom109 7 years ago
I have a question ....
Do you only consider hahnemans originally proved remedies in his material medics as "classic homeopathy"?
rom109 7 years ago
Materia Medica***
Stupid auto correct
rom109 7 years ago

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