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Sore throat, Ear pain Right Side only 3


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left side sore throat

Woke up with left side sore throat, hurts when swallow.
Feels better with warm drinks or steam.
bad mood. Easily get angry.

Any remedy that may help me get rid of this quickly?
  bluesky77 on 2016-06-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
you a full time mum?
what anger incidents had,that do not usually?
exact throat location?tonsil area?deeper?...etc
John Stanton 8 years ago
Hi! yes, full time mum.
I got angry when my son didn't want to wear the new orange sweater rather than the red! Totally silly reason.
But I am also suffering from infertility, have been trying to get pregnant for 2 years with no results, and that aggravates my anger. I try to control myself but during the 2 weeks wait (when you wait to see if you are indeed pregnant) I tend to get very angry.

Anyway, sore throat is a little deeper down the throat, let's say midway down the throat only on the left side. Location doesn't switch, same, and started suddenly this morning.
Feels better with hot steam and when I eat.
bluesky77 8 years ago
better when eat---is this in reference to swallowing food --it I s better?
temperature of food make a difference?
this still apply to warm drinks?
John Stanton 8 years ago
how just swallowing (empty) saliva only affect throat?
John Stanton 8 years ago
Food (any temperature) and warm drink help.

Saliva hurts.
bluesky77 8 years ago
single dose nux vomica 30c

2-3 pellets in 4 oz water--stir heavy--1 tablespoon dose...no repeat dose

take dose before sleep tonight -not before

no coffee

no eating 1-2 hours before taking dose..

keep informing of changes or not
John Stanton 8 years ago
Thank you
bluesky77 8 years ago
appreciate the thanks--but lets see if help is had and then it will be deserved
John Stanton 8 years ago
I haven't taken my night remedy yet but feel worse. The sore throat is moving to the right side. My nose is starting to run, cough and my head is starting to hurt ... will Take the nux vom in an hour.
Will update tom morning.
bluesky77 8 years ago
Morning : was sweating all night (not usual, i am usually always cold) might have had slight fever.
sore throat move also to the right side now my whole throat hurts. It hurts when I don't swallow and hurts more wen I do swallow.

Not feeling well at all overall.
bluesky77 8 years ago
u have Lachesis on hand at home? potency?

whats u mood like?
John Stanton 8 years ago
Bad mood, don't want to talk to anyone. Try to wiser not to hurt my throat but nobody can hear me which makes me more mad.

I have lachesis mutus 200
bluesky77 8 years ago
bryonia 30c
2-3 pellets in 4 oz water-stri heavy--1 tablespoon dose...
no repeat dose

if no 30c then use 200c if have...

take now
John Stanton 8 years ago
I was sure I had bryonia but don't. Went to a store nearby but couldn't find it.
took some herbal remedies but my throat is still not totally good yet.
bluesky77 8 years ago
Sore throat seems better.
now I am left with a dry cough.
mood is better too.
bluesky77 8 years ago
And a runny nose.
bluesky77 8 years ago
Actually it's not runny buy yellow mucus.
bluesky77 8 years ago
keep mindful of any thing that may come up..as this acute ill passes--chronic ill symptomology will show -providing information as to treatment of chronic ill--as long as no antipathic/allopathic substances are being used to complicate the illness characteristics---

chronic ill symptomology will show brightest at point acut eill is settled...and slowly the observer get s used to these little pieces of information--and overfocuses on MAIN complaint--no the subltlties...this is all to help u ---for any treatment u seek for in ability get pregnant...
John Stanton 8 years ago
I don't believe I understood what you mean....

Not treating fertility as there are no shown issues. Just praying.
bluesky77 8 years ago
sorry for tech talk--just sharing- main thought-is to keep an eye on ur son and ur healing since the latest small (acute) ill u both passing thru--these symtpoms will help guide for chronic ills-----I mention pregnancy--because --this is treatable..for a female or male with sterility----
John Stanton 8 years ago
doesn't look like I made it that much clearer....
John Stanton 8 years ago
A little clearer :) thanks
bluesky77 8 years ago
BTW I tried homeopathy for fertility last year but unfortunately it didn't help.
bluesky77 8 years ago
its hard for me to base an honest opinion of a case--by another prescribers cures and failed cures....I will need take case , prescribe ,,and access from that view......ur decision ....as said before---main thing is remove all that can interfere with treatment..or at least be aware of its potential of interfering....dietary substances is most obvious way to start---any thing that is used for 'raising' health (other than nutritious foods/drinks)..medicinal in its nature--is to be removed--

whole healthy foods/drinks encouraged...u think it through
John Stanton 8 years ago
Hi can we try again? I won't take other remedies but if I don't have the right remedy on hand it may be a problem as no store near me sells homeopathy remedies and to order on line it may take days .... I Ned some relief pretty quick as I am traveling on Sunday :(

Symptoms got worse:

No more sore throat but still irritated.
dry hacking cough
Runny nose (clear and light yellow discharge).
Teeth ache.
clicking in ears

I am sensitive, angry, frustrated person.
very thin.
Dry skin.
trying to give as much info as I can.

My son is doing better although he is now taking a nap which is very very very unusual.
bluesky77 8 years ago

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