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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Nat phos please help

Can Nat Phos cause sleep disturbance? My 4 month old has been on it a week and will just not sleep!
Please help!
  jRoberts on 2015-10-17
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You may want to ask the person who advised this in the first place!

Homeopathy works on “individualization” i.e. the remedy for GERD which will work on one child may not work on another. There are several remedies for GERD. Nat-Phos is promoted by a particular person as THE remedy for curing GERD by selectively quoting parents benefiting from his Nat-Phos protocol. This is not only incorrect but totally against the principles of “individualization” in homeopathy. Desperate parents would do anything to get the cure but blindly going for Nat-Phos is not the route as many have found the hard way. It’s a case of common sense & statistics. If you give Nat-Phos to 100 kids for GERD, some are bound to improve, it doesn’t mean that it’s THE remedy for GERD. Be sensible and consult a classical homeopath who gives only one single remedy at a time, waits for the remedy to work and discloses the name of the remedy.

If someone is giving several remedies, without waiting to see the effect of one remedy, then it is totally against the core principles of homeopathy. Such an approach is unlikely to give permanent cure, rather it may distort actual symptoms making subsequent cure even more difficult.
fitness 8 years ago
Unfortunately, antacids and other allopathic medicines mess up true symptoms which are essential for finding the right homeopathic remedy and curing the case. The allopathic medicines are suppressive in nature and the longer they are used, the more difficult cure becomes. Allopathic medicines should be the last resort when all else fails.

Probiotics are good for the gut but they don’t suite everyone. So carefully observe the before & after of starting probiotics.
fitness 8 years ago

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