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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

For Dr, Evocationer, Case of Hives

This is about my son, 20 yrs old, college student in California, living in dorm and eating out for last 2 years.
For the past 6 weeks, he has been sufffering from a severe case of hives, (aka urticaria), big bumpy sploches appear and disappear on will, anywhere on body, generally away from face, more frequently on torso, back and thighs.
Remedies that I tried in the first week by using the auto-remedy-finder were Apis 30 and Rhus Tox 30. As no improvement showed after a week, we consulted a local homeopath, who in initial consultation diagnosed his personality type as Lycopodium, and then prescribed to take the same in 1 lm potency, liquid form to be taken after thumping ten times, 5-7 drops in distilled water, once daily for 20 days, then wait to see the results. All said and done, he is still suffering acutely. Should we wait for some more days to see results or would you advice another recourse?
  jaymitt on 2015-05-07
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
PL stop all other medicines and start
1. Aresnic Alb-200 6 pills twice a day for one week and then give feedback

Hemeo Helper
[message edited by homeo_helper on Fri, 08 May 2015 04:53:23 BST]
homeo_helper 9 years ago
Thanks, I will be able to give it to him only next week, when he comes home. He was supposed to come today, but cancelled due to bad weather.
I will report back to you as soon as I can. Thanks for your help.
jaymitt 9 years ago
No effect, he is still getting them almost everyday.
jaymitt 8 years ago
In addition to Arsenic Alb-200 Pl take
Urtica Urence-Q 4 drops 2 twice a day in 2 teaspoon water.
Pl keep 30-40 minutes gap between two medicines
Pl give feedback after one week
Homeo Helper
homeo_helper 8 years ago
Dear Jaymitt,

A homeopathic remedy is based on the totality
of the person and to get that one has to take
the case in detail, mental, physical, emotional,
better and worse, etc.

Prescriptions should be one remedy at a time
in the minimum dose. Doses should stop when
there is a reaction to see what is next.You
cannot blindly do a protocol. Also the remedy
finder is only good for short term acute things
that resolve by themselves.

I suggest that you either go back to your real
homeopath or you can try two by phone. One is
Mary Aspinwall in Santa Barbara, and the other
is Lia Bello ( nurse homeopath) in New Mexico-
505 474 4917- both teach homeopathy and have
well over 20 years experience.

Or you can click prescribers names on here.
See who you are talking to, what their posts
are, how long they have been on here,etc
and ask for someone by name -create new threads.(don't ask
for Evocationer as he has been absent)

The forum was not set up to be a clinic but a discussion
about homeopathy and health. Anyone can join and prescribe if
they want to and it is unfortunate that it is up to forum
members to post when they think advice is not correct.
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 06 Jun 2015 19:52:58 UTC]
simone717 8 years ago

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