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Anxiety disorders

I have anxiety disorders like anxiety, excess fear, tension, depression, over thinking, head burning, muscle tiredness and strain, very less confidence, very less concentration and focus and also I have very weak memory please help me out with the remedy thanking you sir.
  chinni123 on 2015-03-31
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
it is advisable to take constitutional homoeopathic medicine

If u are interested, then please fill up following format

preliminary data :
name : birth date:
age: sex :
marital status:
presenting c/o :
location sensation modalities concomitants

ho presenting complaint :

family history :
medicinal history:

personal history
general physical examination:
ht: wt: bmi:
built: pulse: - bp:
lymph nodes:
systemic examination:
per abdomen:
oe (local examination)
• (1+) = mild = 1-4/10
• (2+) = moderate = 5-7/10
• (3+) = severe = 8-10/10
yes no
bruising /scars

mental and emotional state

you have already provided some details , but it will be more helpful to prescibe with more specific detailings

please stress more on personal history n her behaviour, nature, othe likings n dislikings, emotions and mental state
DR. R. S. SABADRA 9 years ago
Thank you DR.R.S.SABADRA for reply please suggest me the remedy

Name: P.Pradeep

Birth date: 03-02-1991

Age: 24

Sex: Male

Marital status: Unmarried

Address: D.No.20-49-S11-1749, kothapalli, korlagunta, Tirupati-517501 (Chittoor dist.), Andhra Pradesh, India.

Occupation: Student

Religion: Hindu

Family history: no one have these type of symptoms

Medicinal history: 10 months back I had taken treatment for anxiety disorders from a psychiatrist he had given treatment for almost 4 months and then he stopped the treatment after that upto 3 months i feel same as in the treatment period only then again everything is back that too i feel some more new symptoms and increment in the effect of the symptoms.
The new symptoms are heart beat like drums sound for few seconds and it happens only once and my heart pulse rate is odd because of fear.

Personal history: Actually from my childhood i am very sensitive because my parents didn't allow me to play games outside and they didn't allow me to go outside more like this they made me as sensitive person even if someone scolds me i will become fear and depression from my childhood and i can't memorise most of the childhood activities of mine because of very less memory sorry for the less information about my childhood.

Desires: my strong desire is come out of this diseases and i want to become healthy person and i want to achieve more in my life.

Aversion: talking more and i have great aversion on myself.

Thirst: i feel like drinking more water because my body is hot type.

Appetite: -

Addiction: over thinking.

Urine: normal

Bowels: i have acidity problem.

Perspiration: high and bad smell

Sleep: sleep is good but i can't able to sleep due to disturbances like over thinking.

Dreams: low

Height: 6 feet

Weight: 75 kgs

Built: little fat

Mental and emotional state: excess fear, depression, tension for even small things, over thinking for unnecessary things, self confidence is very low, always muscle tiredness and strain on neck, very shy, phobias like even someone not calling but i hear like they are calling, irritation ,frustration, feeling like i am useless, and i hate my life and sometimes desire to death, very weak memory(important).
[message edited by chinni123 on Wed, 01 Apr 2015 07:30:18 BST]
[message edited by chinni123 on Wed, 01 Apr 2015 14:50:42 BST]
chinni123 9 years ago
after studying your case, i would like to suggest you the following

alumina 200, 3 doses, 8 hourly

followed by,

white chest nut bud, 4 pills in morning
and larch, 4pills at night for 7 days

follow up after 7 days
DR. R. S. SABADRA 9 years ago

[message deleted by dear326 on Fri, 03 Apr 2015 10:18:31 BST]
dear326 9 years ago
Thank you so much for your valuable remedy. Alumina 200 is available in pills form so what is the dosage and there are chestnut bud and white chestnut in this which one i have to take.
chinni123 9 years ago
Alumina 200, 10 pills per dose

N take white chestnut
DR. R. S. SABADRA 9 years ago
Hi DR.R.S.SABADRA Sorry for the delay, i had taken remedy as per your suggestion. The results are for first dose i.e., morning dose on first day i felt like i was in the new world without unknown thoughts, pleasant mind like that, but it is only for approximately 2 hours after that i was back to previous situation. But i didn't stop the medication i had taken it for 7 days as per suggestion. At present i don't feel any improvement in my symptoms, all are same as previous. Please help me sir i am facing very bad situation.
chinni123 9 years ago
Hi chinni,

Please click Dr. Sabadra's name and send him
an email that you have replied. He may not
be getting email alerts. Let him know your poster
name on here when you do this.
simone717 9 years ago
Thanks for your response DR.Simone i had replied as you said to DR.Sabadra but he is not responding. Please help me sir.
chinni123 9 years ago
Dear Chinni,

I will find another person to help you. You will have to answer
more questions- probably a new remedy will be chosen for you.

I would like to know, if the psychiatrist had you on medication?
And if so, what was it and have you stopped it?

Are you taking any other medications, homeo, allopathic, herbs,

I am going to ask Gaintrox on here if he can take over- if not I will
find someone else.


simone717 9 years ago
Thank very much for your reply.
At present i am not taking any type of medication. Few days back i had taken homeopathy as per DR.Sabadra suggestion, present i am not taking any medication.
chinni123 9 years ago
Thanks, I have contacted Gaintrox, so we will know in
the next day whether he can
help you.
simone717 9 years ago
Ok sir thank you very much.
chinni123 9 years ago
Hi Chinni,

Please make a new thread for yourself.
List what you have taken so far.

Someone will have to retake your case and
ask questions-

Sometimes this happens on here, people
help out for a short time and then disappear.


simone717 9 years ago
i am going to need some more information putting question shortly.
gaintrox 9 years ago
1- What do u worry about when u over think?

2-how long u have been feeling depressed ?

3- do ur head feel heavy when u are depressed?(like feverish or ears are close feeling dark ,etc)

4-do u have feeling/afraid as if something awful might happen? tell me about ur fears ?

5- Are there some certain event which make u feel more depressed after that ?(like a break up,death of loves one ,etc)

6- do u stay in hostel ,or with few friends ,or alone,or with family?

7-If u can ask ur parents that did any of ur relatives or grand/great grand parents had any type of metal disorder?

8-do u think that ur symptoms aggregates due to acidity?

9- do u masturbate?If yes how often ?

10-do u use alcohol or cigarette ,or any thing to make u feel better when u feel depressed/afraid? at which time of day u feel worse?

11-do u have any major disease in past or surgery?

12- did these symptoms started after certain major disease or medication or vaccination or surgery?
gaintrox 9 years ago
Very very thankful for taking my case sir GAINTROX.

1. Usually my over thinking is on unusual things and its not related to particular thing whatever i saw next minute i think overly on that particular thing without my sense.

2. About 1 year.

3. I feel burning in my head and heavy too sometimes i feel like want to hit my head hard because i can't tolerate that burning and heavyness. I feel relief from burning when i was pouring cold water on my head and after quitting of pouring water the next minute i feel again burning, heavyness and i feel my ears also burning only when i met strangers.

4. In almost all situations i feel fear like to go outside and met someone even i know that person and mostly i fear on my future.

5. Actually i don't have any situations like that but few years back we are in bad financial situations for few years. I think my depression may be starts at that time.

6. With my family.

7. No one has this mental disorder.

8. No not at all.

9. Yes. 2-3 times a day.

10. No i don't use but i feel free when i take alcohol.

11. No.

12. No.
[message edited by chinni123 on Fri, 01 May 2015 07:18:44 BST]
chinni123 9 years ago
1= do u masturbate 2-3 times a day or 2-3 times a week?

2=what changes take place in ur mind and body after masturbation ?
gaintrox 9 years ago
1. 2-3 times a day.
2. For few minutes i feel relaxation then back to previous situation.
chinni123 9 years ago
try ur best to avoid masturbation(It is key to many major diseases it side effects are very high.it is bad habit.

take AGNUS CASTUS 30c twice a day in empty stomach one dose at morning and other one before half-hour of taking dinner.(one dose is 4-6 globules ).do not eat and drink anything 15 min before and after taking the medicine.
report back after a week of taking medicine.
gaintrox 9 years ago
AS per your suggestion i had tried AGNUS CASTUS 30C but nothing works no improvements and no negatives. Please suggest me more.
chinni123 9 years ago
Sir i want to know why nothing is not working to me. Upto now i had tried Alumina200,white chestnut,Argentum nitricum, Agnus castus, Sulphur 30c nothing works to me. Please help me facing very bad situations day by day i am getting worse. If my body is not responding to the remedies what does it mean? Please please help me.
chinni123 9 years ago
how much u have succeeded in avoiding masturbation ?
gaintrox 9 years ago
somewhat i succeeded in avoiding masturbation i can say it upto 40%. Still i have that avoiding sense in my body.
[message edited by chinni123 on Fri, 15 May 2015 12:51:16 BST]
chinni123 9 years ago
it will take time but it is a great improvement that u have tried avoiding masturbation and u have succeeded to some extent
take same medicine for 5 more day .
This time add the medicine globules in little water(drinking water) In a bottle and shake the bottle until the globules dissolved.After that leave the mixture (of water and medicine in the bottle )for half an hour (make sure u close the cap tightly ) and then drink it. Take the doses like this and use a clean bottle for this.

take care.
[message edited by gaintrox on Fri, 15 May 2015 13:13:11 BST]
gaintrox 9 years ago

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