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L4-L5 disc degeneration

Dear All,
I am suffering from low back pain from last 1 year. 1.6 years ago i fall on road...after that not able to stand for long time ..now a days not able to stand more than 15-20 min..if i sit or take rest then again i can start work.I am working as software professional so working for 9/10hrs. I went to doctor and from MRI i came to know that I have P.I.D

Please find the MRI report:-

L4-L5: disc degeneration,with reduced disc height,posterior intra-discal T2-hyperintensity,diffuse posterior disc bulge effecting the ventral epidural fat.

Doctor suggested me for exercise and few pain killers..if no luck then he will go for operation..

I am 34y old having 2 kids..Please help me ....I am not interested for operation..

A ghosh
[message edited by ghoshdastidar1980 on Sat, 09 May 2015 14:23:03 BST]
  ghoshdastidar1980 on 2015-01-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Few more

Not able to stand more than 15-20min

mostly the pain shoots from my right side of waist through my groin to my right leg.

Feel pain when i go upstairs

Not able to sit without chair with pillow
front bending is not possible

for me because i feel stiffness on my back

Could you please suggest some medicine (ifany)
[message edited by ghoshdastidar1980 on Sat, 31 Jan 2015 03:17:07 GMT]
ghoshdastidar1980 9 years ago
take arnica 30 three doses per day for two days. this will relieve. meanwhile please answer the following with as much detail as possible.

1 Name
2 Age
3 sex
4 Height and Weight
5 Main problem
6 Any other problem
7 The problem is better or worse from (heat/cold/movement/rest/pressure)
8.Appetite and thirst (excessive/ normal/less) with likes and dislikes for different tastes and food.
9 Preference for climate (hot/moderate/cold/dry/wet)
10 quantity and quality of sleep with preffered position.
11 dreams if any.
12 Perspiration (how much and where)
13 Stool (hard/soft/normal) and frequency.
14 Urine (quantity/colour/frequency) difficulty if any.
15 Describe yourself as a person.
16 Opinion of other people close to you about yourself (extremely helpful to the doctor if provided)
17 Family medical history (parents/ grand parents/brothers/sisters)
18 Treatment taken in the past.
19 present medication if any
20. any other information you would like to provide.
telescope 9 years ago
1 Name : Anirban Ghosh
2 Age : 34
3 sex: M
4 Height and Weight: 5ft11inch 68kgs
5 Main problem :low back pain.
Not able to stand more than 15to 20min... mostly the pain shoots from my right side of waist through my groin to my right leg

Feel pain when i go upstairs

Not able to sit without chair with pillow

Front bending is not possible for me as i feel very stiffness on my back(near to waist).

6 Any other problem :No

7 The problem is better or worse from (heat/cold/movement/rest/pressure) : Suppose i am feeling pain then if i get rest for 45min then i feel good.Better in rest. Worst in standing for more than 15min. Pain increased in winter.

8.Appetite and thirst (excessive/ normal/less) with likes and dislikes for different tastes and food: Normal,.Like sweets

9 Preference for climate (hot/moderate/cold/dry/wet) Hot. I hate winter

10 quantity and quality of sleep with preferred position: Very poor sleep. I wakeup frequently when our babies (1.9years old) cry in between sleep. Last 2 years I am facing this problem. Not able to get a deep sleep from a long time. Now a days i am taking Ayurveda Pill Stresskom (dabour) this give me a good sleep. I have seen if i get a good sleep my pain reduce.

11 dreams if any. No dreams
12 Perspiration (how much and where)

13 Stool (hard/soft/normal) and frequency.: Normal

14 Urine (quantity/colour/frequency) difficulty if any: Normal

15 Describe yourself as a person.: I work in I.T for last 10y. so everyday i sit for along time .I was hard working (now a days due to this problem not able to work much); well discipline,honest person.

16 Opinion of other people close to you about yourself (extremely helpful to the doctor if provided) :My parents are very close to me , I have one pet dog I love him a lot. He is close to my heart.I have 2 little kids (1.9 years old)..love them a lot

17 Family medical history (parents/ grand parents/brothers/sisters)
: My mom is a heart patient

18 Treatment taken in the past. :- Went to Chennai Apollo. From there i came to know that
L4-L5: disc degeneration,with reduced disc height,posterior intra-discal T2-hyperintensity,diffuse posterior disc bulge effecting the ventral epidural fat.

Currently taking I.F.T therapy along with pain killers (for 15 days)

19 present medication if any: Currently taking I.F.T therapy along with pain killers (for 15 days)

20. any other information you would like to provide.

I am then only earning member of my family..If i am not able to continue my job then my family come to road. Please help me if you can...

A ghosh
[message edited by ghoshdastidar1980 on Sun, 01 Feb 2015 05:16:30 GMT]
[message edited by ghoshdastidar1980 on Sat, 09 May 2015 14:38:31 BST]
ghoshdastidar1980 9 years ago
please collect Calcarea Carb 200 and keep it ready. we will assess the action of arnica and then decide when to take calcarea. your problem has a lot to do with sitting for long hours. get up and walk for two or three minutes after every half hour initially. you may learn some yoga exercises to keep your backbone in good condition.
telescope 9 years ago
Dear Dr
Thanks for reply. Every day i am doing some Yoga which was instructed by Apollo Physiotherapy department.I am continuing Arnica Montana 30 LIQUID (Company HAPCO). I will update you.

A ghosh
[message edited by ghoshdastidar1980 on Sat, 09 May 2015 14:39:02 BST]
ghoshdastidar1980 9 years ago
Dear DR,

I am going to purchase Calcarea Carb 200. It will be liquid or globule?

A Ghosh
ghoshdastidar1980 9 years ago
Buy liquid small bottle (10ml) from any reputed brand if available. otherwise buy globules.
telescope 9 years ago
Dear DR,

Pain reduced.I am taking 1/2 cup water with 10drops Arnica 30. Shall i continue the same? One strange thing in cold season my pain increase but when the summer come gradually the pain reduce..

A Ghosh
ghoshdastidar1980 9 years ago
stop medicine and observe how long the relief continues. take medicine when the pains come back. you need to put 2or3 drop only. please inform relief in percentage
telescope 9 years ago
Ok Sir.what about Calcarea Carb 200,.Please let me know when i will start it.
ghoshdastidar1980 9 years ago
in this type of cases Arnica is the first medicine to be used till it is no longer capable of giving relief. many cases recover on arnica alone . Calcarea Carb will be needed only after arnica stops acting.
telescope 9 years ago
Dear Sir,
I stopped Arnica30 day before yesterday.From yesterday night again i am feeling mild pain and stiffness when i am seating for 30min. at a time. As per your advice after 20min i take a break for 5 min when i am working at office. But sometimes(i am travelling ) it is not possible. When I walk very quickly then I am feeling pain at back.. if I walk slowly then it is ok.Please let me know your concern.
A Ghosh
[message edited by ghoshdastidar1980 on Thu, 05 Feb 2015 14:14:29 GMT]
ghoshdastidar1980 9 years ago
take arnica once more.
telescope 9 years ago
Again the LOW back pain started... last few days taking Arnica30 3times ..but this time no result.. please advice
ghoshdastidar1980 9 years ago
you can take Calcarea Carb now. only one dose preferably at night. do not eat or drink any sour article. report in 3 days.
telescope 9 years ago
Dear Sir,
Pain reduced after taking Calcarea Carb 200 (liquid).shall i take this medicine along with Arnica 30? how long i will continue C.Carb 200.
A Ghosh
[message edited by ghoshdastidar1980 on Sat, 09 May 2015 14:39:48 BST]
ghoshdastidar1980 9 years ago
do not take any more medicine whether arnica or calcarea Carb. you cannot use more than one medicine at one time. calcarea Carb 200 will work for around 20 days . therefore you will have to wait for around that many days. any repetition of medicine before time will lead to very bad consequences.
telescope 9 years ago
I feel pain when in weekends... because i go to market..play with my kids...please give me medicine so that i can balance my personal life
ghoshdastidar1980 9 years ago
take one dose Calcarea Carb 1m.
telescope 9 years ago
Again i am not able to stand more than 10min...If i walk then it is ok ... but unable to stand..in my place rain started...
ghoshdastidar1980 8 years ago
take Calcarea Carb 1m one dose again. acquire calcarea Carb 10 m and keep it ready.
telescope 8 years ago

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