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Acute respiratory infection - best dilution for children? Page 8 of 9

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Hi Evocationer,

This morning it looks like he has a little bit more secretions in his nose, that are getting down through his throat. Until he can cough the post nasal mucus make him a little hoarse and it's sounds like he need to hawk.
What should I do?
[message edited by aflorea on Mon, 20 Apr 2015 07:11:10 BST]
aflorea 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

He coughed much more today and from his throat the mucus sounded like a rattling. When I sprayed the salt water in his nostrils the mucus dissolved and the sound of rattling disappeared.
His nose dos not seems stuffed up. He could breath with his mouth closed.
He was happy during the day, loving and communicative.
I'm worried that this acute may become worse. My health is worse so if he has the same virus I hope he will not get worse.
Please guide me what should I do?
He took Calc Carb 200c 4 days ago.

Thank you.
[message edited by aflorea on Mon, 20 Apr 2015 20:10:59 BST]
aflorea 9 years ago
Try to let him deal with it himself. The Calc carb will still be active in his system right now. We don't want to unnecessarily aggravate him. He seems better overall, so just watch him and let me know if anything becomes problematic.

I have posted some questions for you on your post to try and help you through this cold.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

His cough get worse. It sounds full and his voice it's horse probably from the mucus that remains in the back between the nose and the throat. He cough more than yesterday in this morning.
After he drunk his milk he burped and the burp make him cough and he vomited a small quantity of digested milk.
Also his sleep was restless last night. He did not manage to go to sleep alone last evening and he woke up crying after an hour or so and I had to put him into my bed.
Now he is trying to take his morning nap and he is still coughing.
I gave him some cough syrup - Koflet. Is it OK?
He took Calc Carb 200c 6 days ago.
I am worried about his state now, what should i do?

[message edited by aflorea on Wed, 22 Apr 2015 08:30:49 BST]
aflorea 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

After he woke up from his morning nap he still coughed a lot and he had that hoarse voice so I gave him another dose of Calcarea Carb. 200c.
I hope that will not upset you, but I knew that you will not be able to see my post only after 12 or more hours.

This dose it looks like was good for him. He did not coughed so much and he does not have that hoarse voice anymore. Also he could breath through his mouth easily today.

Thank very much for your time and understanding.

aflorea 9 years ago
That would have been my suggestion anyway, based on the continual worsening. It is good to see the remedy working even on his acutes.
Evocationer 9 years ago

So now I will let the remedy work? One dose is it enough for this acute?

aflorea 9 years ago
Here is 5 o'clock in the morning. He begin to cough in sleep for an hour now. What should I do?
aflorea 9 years ago
Wait to see what happens. 200c is a deep acting potency, and there may be some ups and downs while it works.

I'll keep checking your thread for updates this afternoon and evening.
[message edited by Evocationer on Thu, 23 Apr 2015 03:27:45 BST]
Evocationer 9 years ago
Hope it's just an upside down. From the last experiences when he is coughing so often in the night the next day he wake up with bronchitis.

Thank you.
aflorea 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

Second day after Calc Carb 200c.
He still coughed today also during his nap. In the evening his salivation get worse and also his blocked nose. He could not breath through his nose.
Also the eczema from the face get worse.
He was happy during the day, but he need my constant company.

Thank you.
aflorea 9 years ago
Can you get hold of Lycopodium 200c?
Evocationer 9 years ago
Yes. I think I can.
aflorea 9 years ago

I have Lycopodium 200c.
Please, let me know when I can give him.

Thank you.
aflorea 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

3 days after the last dose of calc Carb 200c


Nose discharge 80%
Nose blocked 70%
Cough 80%
Salivation increased 60%
Stool - diarrhea (from the cough syrup), burning his skin 100%
Eczema from the face and neck 60%
Sleep - tossing and crying 70%

Mental - weeping and grumpy (when it's in my company or in the house)
Tonsil enlarged

We went to the pediatric doctor and he said that he is OK, the cough it's from the nose discharge. But he has a lot of nose discharges, hope he will not go worse. I only use the see water for the nose and a cough syrup.
I know that Lycopodium follow well Calcarea Carb and it's part of a trio remedy: Sulfur-Calcarea-Lyc. So I hope his state will not get worse and it will not be necessary to give him an alopatic treatment and to break down this trio.
Have a nice weekend.

[message edited by aflorea on Mon, 27 Apr 2015 00:27:32 BST]
aflorea 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

Saturday his state was going down with a lot of nose secretions and cough so I gave him another dose of Calcarea Carb 200c.

So after this dose:

Nose secretions 40%
Nose blocked 20%
Cough 40%
Stool 90%
Mental 90%
Sleep 90%


Eczema from the neck and face
- 30%.

I was afraid to give him Lycopodium and not being able to contact you over the week-end. I was thinking that if his mental state and general state did not get worse (because of Calcarea) and he is in acute stage Calcarea will not make him worse, only probably will do nothing. (also took into consideration his lasts reaction at calcarea). Is it a correct thinking from homeopathy point of view?
I do think that his mental - weeping and needing me more, was because his canine tooth it's still breaking up from the gum. Also the salivation.
The diarrhea was from the cough syrup - Prospan. A friend told me that she has the same problem with her kids and that in the prospect of the syrup. After I stooped giving him this syrup his stool was better. So I did not consider his diarrhea a worsening become of calcarea.

Thank you.
[message edited by aflorea on Mon, 27 Apr 2015 00:44:16 BST]
[message edited by aflorea on Mon, 27 Apr 2015 04:57:16 BST]
aflorea 9 years ago
Well perhaps we should give him a dose of Calc 1M instead, if he is still doing well on the Calc generally?
Evocationer 9 years ago
1m it's the same with 1lm?
[message edited by aflorea on Mon, 27 Apr 2015 08:05:33 BST]
aflorea 9 years ago
I called to the pharmacy and they have Calcarea Carb 1M. (found in the internet the difference of M and LM). I will have it in an hour.
How should I use it?
I want to say that mental today he is 100% better.
Only 50% improvement in his nose secretion and cough.

Thank you
aflorea 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

I gave him this morning a dose of Calcarea Carb 1M.

The only significant change was in his sleep during the day. He had 2 long naps today. The previous days he had only one nap during the day. I am not sure, maybe I could say that his energy was worse after this dose. Also I can say that mental was 50% worse in the evening, probably because of the tiredness.
The nose secretions were a little bit worse, also the cough - 5-10%.
No other changes.
Nose blocked
Tonsils enlarged

aflorea 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

Still no change in his nose secretions and in his cough. His general state is good, he was happy today even he stayed all day long in the house because it's raining.
He was not so tired like yesterday.
Do you think that Calcarea it's still working in this acute?

Thank you.
aflorea 9 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

6 days after Calc Carb 1M:
Nose secretions - 60% (today he did not have so much secretions)
Cough - 60%
Sleep - 95%
Mental - 100%
Eczema from the face -75%
Eczema from the neck - 85%

Salivation - sometimes
Nose blocked
Enlarged tonsils
Open fontanel
Stool normal now, like before this dose (from morning until evening his stool changed from smelling sour and burning his skin to a stool that smell normal and not burning his skin. Previous days he had a burning stool).

Eyes - just a few eyes discharges in the morning.

It looks like my patience (not giving him anything for his nose secretions) and my confidence that Calcarea will help him pas this cold worked. Hope that tomorrow he will have much less nose secretions or none.

Thank you.
[message edited by aflorea on Sun, 03 May 2015 20:45:09 BST]
aflorea 8 years ago
Hi Simone,

two weeks ago I gave him Calc Carb. 1M. I saw that E. it's not online so I've waited to come back.

Today he had diarrhea. He did nt whant to eat anything. Evocationeer mentioned for the next step Lycopodium 200c. So I gave him one dose today. After this dose he was hunger and he ate quite well. But in this night (here is around 3 AM) he had another diarrhea stool. Probably from the formula.
I gave him probiotics. What should I do? Should I gave him another dose of Lycopodium.
Eructation like he is having a lot of acidity to the stomach. I can hear noises from his stomach. Stool smelling very sour.

Thank you.
PS: Can I gave him Sulfur if Lycopodium dose not work? He took Sulfur-Calcarea-Lycopodium. Can he take again Sulfur?
aflorea 8 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

In case you will be online in this week-end, here is what happened in the last weeks.
17 days ago I gave to my son Calcarea Carb. 1M. He was still with a running nose at that moment. After a week his nose secretions stooped. But he had no other chances in his condition. Meaning his nose blocked (polyps), enlarged tonsils, salivation increased sometimes and open fontanel. He had some relapse on his stool and eczema and than became better.
But 3 or 4 days ago he had diarrhea and I did not know what to do. To give him another dose of Calc. carb. 1M or to move further to Lycopodium 200c, remedy that you mentioned a few days before you get sick. Finally I decided to give him Lycopodium 200c, considering that under 1M he should not have problems with his stool and that Calc Carb probably it's not working anymore.
He was week and not hungry, from his stomach you could hear some sounds. He had eructation and dry cough from this eructations. The stool was creamy, not watery and a lot, breaking out from his pampers, smelling sour but was not burning his skin.
After 10 or 15 minutes of Lycopodium 200c dose (5/12) he was hungry again. He ate quite good in that day and the days after. I could say that he craves for salty food, he want to eat ham and he dose not what to eat the biscuits that he usually eats between his meals.
After two days he had no change in his stool. He had diarrhea in the night and morning and I guess was from his milk formula. During the day, after the solid food he did not have problems with his stool. I gave him probiotics and yesterday I gave him a powder from tannic acid. Prospect says that it's acting only local as an noninflammatory and it's not absorbed by the system. So I though that will not interfere with the homeopath remedy. No change in his stool after the first two doses of this powder, so after 2 days I gave him another dose of Lycopodium 200c.
Why did I gave him another dose of Lycopodium? Because I did not see any other changes after the first dose and I considered that he is in an acute state and maybe he need another dose. Today he had one normal stool in the morning and than 2 diarrhea stool. He is still eating very well, but he waked up with a running nose.
What I have notice from yesterday (before the second dose of Lyc) was that he was able to breath all day long through his nose. Today I've manage to take a look into his nostrils and it's looks like his polyps are reduced, meaning that his polyp from his right nostril it's not so big and it's not blocking his nostril anymore. Even he has this running nose and sneezing today, his polyps are not inflamed. I do want to think that his running nose it's a worsening and that he will be better in a day or two. Will see. No change in his tonsils.
His sleep got worse after Lycopodium. He is crying and tossing a lot. He wakes up crying even in the morning and he did not what to come into my arms immediately. He sweats on his head during sleep after Lycpodium.
Also his mental state it's not so good. He was nervous and irritable before Lycopodium and he still is.
His canine tooth it's been giving him a hard time, and I think that it is the cause of his diarrhea. He is constantly rub his finger into his mouth on the canine place.

So after Lycopodium 200c:

Enlarged tonsils
Mental - sometimes nervous and irritable

Eczema 50%
Sleep 85%

Nose polyps - 30%
Salivation - 50%
Appetite increased

New symptoms:
Nose - running (greenish)
Cough from the secretions of the nose
Sweats on the head during naps

Thank you.
Get well soon.


[message edited by aflorea on Fri, 15 May 2015 20:35:16 BST]
[message edited by aflorea on Sat, 16 May 2015 05:15:51 BST]
aflorea 8 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

Please read this post and the previous.

3 days after the second dose of Lycopodium 200c.

Enlarged tonsils

Eczema 30%
Sleep 35%

Stool - no diarrhea from yesterday, stool normal - 100%
Nose polyps - 30% (I think that the polyp from his right nostril it's reduced and the polyp from the left nostril it's a little beat increased, meaning that he breath more difficult than before through his left nostril.
Salivation - 75%
Appetite increased
Mental - sometimes nervous and irritable - 40%

New symptoms:
Nose - running (greenish) - some improvements today in the evening - better 30%
Cough from the secretions of the nose - better 30%
He did not sweats on the head during today's naps. - better 100%

I think that the improvements on his stool, mental, salivation and sleep are also because his tooth finally braked out through the gum.

aflorea 8 years ago
Hi Evocationer,

He is still having secretions from the nose, that are now going only through the throat and making him cough a lot in the first part of the day. What should I do?

Thank you.
aflorea 8 years ago

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