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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Acute advise on remedy for fever Please

My son age 5 has a high fever.
The symptoms are a cough which slightly loose with a barking kind of sound.
The fever started with tiredness and. Sudden lethargy but after a short nap his mood is good but the fever. Keeps going really high when he is asleep. He wakes feeling really nauseous from the fever and one time he was sick.
If I uncover him he is covered in goosebumps but he doesn't complain of being chilly he still says he feels ok or warm.
He is currently asleep and for the first time since the fever started the cheek that is visible is looking flushed.
Grateful for some quick advise please
  pixie wood on 2015-01-16
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Pl give him
1. Antimony Tart-30 6 pills thrice a day
2. Compound no-11 2 pallets thrice a day
Pl keep 30-40 minutes gap between 1 and 2
Pl give this treatment for 3 day s and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk 9 years ago
Thank you very much for responding.
My internet has been down and I didn't see this in time.
My son had some belladonna purely as I had no clue what to give him.
His cough has loosened and fever does seem a little less than it was.

His cough is very wet and he's been coughing in his sleep and I've had to sit him up. He coughed a lot until he went a bit red and it sounds so wet like there's so much mucous.
Should I go ahead with ant tart?

I need to add that thus child is super super sensitive to homeopathy and I never really give more than one dose and I see results but he usually gets worse before better so a few doses a day worries me.
Please don't think im doubting you or homeopathy.
I give my other son any remedy,and potency and any number of times a day needed as he isn't sensitive.
Many thanks
pixie wood 9 years ago
Pl give doses as suggested for one day and again observe what happens and write to me.

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk 9 years ago

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