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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

CHALAZION-please advise-


So, I've had a chalazion for the past month in my right upper eyelid. And yesterday, I got a new one in my left upper lid! I don't understand where these came from. In addition to these chalazia, I've been getting styes left and right. The styes are resolved in 2 days, so they aren't much of a problem. I've tried hot compresses for the chalazia, but they haven't done much. I've also taken anti-biotic drops which haven't done anything for them. The chalazion and styes seem to develop whenever I stay up late studying for a long period of time. But I can't just stop studying since I'm a student in college! Please give me some advice.
  mochan on 2005-12-12
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
please read the chalazia
dr.deoshlok sharma
deoshlok last decade
I just found incredible results that has practically gotten rid of mine in a week, try this and you will be glad you did, wash with antibacterial soap (I use Dial), then get Epson salts cheap get bigger one)put 50/50 in boiling water dip wash cloth (wring out in big towel so don't burn hands)and apply hot compresses keep dipping in hot water until cools which is quickly like 2-3 times before water cools, make sure you don't burn eye(I am doing this twice a day more may work faster)...then every other night I have applied a small dab of neosporin antibacterial ointment (do not get in eye) and amazingly mine is practically gone already less than week...Other stuff I found which did not try since this is working incredible for me are castor oil applied to cotton ball over night tape it on (said it work in 2 days on a boil), pure tea tree oil just a dab applied after shower, and turmeric capsules 450 mg, not sure what that is or where to get it suppose to be all natural and highly recommended for boils which is also blocked oil ducts, and potatoe slice applied for 30 minutes...so if epson salts, antibacterial soap and ointment don't work for you which the way it has for me I believe this is the answer to this problem, give one of the others a try until you find one that works for you...I also read to rub 14kt gold ring on clothes to get it hot and hold on the stye until it cools I did do this a couple times but I believe it is the above regimen that has really worked, don't want to try too many things at once then you won't know what really is working on it so try one at a time and check results I would give each a week before trying something else, luckly I have not had to try any of the others as the first is working awesome...Hope of some of this helps you as I know these chalazions are not a pretty sight and I wanted to get rid of mine as fast as possible and I believe I found the answer...Please try and I believe you will be amazed as I have...Best Regards...
Redhotrx7 last decade
yes, as the person above me said the hot ring technique DOES work i got one on new years eve and its already gone
but it doesn't matter if its gold or whatever any ring will do.
you just get the ring and rub it against jeans until it gets hot. if you are wearing the jeans at the moment it will make the process faster. Then you put the ring to the spot on your eye and thats it do it a couple of times. if by the next day it still wont' be gone but it'll probably be smaller just repeat the process. it also works with a spoon.
scor1800 last decade
This is on my left upper eyelid for the past 2.5 months. It has also occurred previously in my right lower eyelid, but even after taking some eye drops like ciplox it didn’t reduce. I totally left it unattended and it disappeared on its own. Then after a month or two it happened to my left upper eyelid. I tried some anti biotic given by a doctor to me named as 'Cap Nudoxy' for ten days. It didn’t work. Also i have been eating 'Triphala' daily in the night for the past 20 days or more. Someone told me it would help in the reduction of the disease. I would like to know is Sepia 200 or Staphisagria 200 would help to remove the disease from the root. I have been also recommended by the Doc to undergo a minor surgery to remove the boil but i have heard they still re-occur later. I wanted a permanent cure to it. Do let me know the dose also.
shaktikroy last decade
ive been gettin about 3 chalazions now a year for 8 years now..i tried the silicea..no effect..hot compresses made it bigger..i started doing the 1st recommendation with the antibacterial soap and epson salt..tried it for about 3 days then stopped because i went to the doc n he gave me an ointment for my eye..but it just left my 3 chalazions even more swollen and red, so i just stopped that, and theyre not red or swollen anymore, theyre just there..big lumps..im gettin them removed march 5th..doc told me to take FISH OIL 1200mg 3x/day..he said chalazions can be a cause of low omega fat, which u will get from the fish oil caps..hopefully thatll help or im screwed forever..also tried the castor oil 2 nights but i only left it 2 hrs a night, so im gonna start that again tonight and keep it on till the morning, hopefully it doesnt fail me!!!!!!!!! plz god
manarh2002 last decade
Chalazion is curable.
Yu have to treat under a hompath for that,than taking just hearsay medicines.As in every case,the case should be studied and treated.
Some remedies found effective are-Staphysagria,calc flour,lyc,silicia,palatanus,etc
PANNAKKAL last decade
Hi Everyone!!! If You Have A Chalazion You Must Not Try To Pop It!!! Do Not Go See The Doctor Unless The Described Method Does Not Work!!! Buy Some Ginger In Its Raw Form At Your Local Grocery Store, You Will Find It In The Fruits & Vegetables Section, For about 5-10 Cents You Can Buy Enough!!! Take It Home Go In Front Of A Mirror, Slice The Ginger With A Knife And You Will Notice What Looks Like Water Left On The Blade, Sweep Your Finger Across The Side Of The Knife To Pick Up The 'Water' And Gently Apply It To The Lump On The OUTSIDE Of Your Eyelid, Make Sure You DO NOT Get Any Of The Liquid From The Ginger In Your Eye! I Had One Of these Things And I Heard Ginger Worked So I Tried This Method And In ONE Week, After ONE Application, It Was Completely Gone!! It May Take More Than One Application (If Its Really Bad, You Tried To Pop It, etc.) Please Be Careful, Remember Not To Irritate or Play With It Aside From The Treatment, It Needs To Be Left Alone! Good Luck!
Teddy123 last decade

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