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Evocationer-constituional for my son Page 3 of 3

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A 200c could be given once every few weeks without any issue. As long as there is a continuing upward direction of improvement, rather than just a pattern of improvement and relapse where the same point is being reached each time (rather than a better point of health).

He may of course need a higher potency, and that is usually the first step after adjusting dosage has failed to further improve. You would do that before changing the remedy.

Where is he up to with all his symptoms? Go through the list again for me and consider each one.

Anger/vexation, beside himself
Obstinate in opinions or views
Easily hurt feelings
Bright red ears
Easily embarassed
Fear being alone at night
Unable to calm down
As if possessed (parent interpretation)
Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)
Sensitive to injury
Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut
Desires bread
Desires chocolate
Desires fruit
Averse milk
Sensitive to loud noise
Eyes sensitive to sunlight
Fear of shadows
Offended easily
Delusion suffers/being injured
Evocationer 9 years ago
OK I see. I remember you saying many people alternate between remedies so i didnt know if it was necessary.
Its hard to gauge because he did have a setback after he got his kindergarten vaccinations. My husband thinks its in my head, but I know its not. I'll tell you whether he still has symptom, if so how much improved from beginning. I'll also add some new things I've noticed and see if makes a difference.

Tantrums-occasional. Better by 65%

Anger/vexation, beside himself- occasional. Better by 65%. Mainly angry when being contradicted, can't get what wants.

Quarrelsome/argumentative- improved 70%.

Obstinate in opinions or views- yes. Improved 30%.

Easily hurt feelings- improved 70%

Bright red ears- haven't noticed this.

Defiant-yes, but may be more disobedient. Much less defiant. Improved 80%

Easily embarassed- improved 70%.

Fear being alone at night- still won't sleep in own room. Sleeps in our room. But he sleeps in little bed in corner. Improved 20%.

Dictatorial-still. Maybe 10%.

Competative- improved 80%

Unable to calm down-was much better but happened a few times recently kind of bad. I'll say better by 40%.

As if possessed (parent interpretation)- not anymore

Angel/Devil (my interpretation of parent observation)- no

Disobedient- yes, still a problem. improved 25%

Sensitive to injury- no more

Impatient- yes, improved 25%

Averse or aggravated by getting hair cut-no more

Desires bread-still Loves bread. No change here

Desires chocolate-still Loves. No change

Desires fruit- he was averse to fruit, but lately eating some.

Averse milk-improved 50%

Resentment-dont notice

Sensitive to loud noise - no more.

Eyes sensitive to sunlight- no more.

Fear of shadows- no more

Offended easily- yes, improved 40%
Delusion suffers/being injured- no more.

Some things regressed after vaccinations. A few new notes I've taken that may be relevant.

He laughs when nervous (when he shouldn't) he can't help it.

Cries if wakes in middle of the night. The other night he woke up and yelled and jumped up and ran around for a minute. I laid back down with him to sleep, but the crying when wakes at night happens frequently.

He also has a couple ocds. His sleeve and pant lengths bother him. They must be equal and not past wrists. Also if he spills anything on clothes, must immediately take off. It causes him great distress.

Occasionally can't spit out his words.

Still grinding teeth at night.

Think that's it, let me know what you think.
bwill13 9 years ago
Hi, so the last 2 weeks his behavior has really regressed. I'm sure he needs a dose, but we have 1 more vaccine that he has to get for school and we will probably take him this week. I just want to get done with those before giving him another dose. Also would it be another dose of 200? Also, he's recently very afraid of bugs (specifically spiders) and also snakes. He got scared in backyard and now terrified of them.
bwill13 9 years ago
Hi, I just wondered if you were still going to be able to help with my son's case? I didn't get a response to my last two posts. If not, please let me know so i can try to get him help elsewhere. Thanks so much.
bwill13 9 years ago

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