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Posts about GAD

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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

suffering from GAD and panic disorder just want to know whther it was treated or not without sideeffects

I was suffering from generalized anxiety disorder and panic disorder since 2006. now they are came back so intensely that I am not able to get out from my home. I just want to know whther homeopathy has the medicine to treat this problems or not?
  srij1988 on 2014-05-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Yes- it does.

If I were you- I would go to an experienced homeopath who has
cured cases of this bc you can have GAD without panic disorder.
You can see who is qualified near you or work with someone
via skype or phone if needed.

Or you can put your case on here and someone will respond , and
there are people on here like Dr. Fleming ( Parakletos) who is
a homeopath in Norway, who has a special interest in those type
of cases. You can email him at Parakletos2012At gmail dot com
and he can look over your specific case for no charge.


simone717 last decade

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