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needs a bit dIscussion /explaination 1


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

need explaination about this?

I am 24 year male. 4 year ago i went to a homeopathy doctor for my problems like fear of stranger, lack of confidence etc. At first he gave me 3-4 drops of liquid in mouth. And he also gave me two bottle for 24 days each bottle for 12 days. He told me to take 1st bottle in morning (4 pallets/granules) and 2nd bottle in evening daily. I finished both bottle in 24 days and felt no changes. Then i visited the doctor again he again gave me 4 drops of liquid and two bottle for 24 days. But this time he change the pattern of bottle. He suggested me to take 1st bottle morning (4 pills)and evening for day 1 , and 2nd bottle for day 2 in morning and evening (4 pills). Again 1st bottle and next day 2nd bottle alternatively. As the days went i felt better and better with increased confidance etc. But after day 14 my the progress start decreasing. After finishing both bottles again i visited doctor he gave me 4 drops and two bottles for 24 days. But again he change the pattern of bottles. He suggested me to take 1st bottle for 12 days morning and evening (4 pallets)finished it comletely and then start the 2nd bottle for 12days morning and evening (4 pallets). At 1st bottle i felt little bit better. After finishing 1st bottle i started 2nd bottle. Within 7 days i felt amazing. All my problems were finished. Now i am full of confidance, fearless etc. But after that i still continued the remedy and completed the 2nd bottle and my problem start developing again. The dr. Didn't told me to stop the remedy when you got allright. The problem increased more and more. That dr. is no more after that he pass away. Then i visited another dr. But i didnt fell any change. I am taking medicine for 4 year and after 6 or 8 month i kept changing my dr. Because there is no progress from last 4 year just a little bit progress i felt. I am disappointed by doctors and now i wanted to take remedy by myself according to that dr. Who cured me. So i have few question.
1. What is that liquid drops for he gave me at first before taking bottle give me reason?
2. What is the potency of that liquid drop you think?
3. The liquid remedy and the remedy in bottle is same or not. If yes what is the potency?
4. Liquid drops remedy potency is higher or lower than bottle remedy potency?
5. Do you think he gave me two different remedy because he always gave me two bottles? And if so what is the potency of both remedy same or different?
Please explain me every answer in detail and with question numbers. I am not going to take any remedy without dr. Suggestion. I just wanted to know about this. That's it.
Thank you very much.
[message edited by snehal on Mon, 05 May 2014 08:58:16 BST]
  snehal on 2014-05-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I suggest you start afresh with someone here. First, no one will be able to answer your questions correctly. Second, you have taken a lot of doses and probably made yourself insensitive to potencies.
rishimba last decade
Thank you for reply.
Pls tell me which potency can i take like that dr. gave me for 12 days. And what is that liquid drops for?
snehal last decade
I guess the liquid drops could be very low potency remedy or just placebo.

I wouldn't expect a homeopath to suggest high potency doses to be taken on a regular basis for 12 days.
rishimba last decade
So low potency can be given daily right.
Can you tell me about how to take every potency and its dose. (low and high)
snehal last decade
Low potency of certain remedies can be taken as a sustained dose for some days as long as the symptoms last.

In your case, you need to first give your case to your homeopath and then he will decide which remedy is indicated. He will decide on the potency after the remedy is found out.

Off-hand, its not possible to answer your question on low and high potencies without knowing which remedy was suggested to you.
rishimba last decade
O.k. I will post my case.
snehal last decade

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