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Evocationer: would you be willing to take this? Page 2 of 6

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OK good to know. I think yesterday was for sure a better day. Today he was a little weepy and cranky in the morning, but my husband left this afternoon and will be gone 2 weeks, so I think he might have been sad about Daddy leaving. At any rate, I will keep you posted on how it goes.
alaskamom last decade
So it seems like he is sliding back into his old ways. He has been sullen again today and moody, lied about something, and just out of sorts. Wanting TV all day long.
alaskamom last decade
Ok just wait. It is actually the time you would expect to see the aggravation, which will look just like his normal stuff.
Evocationer last decade
OK good to know. Thanks!
alaskamom last decade
He is doing better again! More creative, less sullen, more cheerful and laughing and smiling more. I think it's working! The dark circles are still there under his eyes, but they're better.
alaskamom last decade
Good news - still early days though but it is promising.
Evocationer last decade
Things have been going well with Ethan, for several days he's been doing better, looking more rested and cheerful-faced.
I'm not sure if I should worry about one bad day? He seems a little overly tired today, even though he slept 11 hours, and kind of moody/whiny.
alaskamom last decade
This could happen to any child, so it is important not to react to everything. What we look for is 'stuckness' rather than ups and downs.

Generally speaking it is best in a chronic case to wait a couple of days to see if things sort themselves out. We are basically retraining his vital force to respond in a healthy manner, which means we need to allow it the chance to do that rather than jumping in with a remedy each time.
Evocationer last decade
That makes sense. Thanks for the info.
alaskamom last decade
Seems like Ethan is getting more obsessive over a period of time. He's getting back in his old ways a bit, wanting everything to be just so and getting really upset and moody when he can't make me do everything he wants. Would it be appropriate to dose him again? It seems like it's been going on since I posted last, about 6 days ago.
alaskamom last decade
Yes it sounds like it is the right time to redose. Hit the bottle 10 times though.
[message edited by Evocationer on Tue, 22 Apr 2014 00:38:48 BST]
Evocationer last decade
OK thank you! Will do.
alaskamom last decade
Hello there,
Over the last week or so, Ethan has been more melancholy, seems to be having a lot of anxiety revolving around being left alone. If I go in the back bedroom and don't tell him where I'm going, when I come back out, he will say he thought I left to go shopping and left him home alone.
He has started to have a hard time falling asleep at night. Again, seems to not want to be left alone. He gets up several times I think just to 'check on me' and ask if I will snuggle with him. Has a sad, downcast-looking affect.
He will often get out of bed in the middle of the night and quietly crawl into bed with me. During the day he seems a bit combative with directions/instructions, wanting things done his own way or done just so, not wanting to be interrupted.

Right now we are on week 4 of Daddy being gone, and I'm sure that's affecting him, although he doesn't want to talk about it much. In fact, he doesn't often feel like talking to Daddy on the phone. He seems apathetic about it, dragging his feet about it. Once in awhile he will say he misses Daddy, but not as often as I might expect from a little 4 year old guy who loves his dad.

I did give him a dose of his remedy about 4 days ago, and for awhile it seemed to be helping, but now he seems to be going downward again. What would be the best thing to do next?

Also, he has had a runny nose for over a week, with occasional sneezing. It originally started as a fever the same time Kody had a fever awhile back. I think it was about 7-10 days ago. With the fever, Ethan started up with a runny nose, and that never really got better. Then Kody and I got runny noses about 3 days ago, and Ethan's just kind of kept going. He looks and acts tired often, breathing hard after a little exertion (when normally he'd take it in stride), and looking like he ought to go to bed early, but then having a hard time falling asleep when I do put him to bed. Dark circles under eyes again. Seems like this has been kind of a gradual thing.
alaskamom last decade
Also, I'm reading back through this thread, and realized that you said to hit the bottle 10 times last time, whereas when I re-dosed him a few days back, I just hit the bottle 3 times.
alaskamom last decade
More hits (succussions) makes the remedy stronger, so it could be that it was not strong enough with just 3. Try repeating but with the 10.
Evocationer last decade
Sounds good. Thanks!
alaskamom last decade
That did the trick! He is all smiles today again. Very playful and laughing and back to his happy self. Homeopathic remedies are amazing things! :)
alaskamom last decade
Hi there, I haven't posted on my older son much, but I was wondering if he needs something more/different. He has been complaining of headaches frequently the last week or so. They are in the back of his neck, where it meets his shoulders. It seems to make his muscles feel stiff or tight. I recall when he had a particularly bad one, his shoulders were hunched up almost to his ears from the pain. I give him ibuprofen for it, but I hate to do that. I was wondering if you had any suggestions.

Also he has been very clingy emotionally about his dad right now. For awhile Daddy was doing over the road trucking, gone for 4 weeks and home for 4 days. My husband had to quit that job because it was just too hard on Ethan. He was crying about Daddy being gone and felt like Daddy didn't love him anymore. Now that my husband is home again, Ethan keeps 'checking' over and over, making sure Daddy is not going to leave again. He keeps asking when dad goes out the door whether he is going to stay close to home or not. He's been a little more absorbed in wanting to watch TV a lot again, too. I did just give him a dose of his remedy today, but just wanted to check if I should do anything else.
alaskamom 9 years ago
I gave Ethan another dose of his remedy a couple days ago, and it seems like he still is rather melancholy. Not wanting to be as playful, and very serious.
I was wondering if there's anything I can do or give him that might help clear up his bumpy skin. I know skin is kind of the end of the line as far as a cure, but I thought it's worth asking. He also has still been complaining of headaches now and then. He seems withdrawn from his dad as well.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Hmmm...it sounds a little like his state has shifted. Can you give a detailed description of everything that is different, or is worse.

Also, remember that an aggravation can take place anywhere in the first week of a remedy, and tends to peak around 3-4 days later.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Let's see. He seems more moody, often defiant in a quiet, passive-aggressive way, being a perfectionist with his drawings (can't ever seems to get it just right). These things have been something he's done in the past, but it just seems like they're worsening again or reappearing.
He doesn't seem as worried about Daddy leaving today, as he was yesterday. So that is improved. It also seems like the withdrawing from Daddy is better today too. Maybe I just didn't give the remedy long enough to work.
He is still by emotionally sensitive and tends to bottle up his feelings, to where he acts out or obsesses about stuff instead of sitting down and talking about what's wrong. Even when I sit with him and snuggle and try to gently ask what's wrong, he will deflect to something inconsequential instead of telling what's really going on. He is very aware of emotions around him and they affect him deeply.
[message edited by alaskamom on Tue, 10 Jun 2014 02:29:22 BST]
alaskamom 9 years ago
Well that is interesting - you have just described the Carcinosinum child! Considering I prescribed that for his father, it may be that Ethan also needs it.

Just wait though for a few more days and we can see if it is indeed an aggravation or a shift into a deeper (inherited) state.
Evocationer 9 years ago
Hmm that is quite interesting!
If I do get the Carcinosinum, it would be handy because I could make up a dose for Ethan, and then have my husband take it as well, since we will have it on hand anyway. Also, he has changed his job to one that is a M-F, 9-5 kind of job, so it will be much easier for him to take remedies as needed vs. being away from home and on on the road so much.
alaskamom 9 years ago
I wanted to drop a note about an interesting conversation today with Ethan. He had ran a riding toy into his brother, hurting him and making him cry. He said at first it was on accident, and even looked very concerned when Kody cried hard.
After the baby settled down, I said to Ethan, 'It's OK, I know it was an accident, it's not your fault.' Then he told me it was on purpose, and then said something to the effect of, something told him to hurt his friend Kody. My ears sure perked up about that. I sat him down and tried to talk to him about it. He really didn't want to talk about it, wanted to watch TV instead. But from our conversation (from what I could get out of him, anyway), I'm not sure if he made it up to be defiant, or if he really meant it. I asked him whether he thought it would be a good idea to do it, and he said yes. I asked how he felt about it after he saw how Kody cried, and he said, 'Good'. But at the same time, his face looked very concerned. He told me he did that to Kody because he was mad at me, for the times I discipline him. He says he thinks at those times, and while Daddy is at work, that Mommy and Daddy don't love him.
He's also been lying more lately, just on little things where he wants to get away with something and not get caught. And wanting to watch TV all day.
alaskamom 9 years ago
I don't think Ethan has really gotten any better, he's still being sneaky about stuff and disobeying when nobody's looking. Being passive-aggressive and a bit moody.
alaskamom 9 years ago
Waiting for further instruction.
alaskamom 9 years ago

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