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chronic keratoconjuctivitis

Dear Sirs,my 17 years old daughter suffers from keratoconjuctivitis.The symptoms are redness around the limbus area with ulceration and infiltration of the limbus area.She had many chalazia in both eyes since 5 years and treated with antibiotics/cortizone compounds i.e spersadex comp with good responce.As she was aging she was diagnosed allergic and eversince she was precribed with eye allergy drops i.e vividrin and occasionally antibiotic/cortizone i.e vexol.The last few years the symptoms are restricted to right eye only and the situation symptomswise are dependent totally to Vexol.When she stops cortizone the symptoms come back severely.Please know that she's using allergy drops(vividrin) everyday.There is not any kind of discharge or pain.Our main concern is ulceration/neovascularisation and deep stromal scarring without drugs.
Ophthalmologists have rate the situation as chronic and drugs dependent.i doudt it and i stongly believe that the chronic use of preserved medication have destroyed the defence mechanism.Please help
  daestaki on 2004-06-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I suffered from Chalazions in both eyelids many years ago and was able to cure them with Arnica 30c taken daily. I had them surgically excised on 4 occasions but they seemed to recur with alarming frequency till I discovered that Arnica cured them.

It is possible that your daughter's Keratoconjunctivitis is due to the many drugs including antibiotics and steroids that have been used for the last 12 years which have contributed to her tear ducts drying up and thereby causing her present ailment.

I believe that 3 balls Arnica 30 taken twice daily should help her to overcome her condition but I would not like to suggest that she discontinue her present medication although I feel that this is indicated.

The Arnica should help to cure her condition by stopping the recurrrent infection that she has suffered from for so long and you can see how she reacts to this remedy and gradually wean her away from the other medication especially the steroids and later the antibiotics. She will have to take the Arnica for many weeks and when some improvement is noticed the dose can be reduced to just once daily. Arnica is very safe to be used and I have been using it daily for over 8 years., last thing at night. The bonus is that while preventing the formation of Chalazions it also promotes deep sleep.

It would be appreciated if any variation in her condition after taking Arnica 30c is posted on this BB.
Joe De Livera 2 decades ago

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