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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

help... kidney failure Page 2 of 2

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Dear Krishna,

I do not think that I can help your problem which I can see is serious now.

You should follow the advice of your doctors as I believe that Homeopathy cannot help you.

Please keep me informed of your diagnosis and treatment.

Joe De Livera last decade
Nov 10, 2005 KRSHNADHAM

Dear Joe

Sorry to read your posting on this forum You are giving up in my case and confirm you cannot help me No problem Joe. You know so far I lived in Homeopathy and I am sure that there willbe some medicine to cure

My doctors want me to use anti biotics for everything. Now that I am leaning towards 67 yrs, no matter what willbe the future I am not GIVING UP MY HOPES ON HOMEOPATHY. Sure God will send someone with a prescription for me to save me to live and die peacefully After reading many nice mails and postings of Joe I am confident that Joe willbe able to guide me with a suitable solution to safeguard this perishable body any time.

Thanks for all your guidance help support and above all Moral support given to me so far

Yours truly

hare krishna mani
radhekrishna last decade
Dear Krishna,

I can sense your frustration that I have not been able to help you.

I still feel that the other consultants on this forum may be able to help you but it will be necessary that you start a new thread under another title like:

"Kidney Failure Urgent Help Needed"

This will catch the attention of others who are more experienced than I am and they may be able to help you. As you know you are sharing this thread with many others and it is rather confusing to identify you from the others.

I have done my best to help you for a long time and was wondering how you were doing as I had not received any feedback from you. It is only when you came back a few days ago that I realized how serious your kidney condition has become that I suggested that you consult your doctors as it is now requires urgent attention which I do not feel I can give you from Sri Lanka.

It is important that you post your progress from time to time on this forum so that we may follow your progress and try to help you.

Best Wishes for your recovery.

I am praying for you.

Warm Regards,
Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade

Dear Joe,

Thanks for your encouraging mail

My problems is not kidney failure. Kidney is tested nd it is ok. Liver is ok. All parts are functioning properly

Only on the last urine test they found two bacterial infection in the urinary track called Nitrite and Leuco. Est But the kidney specialist advised me to take antibiotics for 10 days.

By God's grace and yours and Dr Venugopal's prescriptins I am maintaining good health except this finding.

You know your prescription for BP and diabetes worked well and I am normal now I continue to take the same Arnica remedy. It is a God's gift through Joe and Venugopal.

Please do not misunderstand me No frustration at all. I am happy as usual and active. As I said earlier there is always a solution to everything Patience is only required to research and find out the reasons and use Joe's prescriptions regularly

No new thread is needed in my case as we both myself and wife believe in yours and Venugopal's prescriptions. I will not go to anyone else for prescriptions

Yours truly

hare krishna mani
1 613 843 8833
if you please give me your tel number I would like to speak to you as well
radhekrishna last decade
Dear Krishna,

I am indeed relieved to learn that your kidneys are OK. The reason I got alarmed was when I read your report which to me indicated that you were in kidney failure. I felt that I had to warn you that all of us who wish you well and have tried to help you with Homeopathic remedies may not be good enough and in the event of any emergency, I know that I cannot be of any help from Sri Lanka.

I am very happy to note that the Arnica therapy that I suggested has helped your Diabetes but it will be necessary that you check your Blood Sugar levels often in order that you do not overdose with the Arnica / Cinnamon combination which can lead to overdosage if you also use the drugs recommended for Diabetes like Metformin.

You are welcome to call me and my phone number is 94112696789.

The time here is just 10.15PM and I shall be available till midnight our time.

Kind Regards

Joe De Livera
Joe De Livera last decade
I hope you will read it and I hope you will read it with sense and understanding!
This merely an attempt, to let you see what the causes are, and how you can work on improvement.

I first explain some logic about life our body and how it is working and operating.

1) The primary component of life is correct thinking, followed by correct breathing, correct nutrition and suitable exercise. If a person thinks right, everything else will follow naturally.
2) Our body is eloquent. Its philosophy is unequalled in its simplicity. It provides us with everything we need; including tools to re-activate, re- deploy and even to repair damaged or ill parts of our body.
3) Our head is the control center, constantly in contact with the body. In case of STRESS the head will be unable to function properly and a lot of communication is lost. The body encounters the same if STRESS is present; it is unable to inform the head of its needs.

Above is the logic and how it is operating. I will in a nut shell explain the cause of kidney disease, and how its operates, after that I will explain in more detail the causes, were you will find them and how to deal with them.

The cause of kidney failure is fear. Fear is stress. (I will explain stress in more detail later on) The process of stress developing into illness is best illustrated by delving into the mechanism of fear. Even primeval man was acquainted with the effect of fear: for example, the use of the war-cry to terrify the enemy and freeze him in his tracks.

The negative energy (stress) of fear attacks the kidneys and the adrenal glands. The adrenal glands are seized by a physical spasm and the secretion of hormones into the bloodstream slows down or stops altogether. Those hormones are all important for life – a clinically dead person will receive massive doses of adrenaline (the secretion of the adrenal glands).
The adrenal glands are located in the back part of the third chakra; consequently, they are connected with: power, control and willpower.

The kidney failure is curable in a relatively short time.
You have to understand that the human body is eloquent. Its philosophy is unequalled in its simplicity. It is a complete self-sufficient system. Orthodox medicine considers stress from the physical point of view as illness or the invisible accumulation of energy culminating in physical disease.
We can call it internal stress; this disturbing factor is what brings our body in imbalance.
Negative stress has a direct effect on the adrenal glands and kidneys, they are seized by a physical spasm and the secretion of the hormones into the bloodstream slows down or stops altogether.

The adrenal glands are orange-colored endocrine glands which are located on the top of both kidneys. The adrenal glands are triangular shaped and measure about one-half inch in height and 3 inches in length. Each gland consists of a medulla (the center of the gland) which is surrounded by the cortex. The medulla is responsible for producing epinephrine and norepinephrine (adrenaline). The adrenal cortex produces other hormones necessary for fluid and electrolyte (salt) balance in the body such as cortisone and aldosterone. Those hormones are all important to life. When the stress grows to the critical limit, it is transformed into fear. Fear grown beyond the critical limit will start to attack the Kidneys, the next stage is Anger and Anger will eventually destroy the body, which currently is happening.

Fear is often denied as no-one wants to be a coward. Or because of a limited understanding of fear as something directly connected with physical danger.

Fear comes from all sorts of angles and situations, more than ever, people today live under the spell of fear. All kinds of accidents, wars, economic chaos, criminality, uncertainty and every kind of prophesy terrify us and make us ill with fear. But the one fear that is in most cases responsible for kidney failure is coming directly from our family
Fear within the family has a direct impact on a child is always a long lasting one. Family fights, physical threats, divorce, hatred, lack of love, jealousy, lying, cheating, etc. All have a common goal, fear.
The work place, your boss, economic matters all can bring fear.

Fear grown out proportion destroys

Briefly some more on fears.
Fear attracts negativity. Fear paralyses willpower.
According to the nature of the stress, an energy channel is blocked and the corresponding organ falls ill. The more stresses, the more definitely the channels close down.
Fears and their location in the human body:
1. The fear of not being loved governs the head, neck, shoulders and arms and the back the thoracic vertebra. In addition to this, the fear of not being loved is the reason for certain congenital deformation of the heart – the opening in the oval aperture which, according to official statistics, occurs in as many as 25% of new born babies.
In reality, the percentage is considerable higher. Recurring infections of the upper respiratory tract, asthma, rheumatism, skin diseases, including allergies, point to the same fear – the fear of not being loved. The sinus junction is the regulator of the heart rhythm, located in the upper part of the heart. Blockages of energy in that region cause disturbances in the heart rhythm.
2. The fear of not being loved + feelings of love + feelings of guilt
govern the backing the region of the IV to V thoracic vertebra, and the in the front – the middle part of the heart, the top of the lungs and the breast.
The fear of being blamed for not loving cause’s different heart diseases: valve trouble, heart attack, ischemia. This fear is often the reason for heart diseases in young men who, when boys, had to listen to their parent’s accusations, were afraid of being accused and are now hearing those same accusations from their wives. The accusations needn’t be direct: a sad face, a tear, a sigh, a frown, especially an unfounded one, will do the trick. Someone with a feeling of guilt is touchy and sees accusations where there are none. The same mechanism holds true of someone with a jealous partner. The effect is also the same in cases of self-accusation: a person who, after a divorce or partner’s death, starts to blame himself, can develop ischemia of the heart leading to a heart attack.
Accusing others of not loving me. If a woman behind her wall of fear is unable and unwilling to understand that she is the one denying her husband love, and refuses to receive his love; when she weeps, complains, grows madly jealous, then her breast will fall ill – a benign thickening of tissues which may develop into breast cancer. Only malicious anger causes cancer. Anger, in its turn is caused by accumulating fears.
A fear of somebody accusing somebody else of not loving. This is a common problem with children who are forced to witness their parents fights. A terrible argument at home, and the child comes down with an inflammation of the lungs. A constant tension between the parents, for whatever reason, causes tuberculosis of the lungs in children. The same applies to grown ups. Except the beginning of the disease, like the stress itself, is not so clearly marked.

3. Fear + feelings of guilt govern the body from the VI to the XII
thoracic vertebra, and in the front – the lower part of the heart
and upper abdomen.
The fear of being at fault, the fear of accusing someone.
Diseases of the cardiac muscle, pulmonary pleura, diaphragm,
liver, stomach and spleen. This is the region of the body where
the solar plexus, with its store of energy connected to power
and ruling, is situated. Domineering, however, is negative and
herein lies a particularly receptive ground for formation of
anger, and accordingly, cancer. Every human being knows
instinctively that angry domination is something that society
considers reproachable, and so the real aims of one’s behavior
are concealed and kept hidden up to the very last moment. And
the development of the disease – cancer – will follow the same
pattern: slow and with far – reaching results.
4. Fear + feelings of guilt + economic problems govern the
pelvic vertebra. The III and IV vertebra are connected to sexual
organs, the V pelvic vertebra, to the bladder. By nature,
economic matters belong to the man’s competence. The
woman is the warmth and love that go with home. If you go
against nature, you’ll have to face the consequences.

The fear of being accused of not being able to feed the family, be a success in business, be a real man, causes impotence and other diseases of the reproductory organs. The same goes for self accusation. When due to circumstances, the woman thinks that she has to be the stronger (meaning economically minded) half, then everything is upside down in this family. A feminine woman doesn’t have diseases of the female reproductory organs. Women who work in the business world are often childless. When the woman takes on too much at her work her pelvis and lower body suffer. The child is love and as such, is attracted only by love – the materialistic thoughts of the mother will chase it away.

5. Fears + economic problems govern the lower part of the body to the tip of the toes. Sacrum represents sexual energy, sexual desire. The person whose desire is blocked by a fear of economic matters and who can’t stop worrying about money will go to bed to fall asleep – not to make love. And if he manages to whip up his desire then it won’t last for long. Statistics show that the number one and most frightening disease among young businessmen today is impotence. If, just a couple of years age, this was a problem characteristic of the well developed Western democracies, then it has now reached those countries taking their first steps along the road of capitalism. The person who worries about money matters will have a long wait if he hopes to rid himself of his stresses once and for all. The result cannot go if the reason stays and in addition, impotence will strike. All diseases of the lower part of the body, whether deformation of the hip-joint, different fractures, venal diseases, gangrene or shoes worn down at the heel, indicate worrying about economic matter. The lower down, i.e. the closer to the toes, the older the problem.
The greater the anger, the more serious the sickness:

- diseases with serous or suppurent secretions from a simple head cold to running infections and overall septic intoxication;
- diseases attacking the integrity of bone tissue from slight fissures to fractures:
- tumors of different locations and nature benign tumors and cancer;
- new and uncommon infections diseases which have no name yet.
The shortest way from the fear of not being loved to destruction runs diagonally from one corner of the table to the other. This is the road of diseases attacking metabolism and the immune system.

The immune system is governed by the thymus gland, situated behind the sternum. Originally, it was a large organ, as big as the palm of a hand but in a typical grown-up today, it has decreased to the size of a fingertip. This spastic shrinking has been caused by the fear of not being loved. To reactivate the Thymus gland, every morning when you wake up make 20 to 30 knocks on your breastbone (center of your breast)

I more or less distanced my self from orthodox medicine. Since I understood that they are only dealing with the result and not with the cause, trying with non effective ways of treatment to extent the life of the patient.

I have a wide knowledge of medicine and I am specialized in joint treatment and organ failure. I know that man’s increasing potential for understanding allows the treating and preventing of diseases to become, more and more, a matter of sorting out one’s own inner life.

Every illness has its roots in stress
Stress is an invisible energetic connection with something negative.
Everything perceived as negative by a person is a stress to him/her.

Medicine considers stress from the physical point of view as illness or the invisible accumulation of energy culminating in physical disease. Both medical science and the patient himself usually interpret stress as the last emotional upset, the last link in the chain of stress accumulated over decades ago, that finally results in illness. This however, is a very limited concept of stress.

Illness or physical “dis-ease” is a state where negative energy has crossed the critical line and the whole system is out of balance. The body informs us (the Head) of the situation so that we can do something to correct it. Our body has tried to send us signals of discomfort for a considerable while but we had just neither paid attention nor taken action. So the body falls ill. Mental anguish, when not taken into consideration, grows into physical pain. It draws our attention to the situation that has to be mended. Suppressing the signal of pain with analgesic (or any other medicine) only deepens the pathology. The disease has to grow in order for the person to notice the alarm signal.

A doctor cannot give you health – nobody can, he can make you feel better for a short while but real health comes only after you have realized the reasons behind your sickness. Remove the cause, start to live in the right way – then you’ll get well. And it’s not too late to start correcting your mistakes. It’s just as simple and as complicating as that, but it needs some learning.

If it seems too hard for you, and you might think that all your problems would be taken away with a wave of the hand? You believe in the power of the hands but not in the power of words, don’t you? You have a hard time believing that this is actually the same thing?
In that case – I’m sorry.
But if you are willing to learn and you are not afraid to admit the mistakes than I will help you.

Once you are familiar with the energetics of the body you will be able to locate the stresses causing the illness. The roots of your fear lie much deeper within your human spirit. And as long as you have fear inside you, your body will know that you still need Scaring. You keep attracting people situations that frighten you, but as soon you stop carrying fear around in your heart, the frightening things in life will stay out of your way.

Learn to release this fear and your body will start healing it self.

If you are still interested after having read the above let me know, and I will try to guide you through.
Alexthink last decade

Dear Alexthink

It is indeed nice to see your reply in details. The basic diagnosis is YOURS. The fear is the root cause in my case. The p[rime reason for this is age plus alone in Canada. All symptoms are curable so long as the FEAR is remoed from the mind.

Well Joe helped me with homeopathy and two/three symptoms are cured with his prescriptions. You know the medical practioners will definiely give you alarmin news about health and prescribe various medicines which hs DEFINITE SIDE EFFECTS.

I am wholelhearted willing to listen to you but please do not overcrowd this forum with lngthy mails for this may not be of interest to others. Please send reply direct to my mail box. Let us limit this forum only for prescriptions and cure of symptoms/diseases

Thanks for your help and guidance

yours truly

hare krishna mani
radhekrishna last decade
Krishna you are right his posting is too lengthy to read.
sajjadakram635 last decade

Age is not the problem, it is more the built up of stresses over years that are causing you to have problems.
the main stresses in life that affect our well-being are GUILT, FEAR AND ANGER.And the last one is the stage where it start to destroy.
However, if you are willing learn and to understand the energetics that work in your body - you have to learn first so that we understand each other. The "Teaching of life" will explain the factors for each illness, upon that we will be able to talk and work on releasing the stresses.
You can reach me at:think ad apollo dot lv

Alexthink last decade
Lengthy explanation!!

Of course you could swallow some more poison (anti biotics), and dis-allow your body to heal it self.
you are in a perfect location and situation to start thinking - there in this beautiful wilderniss. Alone means "All one" this is exactly what you need, quietness, and time with one self.
I believe I good explanation, even if its long, will shine more light on the issue, and bring more understanding, then just a simple pill.

Alexthink last decade
Please be so kind to read my post on the topic
of "diabetes explaind"

Alexthink last decade
Can any one help? My dad has been diagnosed with Diabetic Nephropathy.
1. Age : 58 years
2. Sex : Male
3. Married/Unmarried : Married
4. Weight : 55 kgs.
5. Country : India
6. Climate : Extremes – Very Hot in Summer, Very Cold in Winter, Too much of rains.
7. List of your complain first 1. Increased Creatinine-4.3, Increased Blood Urea-76. It has come down from 112 in March 2006 & 102 on 19-06-2006 to 76 on 14-08-2006 2. Scanty Urine, Accumulation of fluids in the body, Swollen legs, calf muscles, thighs, hips, waist, stomach, eyelids 3. Stomach Swollen and Tight, Does not want to eat anything, Taking liquids (milk, water) in very small quantities for the last seven days. 4. Constipation 5. Nausea & Vommitting
8. Diabetic or non Diabetic : Diabetic since 1993.
9. Desire sweets/sour/salt : Does not take sweets/ sour. Salt in very little quantities.
10. Thirst : Increased but does not drink much water because of restriction of liquid intake.
11. Tongue : White Tongue.
12. Current BP : Without medicine-175/110 and With medicine-130/70
13. What exactly is happening : Stomach has swollen like anything, Does not take any food. Quantity of Urine decreased (500 ml in 24 h)
14. How do you feel : Energyless, Very Weak, Difficulty in getting up and walking, Cannot sit in the toilet due to weakness, Pain in the whole body, Legs swollen, Breathlessness.
15. How does this affect you : Unable to walk, Takes very little or no food, Extreme weakness,
16. How does it feel like : Very Bad.
17. What comes to your mind : Fear of Disease, Fear of Death.
18. Current medicine you are taking : Dytor-100mg – OD, S-Numlo 5 – BD, Imdur 60 – OD, Augmentin Duo – BD for 5 days from yesterday, Lupidom – BD, Pantaprazole – BD, Shelcal 500 – BD, Deriphyllin - BD.
Serum Anguilla 30 – Morning & Afternoon, Apis Mellifica 200 – Once at night, Sulphur 30 – Once at night.
19. Family back ground : Six Brothers, Two Sisters. Had a difficult childhood. Father had diabetes and died of heart attack in 1999. Mother died in 1971.
20. Qualification of patient : B.Sc. (Hons.)
21. Nature of working : Manager in a PSU – Govt. Job.
22. Desire and aversion of food : Likes South Indian food. Does not like the restricted diet as per diet chart. Wants to eat fruits. Craving for guavas.
23. Mind-behavior, : anger, irritability, hurry, impatient…and so.. on and how you are peculiar from other person, not public speaking.
24. Aggravation (increases-time, season,)& Amelioration (Decreases) : Increases by the evening after the whole days motion or movement.
sheetal_chhaya last decade
Re: Kidney failure - Urgent From Joe De Livera on 2006-08-20
To Sheetal Chhaya

There is little that I can do for your father considering that he is an advanced case of Diabetic Nephropathy.

However I feel that if you give him Nat Phos 6x dose 3 tablets 3 times daily, there is a possibility of his gastric imbalance which causes bloating being stabilized. It will also help with his constipation, nausea etc.

You can also give him Arnica 30 in the wet dose 3 times daily as it will help with his diabetes.

Do not stop the medication that he is now taking.

Report response in a week for further evaluation.
Joe De Livera last decade
Sir my wife (55 years) is patient and is on dialysis since last one year.
She is taking
* EEl Serun 30 thrice in pills
* Apocy Can Q 8drops/twice
* Helloborus & Carlsbad weekly /alternative.

She is having Phosphorus 11.0
Pot 5-6
Hemoglobin 7.5
Urine is 100 ml/24 hrs

The above medicine, she is taking on advice of one Dr Quite Senior) but no visible impact.
Can any body help us i reducing Phosphorus, Ser cretin and increase in Urine output.
Kidney failure was due to High BP over last 20 years
I can send more details if required.
Thanks to Dr Sajjad and Dr Deoslok Sharma for suggesting some remidies earlier.


RK Srivastava
RKS567 last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.