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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


My 3 year old boy has the flu. He has a fever and wants to be held constantly. Is hot but wants blankets on saying he is cold. Has the chills. I gave him Motrin. Then 2 pellets 30c of Nux Vomica. I did not think that did anything. I gave him one dose of Gelsemium 30c dry. Now his heart is racing and he won't sleep said he is falling. He seems very disoriented. Please is there anything I can do?
  CindyG on 2013-01-14
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You gave the right remedies. You should wait now. Things won't happen immediately.
kadwa last decade
Please give him
Ferrum Phos-6x and Kali Mur-6x (buy in powder form) give him 2 grain each after every two hours untill the fever is vanashed. Thereafter give him after four hours for 2 days and then stop medicine.

Mahfoozurrehman last decade
So Michael my 3 year old did not have the flu. I took him to the doctor and he tested negative for flu. He has a chest infection. No cough though. Just sometimes this noise like he is trying to keep things down. I do feel he has acid reflux when lying down. He had it bad when he was a baby. He is off the reflux medicine For 1 1/2 years. The doctor put him on antibiotics for the chest infection and he said it will help his sore throat as well. He has white stuff in his throat. Can I use homeopathic medicine for him with the antibiotic? His disposition is whiny wanting to be held. Does not eat much. Says he is hungry and wants something you get what he wants then says no. Is not drinking much. Use to drink a lot of almond milk but now since sick will drink some juice. Keep saying he is hungry but not eating. Very particular about food then does not eat it.
CindyG last decade
It seems that Ignatia 30 may help him.
kadwa last decade
Thank you that remedy worked. He is not as whiny. He even drank milk.
CindyG last decade
So I took one dry pellet 30c of ignatia amara because I was a little stressed. Since yesterday I thought I was fine until I walked outside it was rainy and cold and I lost my balance and my vision was all blurred. I got into my car and just sat there. I eventually got better but have never had this happen before. Today I have felt sick to my stomach all day. Could that pellet be causing these side effects? I am 34 years old white woman. I feel like my eye sight is unbalanced at times. Better inside than outside. Feel tired. I worked out today. After I took the pellet my socks that night were wet from sweating. Please help if you know if this could be a side effect from the dry pellet. Thanks Cindy
CindyG last decade

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