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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Problems with erections/depression/testes


I have had a lot of health problems which started 4 years ago after some seizures and subsequesnt brain biopsy that was done.

I am improving, but I was told I had vasculitis (inflammation of the blood vessel) which may of caused a minor stoke that may of caused my seizures.

I tried chelation (IV) protocol, last year to help with my vasculitis and after 10 sessions I felt the worst ever. I found out later the doctor did not put back the good minerals and vitamins so I had a mineral deficiency. My thyroid is low and my testes are smaller since then. I also became depressed and have no erections. If I do they last only for a minute and it is not hard, ususally flaccid. Main problem now is small testes and erection problems. My testes and penis is cold and the color is dark. Blood flow is very low too that area. For my depression I am coming out of it, taking B-6 with tyrosine it is helping. Any suggestions would be very helpful. Thank you.
  SahuKa on 2005-08-27
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
[message deleted by friends55 on Wed, 27 Feb 2013 13:39:50 GMT]
friends55 last decade

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