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Hair Loss



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hair Loss/Grey Page 2 of 2

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same to you Nawaz.
simone717 last decade
So, let's wait for 5 days.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Doctor,

Today 22 June 2013 has finished five days to stoped Nitricum 200C.

Now i am still feeling so good as previous.

Can i still wait or you suggest me another remedy for next step for Itching, Dandruff and frequently hairfall.

Awaiting for your reply doctor Nawaz Khan.

highlender last decade
I think you'd see even more improvement by cutting out sweets and starches and most grains from your diet -- especially white rice and dairy and increasing raw fruits and vegetables to help unclog your lymph glands and alkalize your system and make it easier for your lymphatic system to move, break down and get rid of cellular wastes rather than to force it to store it in your body the form of mucous, plaque, cysts, and tumors.

Robert Morse N.D. author of The Detox Miracle Source Book and many videos on YouTube also has a chemistry background and points out in his book and videos, the crucial role the Lymphatic system plays and shows how it is completely ignored by the Medical Establishment. You might want to check those out for more about that.
emilybh last decade
'Can i still wait or you suggest me another remedy for ...'
Please wait.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Doctor,

Thanks for replying,
highlender last decade
Hi, You are welcome! Please be patient.

Many prayers for your good health.
nawazkhan last decade
Dear Doctor Nawaz Khan,

My scalp is increasing too much itching and these days (Rainy Season) and maximize in dandruff. and i don't want to use any shampoo, so please advice me some remedy.

Thanks Doctor,
highlender last decade

Please take Natrum Muriaticum 30C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Doctor Nawaz,

Again Here,
I got rid of my dandruff and itchy scalp.
my problem start again and i have large of dandruff on my skull and all the time itchy flaky scalp with tons of hair loss.
Itching more in night or when hair wet or moisture.
when i scratch my scalp I can get them out from under my full of dust or oily dandruff in my fingernails.
Please suggest any shampoo to clear this or remedy to stop it ASAP.
[message edited by highlender on Mon, 09 Sep 2013 18:06:51 BST]
highlender last decade
What are the mind symptoms at this time?
nawazkhan last decade
Very Thanks to responding again.

Anxiety Disorders - No
Suffocation - NO
Irritability - Yes (Only sometimes when itching my scalp)
Restlessness - NO
Anger Quickly - No
Nausea or stomach cramps -No
Pounding heart - No
Sweating - No
Muscle tension - No
Feeling tense and jumpy - No
Smoking - Quit
Drinking Alcohol - Quit
Physical Symptoms:
Headaches - No
Back pain - No
Muscle aches and joint pain - No
Chest pain - No
Digestive problems - No
Exhaustion and fatigue - No
Sleeping problems - No
Change in appetite or weight - No
Dizziness Or lightheadedness - No
Depression - No
Breathlessness - No
Nausea and vomiting - No
Insomnia - No
I fell more cherup than earlier.
Feeling Comfortable with my family and cheers between friends and daughter.
Now i am feeling more better as earlier. my mood is good and positive response in everything.

Hope this information will help you to find correct remedy.

highlender last decade

I would like you to take Natrum Muriaticum 30C again, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 1 week.

Many prayers for you.
nawazkhan last decade
Hello Mr. Nawaz Khan,

I'll back after spending a long holiday. i feel cheer, cool, energetic, happy..
quit smoking and alcohol.

but my problem still remains and frequently hair fall Middle Part of the Head, and in front both side.

kindly pl suggest some homeopathy medicines

highlender last decade
I am happy for you.

Please describe this hair fall in detail. Is it in chunks or one/two at a time?

What remedies have been taken for the last 10 days?
nawazkhan last decade
Many thanks for Reply,

My Dandruff is almost control but still frequently falling daily one/two from whole head maximize a day(150-200+ hair) in temple area. also my scalp is oily and lots of about 10% grey hair.

using Jaborandi hair oil and shampoo (SBL) from last one months, and no remedies are taken for hair or any kind of disease.

Thanks Mr. Nawaz Khan
highlender last decade
'using Jaborandi hair oil and shampoo (SBL) from last one months,'
Any reduction in the hair fall?
nawazkhan last decade
A little bit but Dandruff is almost control and no itching. still frequently falling hair.

please take a review on page one for photograph.

highlender last decade

Please take Jaborandi (Pilocarpus) 30C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days.

Good luck.
nawazkhan last decade
Hi, Mr. Nawaz Khan

Using Jaborandi (Pilocarpus) 30C, 4 drops mixed in 2 sips of mineral water, 3 times a day, for 5 days. It shows some good effects about 5-10% reduce hair fall. should i continue this or another remedy prescribed.
And also please prescribed for regrow (regen) hair in temple area and top middle area in head.

highlender last decade

Let's wait for a few days.

More prayers....
nawazkhan last decade
Hi, Mr. Nawaz Khan,
after waiting of one months hair fall reduce 30-40%. and no any sign to see regrow on my scalp.
highlender 9 years ago

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