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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Please can someone help with persistent fever in 6 yr old. 7 days now

Hi please could someone kindly advise me on a remedy for my son. he has had a cough for a while now and then this fever started last Wednesday it was very slow to build up and he even went to school Thurs and Fri. Saturday it seemed to peak with him feeling achy and not eating but apart from then he seems fine in himself. hes not acting to poorly but this fever is so up and down sometimes he gets chilly the rest of the time i may not realise he has much of a fever and i take it it is 39 +. the cough started off loose but has got drier now. if he does any exercise he will cough so much he retches and once been sick. he sweats when 1st goes to bed once asleep but not for long. he is hungry with the fever and been singing and playing tonight whilst it was 39. please any help Oh also his breathing is quite a noticable symptom. it is much quicker and i have been to GP twice worrying it is asthma but they say it isn't. many thanks in advance
  pixie wood on 2012-03-13
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
he is very sensitive. craves affection. lacks confidence. he has also been sleep walking occasionally
pixie wood last decade
If he has had a cough for awhile, then this is not likely to be an acute, but a chronic problem. If you can answer the following questions I might be able to make some suggestions for homoeopathic remedies.

1. Describe in detail the main problem - appearance, colour, shape, sensation, pain. etc. What happens, when it happens etc.

2. Describe any pains or behaviours associated with the symptoms.

3. Describe anything that makes the problem worse ie. position, temperature, food etc.

4. Describe anything that makes the problem better ie. pain is better for cold bathing or at night in bed.

5. Go through each symptom or problem he/she has, doing the same thing, even if the problem does not seem connected to any others (repeating answers for questions 1-4 for every problem)

6. When did each problem start? What happened around that same time?

7. What is his/her character like? What kinds of fears or anxieties does he/she have? What makes him/her irritable? Flesh out his/her personality as much as you are able (age can make this difficult)

8. What foods does he/she crave or hate? What drinks does he/she crave or hate? Is he/she sensitive to anything he eats or drinks? How does he/she feed?

9. How does the weather or season or temperature affect him/her?

10. How have all his/her milestones gone? Does he/she have any issue with speaking, learning, walking, climbing etc

11. How is he/she with socializing with others?

12. What is his/her bowel habit like? Any problems? Any odours, strange colours or stool shapes?

13. Where does he/she sweat? Does it have a smell or does it stain a particular colour?

14. History of illnesses in his/her life?

15. Has he/she reacted to any vaccines or medical drugs?

16. Problems with sleep? Position he/she sleeps in?

17. How is he/she with animals?

18. How is he/she with adults or strangers?

19. What is the family history of illness and disease?

20. What was the pregnancy like? Any odd symptoms or feelings that disappeared once he/she was born? Any symptoms that were problematic? What kind of stresses were you under?

David Kempson
Professional Classical Homoeopath
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
If he has had a cough for awhile, then this is not likely to be an acute, but a chronic problem. If you can answer the following questions I might be able to make some suggestions for homoeopathic remedies.

1. Describe in detail the main problem - appearance, colour, shape, sensation, pain. etc. What happens, when it happens etc.

Ok the cough is always there if he cries and also after running. not to much of a problem though. he has a cold and cough now the ongoing fever is very up and down he asks for food even with high fever (not forgetting the rapid breathing) he occasionally looks flushed with the fever and sometimes feels cold with it but not all the time. the cough has loosened again today and the fever was very high this morning

2. Describe any pains or behaviours associated with the symptoms.
Occasionally says he has a beating pain in his leg and doesn't feel strong (this is not alot) his behavoiur is pretty good he gets quite worried when i go out (even when not poorly) he likes to be with me his MUM (HE IS NOT CLINGY)

3. Describe anything that makes the problem worse ie. position, temperature, food etc.
Running about makes the cough worse and i think going out in the air but not 100%

4. Describe anything that makes the problem better ie. pain is better for cold bathing or at night in bed.

He sweats when 1st going to sleep but not the rest of the night. his cough isn't much of a problem at night either. if he wakes for the loo he is in a kind of sleep walk mode and you cannot get response from him (even when not ill) not all the time either

5. Go through each symptom or problem he/she has, doing the same thing, even if the problem does not seem connected to any others (repeating answers for questions 1-4 for every problem)

6. When did each problem start? What happened around that same time?
The cough thing started a couple of years ago about 2 months after having my other Son and also moving house (he would have been almost 4 when my other Son was born) i split with his Dad when he was 2.5 also.

But the fever started last Wednesday but seemed fine the next day and it worsened at the weekend.

7. What is his/her character like? What kinds of fears or anxieties does he/she have? What makes him/her irritable? Flesh out his/her personality as much as you are able (age can make this difficult)
Very affectionate towards me. he craves affection, he lacks confidence, at school i get the impression he feels he isn't liked and doesn't get asked to join in and he is to shy to ask. he is very bad at concentrating and focusing he never listens (at school and home) if i raise my voice to get him to listen after no response he shouts at me and can be quite rude. he has to have the last say. he is also quite stubborn,he is rough handling his brother. and they sometimes get along like a house on fire and then can turn the other way, the rudeness is quite an issue but he is not as bad since feeling unwell. but he can come out from school and if i have forgotten something he may shout and push me he does this gently but he does shout and is rude alot. again he can also be the complete oppostite and be an angel this has happened after homeopathy in the past but never lasts long. i cannot remember all remedides but one was tub and aconite.
He also gets scared of things like he doesn't like things with eyes on in his room at night and will sometimes turn teddies the other wau round. he doesn't like going to the toilet in the evenings without a torch or someone going with him again this comes and goes. he also goes through phases of not wanting to sleep at his Dads house. he loves his Dad to bits but it's usually when things are on his mind but he doesn't about it. he is very sensitive and picks up on anawful lot. if something is bothering him it affects his mood (i think) and when very worried he will wet the bed (not been for a while though)

8. What foods does he/she crave or hate? What drinks does he/she crave or hate? Is he/she sensitive to anything he eats or drinks? How does he/she feed?

He hates fish or runny egg yolk. he dosn't crave them but does like olives which i find quite an odd thing to like as a child. he doesn't like anything spicy nor does he like much meat it's difficult to get him to eat it. he will eat sausages and salami. he is sensitive to oranges, wheat, dairy, soya and now and then potatoes.

9. How does the weather or season or temperature affect him/her? the cough is usually conpletely gone in the summer winter time is AWFULL lots of coughs and high fevers. he has never really had a major cold and never seen him with a snotty nose but when he has got one he sniffs so much and refuses to blow his nose. when ever the Dr see's his ears he says they look bad from alot of ear problems but to be fair i've always got by without antibiotics and used plantago.

10. How have all his/her milestones gone? Does he/she have any issue with speaking, learning, walking, climbing etc

Walked at 10months. has trouble concentrating. very easily distracted

11. How is he/she with socializing with others?
Pretty good but the moment his confidence is knocked he will shy off

12. What is his/her bowel habit like? Any problems? Any odours, strange colours or stool shapes?
very changable. only been the last week he has got quicker on the loo it usually takes about 20mins to go. sometimes loose sometimes normalish, never hard.

13. Where does he/she sweat? Does it have a smell or does it stain a particular colour?
has only been sweating with this fever and it's as soon as he is asleep and not for long.

14. History of illnesses in his/her life?
Just severe food intolerance to the point his nappy was filled with mucous and blood and he ended up on a drip from being so poorly.

15. Has he/she reacted to any vaccines or medical drugs?
he got measles from the seperate measles jab

16. Problems with sleep? Position he/she sleeps in?
occasionally wakes and is scared he has to have the light on. this isn't all the time

17. How is he/she with animals?
loves animals
18. How is he/she with adults or strangers?
he'll either take to them or not. sometimes he will shock me with a stranger and be very cinfident and other times he will not speak to thm.i think it is usually if they talk 1st but if he was the one that spoke to them 1st he isn't as bad. he's better.

19. What is the family history of illness and disease?
I have underactive thyroid. this is all

20. What was the pregnancy like? Any odd symptoms or feelings that disappeared once he/she was born? Any symptoms that were problematic? What kind of stresses were you under?
Huge amount of stress at work . i was totally victomised they made my life hell and i worked upntil a few days before he was born. he was 4 weeks early, very quick labour 4.5 hours. i had a fever during labour and do not know why so for this reason only they did a complete blood check on him and he was born with. alloimmune trombocytopenia. basically i was lucky he did not heamoragge. i have a rare platlet in my blood which causes anti bodies to react with baby and kills there platlets. it was pure luck they discovered this before anything awful happened, his platlet count was 7 and he had a transfusion and been fine ver since
pixie wood last decade
I think he is a very confused little boy what with separated parents and he is living with me and my husband and a brother whom i had with my husband.
Thanks for taking time to read my post.
pixie wood last decade
Sorry to keep adding but the cough seems changable. tonight it sounds like there is a hiss to it. tighter and hissy.dry now. thinking maybe it's loose in the morning. thank you
pixie wood last decade
Has he been given Calc-carb?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
A couple of years ago maybe, certainlY not recently, he has some wart type things down the back of his left leg, Dr said there common and may last 18months!
pixie wood last decade
Well Calc carb certainly does repertorize well, even down to the desire for olives and the aversion to eggs. I would suggest 200c, one single dose, given in water.


Firstly, you need to create a separate dosing bottle. Get a bottle with a dropper, 15-30mls in size, and fill it with a mixture of water and alcohol (5 parts to 1 part). Dissolve 2 granules or 2 drops of the medicine you bought from the pharmacy into this mixture. Your doses will be made from this bottle.

Hit the bottle firmly against the palm of your hand, or another elastic surface like a book. It should be a firm hit not a tap. 2 hits is enough to begin with, and should not be increased unless it is clear that it is needed. The water in this bottle will 'remember' the number of times you have hit it, so that subsequent doses will be stronger (necessary to overcoming the resistance of your disease).

Place 1 drop into an amount of water - I may start with anything from 1/4-1 full cup (62ml-250ml) depending on the sensitivity of the patient. Stir thoroughly and take 1 teaspoon into the mouth. Throw the rest of the cup away. Wash this cup and spoon in hot water, not detergent, and keep them aside to use for further doses.

This is one dose. Repeat doses would be started from the 2 hits on the bottle.

Each step of this process can be adjusted to reduced aggravation or to increase the effect of the medicine. In order to be able to do this, it is important to measure each step (count the hits, the drops, measure the water etc).
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok I only have here 30c little sugar balls, I need to order what you have said what strength do I order? How long apart do I leave dosings, he does love eggs only poached but has to have solid yolk if its runny he won't touch it, thank you very much for spending tontine on my post!
pixie wood last decade
I am sorry I see it says one dose I was just confused when you said save the cup for next time. So I only need to do the dosing once and need to know what to order as I only have 30c sugar ball things ,thank you
pixie wood last decade
You will only give one dose to start with, but there are likely to be further doses given (although there is no predicting that). You would not give more doses until the results of the first one are known.

You can start by giving a single dose of 30c if you have that there. The bottle is important for continue dosing, as giving dry pillules repeatedly is not very efficient. Such dosing often becomes ineffective. All homoeopathic remedies should be given in water at least from the second dose onwards.

30c often needs to be repeated more often than 200c, so you are almost certainly going to have to give several doses. Only do that after we see what one dose does.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hi sorry for not responding. i came on here as my homeopath was away. i have been with him for over 2 years now he is a very experienced homeopath and has amazing reports... the best around, yet he has awful trouble with both my boys that get ill very frequently with asthma coughs and fevers. he got back to me just as you posted calc carb saying lycopodium. i then thought aaargh what do i do. do you have any idea why my kids are so hard to treat, is it my description or is it my anxieties blocking this or maybe even the fact we do not use wet homeopathic treatments, we always use sugar balls or little tablet things. when it works it is like true true magic but other times it just keeps failing and he said he cannot understand, he is a very good homeopath i think it's just us he has the trouble with. i thought trying i here with someone totally new may help.
When ordering what do i order? calc carb liquid form and what strength i have never had to do this before, thanks so much for helping!
pixie wood last decade
Well the reality is that he is giving the wrong remedies. It is not your fault, certainly not the fault of your child. This responsibility lies with the practitioner. He may not have the skill to help you. We all strike cases that are beyond us at times.

Chronic prescriptions are difficult, much more difficult than acute ones.

You are ordering 200c, but if you have 30c you can give that now. That will tell us if the remedy is right or not.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I do feel that not enough questions are answered but for example he told me to give my other Son nux vom 30c. he has bad dry cough and asthma. instantly the cough eased off and he got a mild fever. this all went but the asthma was bad and carried on for couple of days and when asthma went the barking cough was still there a week later, i came on here and someone else said nux vom so i gave another 30c and it nipped it in the bud like magic. the 30c doesn't seem to work now and he is extremely sensitive to 200c , he always said one 30c will work and cannot understand why a week later the 2nd nipped it in the bud. i'm so confused with homeopathy. i love it and i have seen it work many times just like a magic button but just do not understand all the different ways that you all prescribe,
My Sons fever has gone without the remedy do i still give it. he is coughing til he is sick or gagging and has to drink right after. will give the calc carb asap
have given calc carb... will report soon. will it be slow to work? i forgot to mention nail biting i rarely see him do it but i've never ever had to cut them and he bites them quite low. he also cannot help pick them if they get loose skin around the edge.
[message edited by pixie wood on Sat, 17 Mar 2012 00:15:14 GMT]
pixie wood last decade
It takes many years of study to even be mildly competent with homoeopathy, so don't feel bad about not understanding it.

It is likely that Nux-v suppressed your son's symptoms, making him sick for longer. This is the danger of superficial prescribing. Any superficial or palliative remedy will stop working quite quickly, because it is not dealing with the root of the problem, instead just applying a bandaid to the surface (just like orthodox medicine does).

I cannot predict how any patient will react. His blueprint for remedy responses is unknown to me until I see him respond.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok calc carb 30 was given last night and the coughing isn't as bad today but he is shivery again and was fine all day yesterday, he is still coughing but not til he is sick, not sure if remedy or was getting better anyway but I don't recall him coughing as much after giving it to him last night, this homeopathy is confusing, I used to want to study it but too complex for me lol
pixie wood last decade
3-5 years study + a few years of practice and it won't seem so mysterious lol. It is never easy though, and even after the almost 20 years I have practiced I find many patients a challenge.

If he is not improving as of today give him a second dose.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Well well done to you and i'm very grateful for your help, could I be cheeky and ask you to please read my other post regarding my other son his cough has become more constant 2 coughs at a time nux vom seems to ease it but not for long I want to give the 200c now but am always cautious as he is sensitive but usually if has a 30 before a 200 he is ok, can I antidote the nux vom if he does get bad, thank you
pixie wood last decade
Hi I went to order the calc carb and the options are 200c in either something like 33% alcohol or a higher 90 something, I order from Ainsworths uk site as cannot order from here for uk anymore, I gave another calc carb as coughing is driving me mad, is this a slow working remedy?
pixie wood last decade
Ok I'm sorry have read post again is it ok to use sugar pills even in 200 but do the mix you say or do I order liquid? This is all new and is any alcohol ok
pixie wood last decade
Pillules are fine, as long as they are dissolved into the water in the bottle.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Ok he has had 2 30c's now and he is quite wingey and off his food he hasn't eaten breakfast for 2 days but has now had lunch. he is also extremely bossy which i have forgotten to mention and it's quite a biggy. both boys seem to react quickly to 30c but this one isn't as sensitive to 200c. his attitude is the worse you just cant ask him to do anytihng. you ask and he doesn't answer so you ask again and again and he raises his voice and gets rude and has to have the last say he won't give in. he raises his voice at his brother too if he's not doing something he likes. thank you again i'm so grateful
[message edited by pixie wood on Mon, 19 Mar 2012 14:07:56 GMT]
[message edited by pixie wood on Tue, 20 Mar 2012 11:10:45 GMT]
pixie wood last decade
Hi David are you still able to advise?? i am not sure if this remedy takes some time as i know some do. he is still coughing at night and if he runs. he demands drinks when coughing nut most of all i just feel i have no control over this child i feel a let down of a Mum and i dread picking him up from school because of his mood and rudeness. he doesn't want to go to school either but he's ok once there. his confidence is awful and gets embarrassed easily he does also have sensitive ears not all the time but the Dr said they look quite bad and looks like lots of infections. is the remedy still working as i have had it take a while before. thank you
[message edited by pixie wood on Thu, 22 Mar 2012 11:27:12 GMT]
pixie wood last decade
When was the last dose given to him?

Aggravation usually starts within the first 3 days, and can last up to 7 days. Children typically aggravate more quickly and usually improve more quickly, but this is not a rule.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
It was 3 days ago so i will sit it out and see what happens by next week, fingers crossed. thank you so much for your help i am so gratfull.
pixie wood last decade

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