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John Stanton-I have chronic High Blood Pressure accompanied with Anxiety

I heard you are very knowledgible and welcome any Help you insight you might have,I detailed my problem on a previous page before i found this one.Please check there also.Taking meds for both.Very Spiritual and looking to help myself heal fully and possibly find myconstitutional so i may go on to help others.
Love & LIght
  light on 2004-04-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Do you have high blood pressure, cogestion and headache. Feel free to discuss what medication may be appropriate. Have you taken any homeopathy medicines.
DR Ajaz
bradshaw1 2 decades ago
I take Diovan hct for blood Pressure.
And Klonopin for anxiety which increases my blood pressure.If i do not take anti-anxiety med my blood pressure can be can be dangerously high.No medical findings can be found for it.I believe it may be post traumatic.Where the the flight or fight reactio is out of whack during stress.Also I pick up others energy that can somtime be disturbing
And No homeopathy has not been successful in the past.But I am open to increased joy and creativity.I feel blocked.
light 2 decades ago
Dear John,
I have also been suffering from severe anxiety and high blood pressure.I had been taking betablocker with anti anxiety medicine for three months.I know that there is no cure in allopathy,it only helps symptomatically and its life long.I opted for alternate medicine which has really helped me atlease 60%.I am off allopathy drugs.I used to take Kali phos 3x 4 pills three times a day for 3 months.I now have started Geriforte of Himalya drug co.2 in the morning and 2 at night after food along with Himalaya Mentat 2 in the morning and 2 at night.This is to cover the allopathy drugs.Believe me this has worked and my Bp is normal.
pilgrim3 last decade
I wonder if this is the same as the Mukta Vati Ayuvedic Herbal tablets which got my BP back to normal in 6 days (they say 3 to 4 on the website - google it!!). I cut my allopathic medication down to half by day 12 and a week later came off it altogether. No side effects either.
Rochelle last decade
Rochelle: Hi - I too have high BP and ordered a bottle of Mukta Vati from on-line. But, where did you get yours from? You have to be careful I guess where you buy it - there are probably many fakes out there.

Anyway, I just started using it and I cannot take one tablet because it is too strong for me - I took half a tablet about an hour ago and my BP went from 174/84 to 124/72... but I feel warm and my ears are ringing - also within about an hour and a half later my BP went up to 144/84 or something.

I ran out of BP meds and I wish I could just get the hell of these drugs - I have insomnia on top of this and I cannot sleep without sleeping pills now - what a life for someone who avoids taking drugs most of my life and follows alternative medicine but, what to do.

So, where did you buy your mukta vati and do you have any side effects from it?

Please respond - thanks
ploutos last decade
The brands vary, but they come from the right manufacturer if they come with ' Ivy's ' imprinted on the cap and also they have a silver logo on the bottle itself that says ' original.'Always Young Plus sells the original.
Many patients have come off of prescription meds and with no side effects. check alwaysyoungplus
Carole Franske last decade

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