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Re-occurent Canker Sore followed by fever.

Hello everyone,

My 5-yr old son has had re-occurent "canker sore" (big and white blister inside his bottom lip). Its painful and makes his lip swell. He'd had this 3 times in the last month and a half and he's got one now. I've noticed that each time he gets it, its following a fever. Is it really connected? is there anything to do to prevent it and/or heal it. Its bothering him a lot and he keeps scratching it until it bleeds!!

Thank you once again for your input on this matter.

  Jas.Leo. on 2004-04-05
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Come on...give us a little more information!!

Is it only the canker sore and fever?? What does his face look like? Pale, normal? How are his eyes? Any redness etc in the throat? Any complaints in the ears? How old is he. I forgot to look. Is there any outside marks or blemishes. How is the urine? Is he constipated?
Is he quiet or acting normally? Chilly? Sleepy like seeking bed??...You see there is so much to report for good remedies...Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
OK, 5 years old. This is the age, 5 or 6, that the last molars come in. Look, feel, and see. Also is your child robust and tough, or more on the smaller side??...Sabra
sabra 2 decades ago
Dear Sabra,

I'm sorry I didn't give any details, I have to get used to Homeopathy way of healing, its not just the symptomsc but also the personality. Anyway, here it is:

His face looks normal, his eyes tired and a little red. Yes, the throat is a little red and hurts when moving the head or touch the neck at the throat side, does not hurt swallowing (eating nor drinking). He's 5 years old. No marks or blemishes on his body nor face. His urine is normal, a tiny bit constipated (not painful just takes time to do it); his bowel movements are not regular. Yesterday he was relatively quite and sleepy, but he's feeling better today and said no pain in the throat but he did develop a wet couph. The Canker Sore is still there and relatively big. Its oval in shape and puffy white skin around it. The fever is now gone and he's acting normal except for this couph. He's a big kid, he's taller than avg kids in his age and he's not thin, he's normal and his weight compared to his height is just right (as his doctor said).
He's not a very active kid, I mean he's not involved in many physical activities as some kids are. He's involved in Soccer and he plays only twice a week. Rides the bike about twice a week, and run outside with his neighbour friends about 3-4 times a week. Goes to a pre-school and they have some physical activities there, nothing serious, play ground and some dancing.

I hope this gives better description about my son to help know his personality better.

Thank you Sabra for your help.

jas.leo. 2 decades ago
Dear Jas, I am not sure..symptoms are either not complete or there is a contradiction in my study. The neck pain has me going.

OK, let's see if I have this right. Is the part of the neck you refer to as the area by the neck of a shirt? Or right under the jaw, or by the ears? In the back by the base of the skull? Any complaints of headache??As I read it, the neck is sore?? Has he been injured at soccer? Is the sore neck connected to the canker?

Is he naturally quiet as a rule, and more quiet when he does not feel well? Does he sit around or seek his bed?

My thinking suggests MERCURIOUS CORR. 1 dose for 3 days. This covers many symptoms, but good for canker in the mouth. If you read it do not be alarmed as the symptoms sound rather severe. It will not "cause" these to happen.

Second may be GELSEMIUM which follows more of the symptoms, but lack the canker.

NATRUM MUR is good for mouth canker and general white troubles about the mouth. Sometimes with a split in the bottom lip. Likes salt. I just treated an 8 year old boy with blisters all in mouth and over lips with a white tongue. Nat Mur used.

This is an example of how symptoms are similiar and not similiar. Maybe something I wrote will stimulate some more symptoms or a memory of injury that didn't seem important at the time. How long has this been going on? ...Sabra

sabra 2 decades ago

you need to see whats going on in your sons life. especially since its reacurrent . the cancer sores could be the way his body reacts to stress
it can be something small for us but huge for him
the body always tells us whats going on.
mouth is speach, words
cancer sore anger, painful

Vit B complex supplements or
check out foods high in Vit B

healyourlife 2 decades ago

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