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Posts about Arthritis, Depression

Obsessive Compulsive Disorder with extr!eme depression3Mental irritation, ed, inappropriate sexual thoughts and anxiety and depression191Acute acidity due to mental depression6Candida overgrowth and early rheumatoid arthritis14Arthritis3Intrusive thoughts, sexual obsession, panic attacks depression88Social Anxiety, OCD and Depression38Anxiety GAD. Panic. Depression6Anxiety, loose self confidence, fear, Bipolar, depression2rheumatoid arthritis5


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Heavy Prolonged Period, Arthritis, Severe Depression Page 2 of 2

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hi passkey,
thanks for all your input so far.

I just thought I'd let you know that I have not suffered from depression for 3weeks now. It feels amazing to feel glad to be alive! Thank you so much! I have realized the power of the mind also, and have taken this rare oppourtunity to teach myself to stay positive.

The last few days have been slightly less happy, since taking Pulsatilla, but I will try some bach flower remedy again.

I know my cough is going to disappear. My body is just getting rid of something. I am so glad that I have not resorted to antibiotics this time round.

It (the cough) has been bothering me for 2 and a half weeks now, but it has improved a lot and I have faith that it will go, helped by this homeopathy that you have so kindly advised to take.

Should I still take the Silica after 7-10 days, even if my cough has gone by then? Is that for my cough, o the arthritis?

The arthritis, by the way, hasn't changed a great deal. My wrists are still hot and swollen and I can't hold my own weight on them. (My goal is to be able to do a handstand!!).

As for the period... it should be due by now, (it has been 4 weeks since the last one stopped I think) but for the past 10 days or so I have had an annoying discharge.
Alabama last decade
WAIT until the discharge stops and the cough goes before taking any action .
keypass last decade
hi passkey...
well, i took the silica a week after the pulsatilla and the cough cleared up!! thank you! thank you, thank you!!

i then took meddorhinum 10M a week after that because my arthritis is bothering me. That was about 4days ago. There has been no change.

Currently my wrists are very swollen and deformation is starting to take place. At night I find it too difficult to lift my blankets (I have to use my elbows), and my wrists are so painful they wake me. On waking, the pressure of a shower helps a bit to get moving again, but it doesn't fully take away the awkwardness of moving, lifting things etc. or the pain.

I still have not had another period. It is over 6 weeks since my last one finished. I experience a slight discharge, copious at times, which is white in colour and has been there since my last period stopped.

I am depressed and unhappy and am very short with others to the point of being rude. This is because I am unhappy with myself and my body.

My breathing is wheezy at times. I sound asthmatic when I laugh.

My nose is often quite mucousy, not runny.

I have put on weight and have been told I look better with more weight on but I hate it.

The last few days I have gotten this sudden sharp pain in my back near my spine. It goes in a few seconds.

I have been breathing in toxic paint fumes as I am living in a newly painted house.

I hope you can help me with these problems. The arthritis being the most bothering - but I thought I'd mention everything so you get the full picture.

Alabama last decade
I started a new period yesterday. That was about 8weeks of no bleeding since the last one...

Unfortunately, the period hasn't come without the discomfort. The discomfort started off very slight a week or so before the period and has increased a little each day. I have taken Naprogesic to help bear the pain again.

Would it be wise to take Ipecac 10M again?

Wrists still painful. Arthritis felt all over body but wrists the worst.

Breathing still wheezy, and sounds sort of like something is bubbling or popping at the back of my throat when I lie down. (sometimes).
Alabama last decade
hullo can anyone out there help me!!??

if you read above and on the previous page, you will see what my problems are and have been.

Since I last posted I have taken Ipecac 10M again, which worked again - my period slowed down, the pain went, and now I am virtually not bleeding at all.

BUT - I still have rheumatoid arthritis. My wrists are the worst. Can anybody suggest a remedy for this. You will see my history from my past posts.

Have also been experiencing haemeroids again when I go to the toilet. They are not bleeding, and they are on the outside.

If someone can help me with this, especially the arthritis, I would be extremely grateful.
Alabama last decade
I am a 43 year old lady & suffer from severe depression before my periods. I have been taking an antidepressant
called Bupropion SLR150 for the past 3 years everyday. I've been weaning off & currently take it thrice a week . Trying to replace it with natural herbal tablets. There are days I hit Rock bottom & feel suicidal. Pls advice ..
Thank you
mirnah last decade
Look at Veratrum Alb or Aurum Met in 1M potency .

ONE tablet on three sucessive days midway between periods,

Check both items at --


to see which is closest to your problem.
walkin last decade
Thank you Walkin for your prompt response.I Sure appreciate it.
mirnah last decade
I am a great believer in the power of the single remedy however in this case there seems to be other things going on that necessitate a conbined approach. The tendency to tell one's story in such total detail while useful for homeopathy purposes can also be an indicator of post-traumatic stress syndrome. I also suspect that the trouble actually lies in the pitituary's regulation of the HPA axis and this could be caused by a structural problem such as cranial alignment, anterior atlas, tonic labyrinth reflexes or problems with the gait mechanism or the Limbic system, all of which will affect immune and endocrine function in the ways that have been described and will effectively block the organism's response to the homeopathic even if it is the right remedy because the stress adaptation responses of the body (SNS charge and PNS discharge - hypothalamus)are blocked and the organism is simply unable to resolve the stress, including the stress provided by the homeopathic remedy. Can I suggest that you combine your homeopathy efforts with a good applied kinesiology chiropractor? The arthritis/inflammation is likely to be indicative of acidosis within the extracellular matrix probably due to the organism being in a prolonged resistance phase (Selye) so perhaps some electro-dermal testing such as VEGA Testing might also shed some light on matters. Hope this helps.
natrad last decade
Hi,I am a UK Homoeopath willing to have a go if you want some help..No promises though!
stephanieG last decade
Hi stephanie again,
I should add that I too am a single remedy Hom. and in my opinion if some symptoms are removed and some left untouched the remedy is likely to be incorrect. If all symptoms were improved but then came back again and then didn't go by themselves, it is more likely to be a question of potency. A good remedy in the right potency will improve symptoms on every level.
stephanieG last decade
Have a look at Rhus Tox 1m -- single dose and wait.
walkin last decade
Thanks for your replies. I posted those problems over a year ago so things have changed (for the better) since then. A doctor I consulted advised me to put on some weight which I have done and am happy that for the first time in my life I can say that I have monthly periods which last for around 8 days. I can hardly believe it! And I'm happier being a woman.

The depression is not so severe, but does come every now and then and I just want to spend long periods of time alone without having to deal with anyone, and seeing no point in life.

I still have issues with relationships, but I think that is also improving.

The arthritis is my main problem. I tried Rhus Tox, and it did seem to fit my description perfectly, but no luck there. My left hand is more swollen more than my right, and is bent out to the left.

Things are on the right track.

I have dealt with many emotional things also.

It is interesting to note that 'natrad' suggested a chiropracter. I saw a Craniosacral Therapist recently. Not sure if that is relevant. I think that I'd need to keep going to her to get a real benefit.
Alabama last decade
I posted to this site over a year ago so things have changed a lot since then (for the better). Thank you people for your replies.

A doctor I consulted advised me to put on weight which I did and I am very happy that for the first time in my life I can say that my period is now monthly and lasts for around 8 days. I am much happier being a woman also.

The depression is no longer so severe. It is more like long periods of time where I'd just rather be on my own and hate to get out of bed, and see no point to life.

The arthritis is the thing that concerns me the most. It mostly affects my left wrist, which is swollen and is bent off to the left now.

I have dealt with a lot of issues emotionally also, and I think this has been very beneficial.

I tried rhus tox and it did seem to fit my description perfectly, but it didn't help unfortunately.
Alabama last decade

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