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Argentum Metallicum:



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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

argentum nitricum 6 and Arg Nit6 are same medicines?

argentum nitricum 6 and arg nit6 are same medicines?
  ahm_ed on 2011-03-01
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
mani_jee last decade

in abchomeopahy forum reva v post a thread


night fall, sexual weakness, masturbation... suggested treatement - first draft

GENERAL MEDICINES for all patients suffering with the above complaints;
- Nutritional medicines given only in lower potencies. Higher potencies produce opposite effects. Example: Arg Nit 3, 6 helps, but Arg Nit 200 causes impotency in many patients, verified several times.
- Continue for 2 or 3 months to see some benefits
- All these medicines can be taken, one after the other (may be two different medicine on the same day, spaced a few hours apart, but not more on the same day). If any one medicine help you better than the other, stay with that medicine for a longer time.

i want to know that argentum nitricum 6 and Arg Nit6 are same medicines i have purchased argentum nitricum 6 in liqiud form from a homeopathy shop plz tell me how many drops i use in a water or how dosses in a day for whole month reply
[message edited by ahm_ed on Tue, 01 Mar 2011 06:12:12 CST]
[message edited by ahm_ed on Tue, 01 Mar 2011 06:16:09 CST]
ahm_ed last decade

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