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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Help with severe GERD symptoms.....

Hi there
I have been diagnosed with severe GERD/ possible Hiatal Haernia. I am currently waiting for an endoscopy, but am in the UK, so could be waiting four months. My symptoms are getting progressively worse, despite medication, and I am at my wit's end as to what to do. I am currently taking 20mg Omeprazole (prilosec) twice a day. I have also tried loprazole (Prevacid), Ranitidine (Zantac) and domperidone (Motilium). Nothing has eased the symptoms. I have a lump in my chest, but no heartburn. I have what feels like a constant hair in my throat that I am always trying to swallow. I have a really nasty sour taste in my mouth and the same type of smell in my nose. By the end of each day my mouth, nose, throat, ears and even EYES are sore, my glands are swollen, my voice goes and I struggle to take a deep breath. The fluid from my nose, as it is so sore, drips down my throat and I am really miserable. My eyes go red and sting as if I am sitting in a room of chemicals. I do not know what to do to ease this whilst I am waiting for the endoscopy. I really cannot cope, but the doctors seem to be unable to offer me anything that helps. I cannot believe how debilitating this is. I work full time, long hours, and am self employed. I cannot take time off work because I would not get paid.
I would really appreciate any help or suggestions.
  lewislewis1000 on 2005-04-25
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I maybe should add...as I've read that you need the whole story....the following:
I have had a very good diet all my life. I am 5'5" and weigh 121lbs. I am 36. I was born 3 months premature. I was a bit of a child prodigy regarding both academic and music studies. I lost the plot when I was 15 and got in with the wrong crowd, although I did pass all my exams. I am now a self employed IT consultant. My father has OCD, and I believe that I have it mildly too. I am obsessed with turning things off and often have to come back to the house after I have left to check something that I know I have done! I also constantly 'bet my life' with myslef on things, even so strange as how long it will take me to drive past the next lamp post and have to talk myself out of it. I have extremely vivid and worrying dreams that I normally remember, but they are rarely pleasant. I have always convinced myself that I couldn't have children, and was pleasantly surprised three years ago to find myself pregnant. Sadly it was ectopic and I almost lost my life. I have a very high tolerance to pain and so did not feel the internal bleeding when I ruptured. On a good note, they threw me out of hospital three days early as I was so well physically! I have since had several IUIs and after a laparoscopy showed my remaining Fallopian tube to be crap (possible due to being underdeveloped at birth) a further two attempts at IVF which all failed. Weirdest thing is I am unable to belch/burp. I have never done so, even as a child. I can feel the air gurgling in my chest. The only way to get it to come up is to shove my fingers down my throat and gag. After several attempts I let out a huge burp!
Don't know whether this will help, but I hope so...
lewislewis1000 last decade
Please help...
lewislewis1000 last decade
lewislewis1000 last decade
Hi- can you tell us when these symptoms happen? before, during, after food? before bed? when lying down?
when did they start and do any foods or drinks make it better or worse?
did you have any other problems around the time these symptoms started?
erika last decade
Hi Erika
The symptoms begin in the morning, probably about half an hour after I wake. They get progressively worse throughout the day and are worst before I go to bed. Once I get to sleep they don't wake me though. They are less bad when I am relaxed, like on my days off, although they are still there. They are significantly worse if I don't get much sleep. I can't think of any other problems that I had around the time they started. They did kind of creep up on me, they didn't start this bad. Hope it helps and thanks for the reply.
lewislewis1000 last decade
is there something the same every day that you eat that could be making these symptoms happen or do you always vary your diet?
erika last decade
Hi there
No, I eat a very varied diet. Nothing that I eat or drink seems to affect the symptoms. I wish it did so I could cut it out!
Thanks again
lewislewis1000 last decade
the reason I ask this is because you mention the glands, eyes, mouth etc. are all sore by the end of the day..........do you have any allergies to anything you know of in environment?
also, could you please explain more about the lump in chest you mention - is this a sensation, a swelling?
where in the uk are you - could you go to a local homeopath or be referred to a homeopathic hospital?
erika last decade
Hi Erika
I think my mouth, throat and tongue are sore from the acid. My mouth feels like it's burning and I have a terrible sour acidic taste. I think my glands just swell because my throat is sore and I swallow so much. I've never been allergic to anything in my life, and I can't think of anything different that I've used etc.
The lump in my chest is mostly a sensation, but the area feels swollen sometimes and is tender if I apply pressure. This mainly happens if I have been gagging a lot to try and relieve gas in my chest. As I posted before I cannot belch. I am in Rushden in Northamptonshire, but I work in Burton on Trent.
Thanks for your help again.
lewislewis1000 last decade
you mention your eyes go red and sting - is this every day as well?
do you suffer from constipation or diarrhoea, or excess gas in abdomen as well as feeling you need to belch?
do you have any problems urinating?
I have probably asked before but do you crave any foods or feel better for any food or drink?
erika last decade
Hi again Erika
My eyes usually go red and sting at the end of the day. This is at the same time as the inside of my nose is sore and smells of 'fumes' for want of a better word. It is like acid fumes, which I am sure is what it is. This makes my eyes sore.
I have no constipation or diarrhoea. I do get bloated in the tummy. No problems with the waterworks.
I feel better for eating small amounts throughout the day. I feel worse when I am hungry or tired. There are no specific foods or drinks that seem to make it better or worse. A couple of glasses of white wine seem to help, but that's just the relaxing effect I think! :) I'm sure it doesn't do any real good. I also have been taking a multivitamin and a probiotic supplement but it doesn't seem to have improved any.....
lewislewis1000 last decade
Try Arg. Nit. 6c or 12c - take 3 times daily and reduce this dosage if you get an improvement. I doubt it will be effective immediately - it could take a couple of weeks before it helps. If it makes the symptoms any worse then stop taking it!
To take - put one tablet/pillule under tongue and allow it to dissolve. Avoid food/drink/teeth cleaning etc. for app. 5-10 minutes before and after taking the remedy.:)
erika last decade
Thanks ERika
I will give this a try.
Thanks again for your help.
lewislewis1000 last decade
Hey there - if you're still looking for a remedy try apple cide vinegar (2 tablespoons to a glass of water). If you can, find the organic, low-acidity apple cider vinegar. I've heard this is great for acid!!
nuChik last decade
Hi Paula,

I read your posting and I realize it was a few years ago. I was wondering if you ever found out what is causing this as I have the same issue.

None of the medications work and I am having a endoscopy this Monday. However i think I have a theory what is going on but I am no doctor.

What I discovered is that when you belch you release sulfur gases, I don't belch so apparently the sulfur must build up inside. This is apparent to me when I take Pepto Bismo over night and my tongue is black in the morning because of the sulfur becoming neutralized. So I believe the burning, swelling, and the irritation all is a result of excess sulfur, how to fix that I don't know but its a place to start.

Another thing I noticed is that my throat and eyes and nose burn more when I drink liquid, especially water, which in this case creates sulfur dioxide which burns my eyes and effects my breathing giving me symptoms as if I'm having an asthma attack.

I am unable to belch also and noticed when I lay on my side in a certain position I can here a popping noise coming from my abdomen when I breath, I suspect something is damaged in my body not allowing me to expel gas like I normally should.

I really hope it works out for you, and that you find out whats wrong with you soon.

tdanandez last decade

Please take five doses of Carbo Veg 200c at a gap of 12 hours. This means
Take a dose of Carbo Veg 200.
after 12 hours take 2nd dose
after 12 hours take 3rd and so on upto 5 doses.

One dose is 4 pills or 3-4 drops in some 30 ml water. Water should be sipped up slowly. Pills should be kept under tongue until dissolved. Use cap of bottle to take pills. Don't touch with hands.

This should be taken in the first three days. From fourth day onwards, please take 2 tablets each of the following tissue salts 4 times a day at a gap of 4 hours upto 15th day.
natrum sulph 6x
kali mur 6x

please follow homeo restrictions like no coffee, no raw onion/garlic, no strong perfumes, don't eat or drink anything within 30 minutes before or after taking medicine.

Please report after 15 days.
kadwa last decade
Dear Paula,

I am a Vocational Nurse and have worked in anti-aging/alternative health for 4+ years.

You need to take stomach enzymes to help digest your food. Jarrow is rated #1 for supplements. 1. Jarro-Zymes_Plus. Take double the dose to start with for 2 weeks. Also get Apple Cider Vinegar from Jarrow as well. Drink 1 teaspoon in the morning before eating diluted in water. 1 tsp. of baking soda in 4 oz. of filtered water alkalize the stomach.

Avoid cruciferous vegetables ie cabbage, broccoli, Cauliflower, radish, kale, Brussel sprouts and Rutabaga.

Also drink organic licorice root tea and get licorice tablets (Mother's Market)

Stop all coffee and alcohol as they produce more acid.

Don't overeat and don't eat within 3 hours of bed time.

Let me know if you still are having problems after making these changes.

Stay blessed, Joyce
a10cowgirl last decade
I cannot believe I found this I am having the very same symptoms! For several weeks now after I had what was the worst case of the flu I can ever remember and a steroid shot and antibiotics and had to use and inhaler. It took me 12 days to be able to be up and around and then I got what was diagnosed as Pleurisy and am left with this problem now:( it's been very concerning and frightening at times. I was so glad to read the post just before mine as I just purchased some enzymes to see if they will help. If any one has more insight please post :) the original post could have been written by me !
[message edited by Soapianna on Wed, 10 Apr 2013 06:58:32 BST]
Soapianna last decade

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