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The other Twin! (Atten: Sameer) Page 2 of 2

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Happy New Year Sameer! I realize that it's been a number of months since I last e-mailed, but I wanted to touch base with you regarding my daughter Casie.

I gave her the suggested dose of Lachesis in the spring, but didn't notice many changes. Casie always gets relatively better in the summer, as she is outside more, enjoying the sun, outdoors, swimming and animals on the farm. This fall though, we noticed the fall back into the same negative routine. All the things noted in my last e-mail to you are still the same:
-When she is tantruming and sent to her room, she alternates between talking angrily out loud with screaming.
-she has a high pitched 'siren' scream when she tantrums
-she is still having a lot of issues with her clothing not feeling right and she wants to wear things tight/close to her skin, especially around the stomach and groin area.
-she hasn't had a cold sore since last spring, but it is common for her to get 1-2 a year in the spring/fall
-she has uncontrolable anxiety over the smallest issues, for example, I was making her bed and she broke down because I wasn't making it just right.
-she feels that people won't like her over small, insignificant details, for example, 'if I don't wear a sweater that matches my shirt, people won't like me'
-she will switch from tantrum mode to talking normally in seconds (almost like coming out of being possessed)
-overwhelmed by small, insignificant details many times per day
-when not tantruming, her normal mode is to talk quickly and almost non-stop to anyone listening (appears hyperactive)
-often bites at her nails and picks nose
-does not recognize in advance when she has to go to the washroom (doesn't feel the urge until it's almost too late)- she is often doing 'the pee dance' and I have to tell her to go to the washroom immediately.
-fascinated with rocks, spends hours a week looking for them and collecting them
-can sometimes be brought out of tantrums by back rubs/massage
-I was told by an energy healer that she is harboring some resentment toward me because she feels that she has to shoulder too much responsibility. I think one of the issues this comes from is asking my girls to tidy up the basement. Casie is such a hard/fast worker that she ends up doing more than her sisters, but blames them and me that she is doing more. When her sisters try and do more, she get very angry, because in her opinion 'they are not putting things away correctly'. I usually have her tidy up her own small area, then get her to stop, but she will still fixate on the fact that her sisters are doing things wrong.
-Also of interest to note: Both she and her twin sister have abnormally large pupils ALL the time. I have been told that this indicates a problem with the adrenal glands?

I hope this information will allow you to find another remedy that may help us. Again I have really appreciated your suggestions and support. Thank you!

lmeister last decade
Hi Linaya,

I will analyze this again and get back to you.

sameervermani last decade
So, can we say that she cannot tolerate injustice at all ?
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer - yes, I would say that she can not tolerate any injustice.


lmeister last decade
3 doses of Causticum 30c, and report in 1 week please.
sameervermani last decade
Thank you Sameer - I will have to order it.

lmeister last decade

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