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Lose weight quickly 3


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

looking to lose weight quickly

I am:
*18 years of age
*about 5'4''
*weigh about 120 pounds
*used to be a gymnast and cheerleader

and am trying to lose weight really quickly. My senior year of high school I went through a little bit of a depression and started gaining a little bit of weight. Although, in the past I could eat anything and still not have any problems with gaining weight. I'm really struggling lately with ridicule from friends and just want to get rid of the excess pounds. I have a small frame and am petite.

Please help...I'm open to any suggestions:)
  shireezbreezy on 2008-08-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
get your thtroid test done and inform the report
gopal18 last decade
Why would I need to get a thyroid test done?
shireezbreezy last decade
Shireezbreezy: Homeopathy is about finding a similimum for all the problems you have. It is not about treating different symptoms/ diseases with diff remedies. Please present your complete picture for the forum to suggest something.
srisri last decade
well patient of thyroid(hypothyroid) generally gain weight and have sad dispotion. so i want to be confirmed that wheteher you are thyroid patient
gopal18 last decade

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