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Thanks so much, Murthy. I'll pick up some nat. mur 30 today at the health store. I'll get the other 2 on order as well. I was looking on this site at the defination of the nat mur. I'm confused on how to read it. SHould all the items apply to me? Some do, some don't.

I'll let you know later today how things are going after I get the nat mur 30.

One question about homeopathy.........when we get these problems under control, will they resurface, then I just take the same remedy. Or does that depend on the symptom? I'm really a positive person, just need to get these things under control and am anxious to see how the homeopathy works. I'm a believer!! thanks again...ATK
atkhorses last decade

The symptoms you see in a materia medica are an aggregate of the symtoms by different provers.Say,while proving medicine,X gets 4 symptoms and y gets 5 symptoms,then the materia medica contains 9 symtoms.

What it means is, the medicine is capable of producing all these 9 symtoms,and if you have any of these,that symptom will get cured by the medicine.

For examle nat.mur may have more than a thousand symtoms,if you look into MM's like ALLen's encyclopodia.

No person on the earth will have all those symptoms.What we generally look for is whether the more important symptoms are matching or not.

If you keep on reading MMs by different authors, objectively,you can frame what is called a 'picture' of the medicine in your mind.We try to compare that picture with the individual personality you have.If they tally,may not be hundred percent,but most parts of it,we prescribe that medicine.

I can tell you why I chose Natrum Mur for you.But,it may confuse you further.

When the medicine works,what will generally happen is you get relief for some time,and the symptoms may come back after a certain period.If it happens we retake the case,and if the same picture continues we repeat the medicine,either in the same potency,or in a higher potency.If the symptom picture has changed,we may have to look for a different medicine.

It is difficult to predict,how a case unfolds.We have to decide depending on the 'current' situation.

Hope this clarifies your doubts to some extant.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Thanks so much for explaining the materia medica! I appreciate it and can understand better. I don't have doubts about homeopathy. I'm just a novice with it and am the type of person that likes to learn all I can about it so I can explain it to my friend (and appear intelligent on the subject!!) I'm that way with everything I find interesting. I've been on the internet and at libraries, I can't tell you how many hourse spent, looking up information pertaining to hypothyroidism and the effects it will have on one who has no thyroid gland. This is all for my daughter. Lucky for me, I'm blessed that my son and younger daughter present no problems at this time.

Might you recommend a homeopathy book for beginners? I'd love to get one.

Our health food store wasn't open yesterday. I'm going in today after I drop off the kiddos at school. My allergies are driving me crazy, but I haven't taken any sudafed or benadryl this mroning. I'm hoping the store has some histaminum for me. That has helped in the past. I'm very excited about taking the Nat Mur.

Have a great Monday,
atkhorses last decade
As Mr. Murthy mentioned if ,once somebody takes up a case,others generally keep away from it. That's the reason I am poking my nose here. I completely agree about the Natrum Muricatum's action. Also I completely agree with Mr. Murthy about the symptem system in MM. That's the reason I always try to find clinically proven remedy. Don't ignore Ignatia. You can keep taking NM for some weeks but also once a week dose of Ignatia-30 could also help.
pw3000 last decade
Thank you PW.

I seriously thought of starting with Ignatia,and glad that our thinking matched.

But,as the picture is very clear of Nat.mur,I reserved it for later use, if necessary.

We will see if she neeed it later.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I appreciate the input of Murthy and PW! I wanted to update that my health food store did have the Nat Mur 30C and I already took one pill (at 11:00 a.m.). Is it okay that I take the histaminum with the nat mur? I don't want to mess up the remedy treatment Murthy sent me. Let me know.

I will take the second pill around 6:00.

What kind of results should I look for? I will keep you updated.

I'm wondering if I waited long enough in between stopping the benadryl and prozac (the last time I took the prozac was Thursday, the last time I took the benadryl was yesterday afternoon) to begin the Nat Mur? I'll take the Nat Mur today, Tuesday and Wed. as directed for 3 days.

Thanks again,
atkhorses last decade
It is o.k. to take Nat.mur now.If necessary we will continue beyond three days.We will review after three days.

Keep posting.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Just wanted to post that I woke with a huge ache in the base of my head where it meets the neck. It felt like I slept on my head wrong, but was a little more than sore muscles. The pain kind of radiates thru the back of my head. I felt the ache coming on in the middle of the night and fixed my piillow, so I don't think it's from sleeping wrong. Can I apply arnica gel? That's all I have other than tylenol and I'm staying away from that!! LEt me know when you can--this is almost holding me back! Thanks again ATK
atkhorses last decade
Yes.Try Arnica gel.No problem.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I'm really feeling quite nautous this morning. We have the flu going around our house, but not the throw up kind. Could this nautious be a sign of the nat mur? I feel lousy. thanks atk
atkhorses last decade
I'm reporting that I had a migraine headache all day. Began, like I posted earlier with a stiff neck ache, then pain in the back of my head and down my neck. It worsened and I threw up and tried to lay down and get some sleep. THe headache never went away. I broke down and had to take something before I threw up again with the pounding headache. My mom and sister have reoccurring migraines and I got real scared today in hopes that the nat mur wasn't the cause of this one nad that I don't get reoccurring ones--hope the remedy didn't bring that out.

Now, my question is what to do in the sequence of my remedy. Thus far, I had taken 2 pellets yesterday of the nat mur 30c and one this morning (hoping the headache would subside). SHould I take another one tonight? and just continue with the plan (which would be 2 tomorrow). Please let me know

As for now, my headach has gone away, but I feel real tired and lethargic. atk
atkhorses last decade
Yes.Continue with Nat.Mur as suggested.stop after 3 days.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Thanks for your reply, I will take the second pellet tonight and 2 tomorrow which will complete the 3 days.

Just hope I didn't mess up the remedy by taking the Excedrine-Migraine capsule.

atkhorses last decade
Better to avoid allopathic medication as far as possible.If necessary,take just plain aspirin.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I have invariably used Bryonia 30 to treat both Migraine and Headache and it usually settles the problem in about 15 minutes. Dose 4 balls under the tongue repeated in 2 hours if the problem still persists. It is important that this remedy is used as early as possible in the attack as it is most effective at that stage. If the headache is chronic and has persisted for some time 2 balls Bry can be used last thing at night for a few days to overcome the tendency to wake up with a headache or migraine in the morning.

However if the Headache is caused by exposure to sunlight of bright lights, Glonoine 30 is the remedy.
Joe De Livera last decade

However if the Headache or Migraine is caused by exposure to sunlight OR bright light, Glonoine 30 is the remedy.
Joe De Livera last decade
thank you, i will get some of the Bryonia 30. I did wake with a feeling that the migraine could come back and a nautious (sp) stomach again. Since I don't usually get migraines, I'm wondering if this is an effect/result of the nat mur I'm taking?

If I'm understanding homeopathy correctly, the nat mur energies should go to my problems and work them out. Let me know --I appreciate it!
atkhorses last decade
I believe that you problem is due to the flu that you may have contacted from the others who have it in your home. The headache and the nauseous feeling is also part of the syndrome.

It is possible that Bryonia 30c can help you with your headache but the Nat Mur cannot possibly cause it with that naseous feeling.

Your flu should pass in about 3-5 days after you first noticed the feeling of malaise and you can then stop the Bryonia and keep up your Nat Mur therapy.
Joe De Livera last decade
Just wanted to post.

I completed the 3 days of nat mur last week (wed) and I'm feeling fine. I'm not sure if you wanted me to take something else as earlier you mentioned to get the nat mur 200 and 1M. Let me know---thanks atk
atkhorses last decade
Normally,we repeat the same potency,3 times,whenever the same symptoms come back.Then we up the potency to next scale.

These are 30,200,1M,10M,50M,CM,DM,and MM.
Sometimes called the octves of potencies.

So,one round of Nat.Mur 30 is over.It will be good for another two rounds.Then,we may have to move up, to 200...Like that.

So,better get them,and keep them ready.

No more medicine now.Post again,if you feel worse,in any way.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
Read 'Octaves of potencies'

bandarbabu2000 last decade
I did a search for octaves of potentencies and it came up with nothing. Is that the name of the post? thank
atkhorses last decade
I wanted to post also that I am have a tight feeling in my chest and have noticed it for going on the second day now. I feel my heart is racing at times. Don't know if this is a symptom or how to tell. How long do I wait it out and will I know if it's related to nat mur?

p.s. I mispelled potentencies in the last post, I meant potencies! thanks
atkhorses last decade
I mispelled the word octaves, in my earlier post,( the 'a' was missing ) ,and corrected it immediately.That was what I meant.

The palpitation of heart is a classic symptom of Nat.Mur.Your getting that symptom,means Nat.mur is acting on you.

Wait for two more days.You shoud feel much better,though gradually.

bandarbabu2000 last decade
When you say Nat Mur is working on me, what exactly is it doing? Do I understand correctly if I say it is going to the stressed areas and releasing the stressed energies? I'll try the octaves of potencies again. thanks
atkhorses last decade

bandarbabu2000 last decade

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