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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Fever Acute

Hi everyone,

My father age 66yr old is suffering from fever since y'day.Y'day he had some groundnuts in the morning around 10am .after one hour he started complaining of belching(with smell of groundnut).around 12:30pm he passed loose stool.and then sudden fever after passing stool.he was given paracetamol when fever shot up to 101F.but his fever didn't come down.It was fixed at 100.6F.then at night around 11:30 he was again given paracetamol.In the morning fever came down to 99.6F.but again started shooting up.so finally given another paracetamol at 11:30am(when temperature was found 101F).y'day only once he passed loose stool..but passed semi solid incomplete stool 4 times.since this morning he has passed stool thrice (semi solid incomplete no losse stool today).other than fever he has gas accumulation in stomach,, constant urging to stool and nausea..

Sir kindly suggest some remedy asap.Please.thanks in advance
  savitaj on 2008-07-23
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Please try Ars. Alb-30 ( 3 drops per dose thrice or 4 times a day and report tommorrow)

dr. mahfooz
Mahfoozurrehman last decade
I would like to advise to review this sheet and notice the criteria and fill if Ars. Alb do not work.

Please tick on options, which you feel, are quite suited or applying on you, you can also tick more than one options

A. You have fever
1. For 1-3 days.
2. For 3-7 days
3. For 7-15 days
4. For 15-30 days
5. For months.
B. You have fever
1. Not always and never gone above 103
2. Always/continous
3. Always and between 101-103
4. Always and above 103
5. Don’t know
C. What complaints do you have with fever.
1. Problem in throat.
2. Runny nose.
3. Dry cough
4. Tiredness
5. Mild headache
6. Drowsiness
7. Body aches
8. Nausea
9. Vomiting
10. Diarrhea
11. Cough with yellow/green/ tan (chocolate or coffee colored) sputum
12. Severe headache
13. Neck pain and stiffness
14. Normal light hurts
15. Night sweats
16. Earache
17. Dyspnoea
18. Pain while urination
19. Back pain
20. Joint pain and swelling
21. Abdominal pain
22. Jaundice
23. Missed periods (menses)
24. Any new skin eruption
25. Nothing

D. You feel _____ since you have fever
1. Much sleepy
2. Much dullness
3. Much restlessness
4. Much anxiety
5. Decreased tolerance to heat (as compared to others in the same surroundings)
6. Decreased tolerance to cold (as compared to others in the same climate).
7. Much thirsty.
8. Less thirsty.

E. What are timings of rising of temperature in your case or at which time you feel fever in respect, or at what time you fever got worse.
1. Morning with feeling of chilliness
2. Morning without feeling of chilliness
3. Forenoon with feeling of chilliness
4. Forenoon without feeling of chilliness
5. Afternoon with feeling of chilliness
6. Afternoon with feeling of chilliness
7. Evening with feeling of chillness
8. Evening with feeling of chilliness
9. Night with feeling of chillness
10. Night without feeling of chilliness
11. Night with perspiration
12. Before midnight
13. After midnight

F. Fever starts with:
1. With chill
2. With heat
2. With perspiration
3. With chill followed by heat
4. With chill followed by heat then perspiration
5. With chill followed by heat with perspiration
6. With chill followed by heat without perspiration
7. With heat followed by chill
8. With head followed by perspiration
9. With shivering
10. With shivering followed by feeling of hotness
11. With shivering followed by heat and sweat
12. With intense heat

G. What do you think the reason of your fever? There are few most common reasons are listed below, please see and find which may be your causes of fever and recall that anything from listed below happened to you prior to onset of fever.
1. Exposure to dry cold winds/cold
2. Getting wet
3. From getting wet when overheated
4. Excessive exposure to sun
5. Eating nonsuitable/unhyegenic food stuff i.e egg, fish, food, salad, drinks, and vegetables.
6. Any diet irregularities
7. Bites i.e. bee bite
8. Any injury
9. Do you have any wound
10. Any operation or delivery recently
11. Any episode of excessive anger/fear/excitement
12. Any prolonged deep grief/embarrassment/disappointment

H. During fever you:
1. Desires covering normally
2. Wants much covering
3. Avoids covering
4. Without covering getting some relief
5. Covering makes worse.

I. Effects of fever on daily activities
1. Want to be absolute quited and lying in bed
2. Walking in open air makes worse
3. Walking in open air give some relief
4. Sleep give some relief
ADVISE: Since fever is a sign of the body fighting against disease, the
first step is to take rest in a well ventilated room and avoid
any exertion, mental or physical.
Take lots of fluids to avoid dehydration.
Cool packs Can be kept on the forehead and also on the entire
body to lower the temperature. Water taken for this should be tap
Diet should be light and nutritious with plenty of vegetable
soups and juices.
Soft diet consisting of porridge with rice and lentils is
Avoid taking carbonated beverages, cold juices and fruits like
cucumber and bananas.

Call the doctor,
If you have severe chills, shivers and chattering teeth. These
can be symptoms of pneumonia, malaria or kidney infection.
Dr. Rakesh Km Lko last decade

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