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Allergy3Mr. Anuj follow up with my case + Eczema14 month old reflux/food allergy84 year old girl eczema3Graphites & Eczema2My boy has eye twitching and cold eczema7Eczema9dyshidrotic eczema4Whey Protein allergy2Food Allergy139


The ABC Homeopathy Forum

4.5 year old with acute asthma, eczema, and allergy to pistachios/cashews and chickpeas Page 2 of 3

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Have you ruled out leaky gut syndrome? I am currently thinking that is what is wrong with my son with some similar symptoms.
kamryy last decade
I gave about about 12 doses regulary of 6c sulphur and then as she developed the fever I gave her one dose daily of 4 tabs of sulphur as I was going back and forth between continuing the sulphur or not. My homeopath told me to continue and my husband told me to stop. We finally stopped as that high fever scared us and as it is I had doubts with the dosing schedule because of the comments from sameer who seemed knowledgeable.

Also leaky gut ....how do you rule out ...she tested negative to celiac disease
hemraj last decade
That is way too many doses of the same potency.

But anyways , since the potency was low, the effect should wear off very soon. Do not worry.

Come back after a week, and I will re-take her case from scratch. This period is required to let her body cool off a bit.

sameervermani last decade
hemraj, start immediately Tellurium 30C once a day for three days. Then from fourth day Lycopodium 30 once a day for a week.

Kid is sick, you should not wait but pursue the treatment aggressively.
girilal last decade
Once again, I am warning you Mr. Hemraj, Lycopodium 30C for a week is going to cause further problems. These are way too many doses once again. And, as a rule Lycopodium is NEVER taken after Sulphur.

Anyways in 106F fever , you should surely give allopathic medicines. The chronic treatment can resume after she is out of this severe attack.

Aggression does not mean indicriminately prescribing remedies. There shoudl be a method.

One remedy followed by another without giving body enough time to react is a recipe for a spoilt case.

sameervermani last decade

She was given a total of about 15 doses of sulpher 6c (3-4) tabs each. At first she was chewing them...which I later found out was wrong ,thanks to this forum and then the last few doses in water. Her body temp. is ok now for the last couple of days...but I must say her stools have been amazing ...big and bulky ...not like the hard and dark rock-like pellets she was releasing. She has never had stools like this before. So before I proceed, I also got myself some homeopathy books but having no experience whatsoever I don't know what to really make of this reaction. Is it the sulphur affecting the stools ...does that mean I continue ...but I am double-minded because I have also read that there is so much pollution that includes sulfur that by me giving such a low dose of sulphur may make her worse later on. I want her to get better overall and most importantly I would like to see her eat foods that everybody should eat (ie. dals and nuts)....we are vegetarians and her only source of protein is milk and with re: to leaky-gut all advocates of leaky gut say to stay clear of milk and wheat.


hemraj last decade
I am glad she is feeling better now.

15 doses is way too many doses of the same potency !! You should stay away from this homeopath.

Any new person reading the materia medica thinks every remedy is the 'right' remedy because he has some traits of the remedy. The totality should correspond, not just one or two symptoms.

Write her current symptoms in detail now, and let us start from scratch
sameervermani last decade

I think I gave some details about my daughter earlier but I will try to include all that I can remember again. She is thin, has dry skin , is fairly active but lately she gets tired very easily (especially after eating). Her tummy always hurts in the morning and breakfast is actually the most difficult for her to digest even after just a few bites. So now in the morning , I give her half a cup of warm water which I have to bribe her to drink and then 1/4 cup of some fruit or green juice because every morning she wakes up really hungry but I know that if I give her food right away that her tummy will hurt. And by giving her water first she is able to eat a little more with less or no pain in her tummy.

She is an anxious and jealous child . She is bright and logical but doesn't like to be told what to do. We have to explain why we have to do things a certain way and then if it makes sense to her then she will follow. But she is not like this at school. She listens to what her teacher says but then she trys to be sneaky. She also is sneaky at home and is very persistent especially in asking for things that she really wants. Until we give in, she will continue asking or if its a comprimise she likes (ie. just after finishing a pizza meal, she will ask if we can have it again tomorrow and she knows we will say no but then she keeps asking until we say fine you can have it again in 7 days. She also is sensitive and if we say someone is cute...she will right away say 'you don't think I'm cute.' She has a security blanket which she constantly kisses and holds. When she feels good...she talks loud.

Physically as mentioned before, she is thin and has dry skin. She had eczema as a baby and then blood and mucous in her stools off and on which no doctor could determine why. She was put on a hypoallergenic formula 'til about 15 months. She developed a bad cold which developed into asthma at about 18months and from then on every time she gets a cold we have to give her puffers. She just got ring worm patches (fungal) infection which we treated alongside with the sulphur homeopathy tx.

When I was pregnant with her , I had a bad cold for about 2 months which I took some amoxil for,

She doesn't have much thirst ... I have to force her to drink water...meanwhile sweet juice she will gulp down. She has a sweet tooth and loves cold stuff. She loves cheese, pizza, pasta and chocolate.

Her eyes look watery and she constantly rubs her eyes especially when out in bright sunlight. She can't look up at sun at all. She was born on a full moon.

I hope this helps
hemraj last decade
Some questions :

1./) Is she generous in sharing her favourite objects or food ?

2./) Is she scared of dark , thunderstorms, being alone or ghosts ?Any other fears ?

3./)How sympathetic is she?

4./) Does she need consolation ?

sameervermani last decade

she is sometimes generous is sharing her favourtie objects or food but according to her terms.

She is scared of dark not so much of thunderstorms . She is scared of monsters in the closet

She is sympathetic only when she has hurt someone (especially her sister) badly otherwise if she makes a mess she says a quick sorry and the mess is still there , she never really feels sorry for her behaviour ,atleast I don't think so.

Also when we ask her why she made a mess or hurt someone ...she replys 'I don't know' and I honestly think she doesn't know why she does it. Partly I think its her curiousity and just her desire to test someone to the limit .

She gets angry right away and she cries right away especially when she doesn't get what she wants. she has no problem in showing he emotions except once when I saw her at school and her friend did not want to play with her but rather someone else...she cried privately then.

she needs consolation.

Also a few things I forgot to mention earlier....she has a distended and bloated abdomen.
She almost looks like one of the malnourished kids (thin with a big belly).

She has nose bleeds off and on.

Her ring worm patches are mostly on her right side of the body.

Her stools are somewhat back to the way they were before( hard round balls) not logs....I celebrated too soon/
hemraj last decade
Still more information is needed. Some more questions:

1./) Does she lie or steal things ?

2./) Is she arrogant or egotistical ?

3./) Does she have senseless, repetitive behavior such as stacking things or cutting papers into ever smaller bits ?

4./) Does she have cold sweats or cold face ever ?

sameervermani last decade

yes she does sometimes lie to cover up something or hide something and she takes money or her sister's things without asking and she is careless with them.

she is not arrogant, and I don't think really egotistical

she loves cutting papers to little pieces or ripping tissue to little pieces and when playing with lego blocks she loves making towers (ie. stacking them up) in a nice pattern.
She loves putting things in a pattern

No cold sweats or cold face noticed.
hemraj last decade
Hmm.. how about cold hands or feet ?
sameervermani last decade
yes she does have cold feet ...don't know much about hands.

Also she grinds her teeth at night as well as talks in her sleep

She does not get thirsty I have never seen her gulp water down out of thirst, I have to force her to drink water
hemraj last decade
Also , is she according to you, showing excessive mental development and precocity where she is above what chidlren of her age usually are in conceptual abilities ?

And, does she ever like to play being a princess or any divine being like God or any prophet ?
sameervermani last decade
she does have somewhat deeper understanding of certain concepts but her mental development in writing and speaking or telling stories or drawing is average,

She does like to play princess but doesn't every little girl?

What are you thinking is /are some of the possible treatment choices for her.
hemraj last decade
This case is a manifestation of the Tubercular miasm as is clear by her restlessness, dissatisfaction, ring worm and asthmatic tendencies.

So the remedies in question are Arsenic and Phosphorus. Phosphorus can look like Arsenicum in its desire for company, cold stuff and ice, but Phosphorus is genuinely sympathetic , and cares about others even when sick. Arsenic tends to be a bit more selfish when sick and worries about himself more, and Arsenic's worrries about others are more out of insecurity rather than from genuine sympathy. Arsenic is improved from warmth and warm drinks whereas Phosphorus is improved from cold drinks , consolation and company.

I am writing this so that we can together make a better decision.

Reading all your replies, I am very much inclined towards Arsenic Album and the symptomology also corresponds more to it especially this grinding of teeth at night, and her allergies is crying out Arsenic to me.

Later down the line Tuberculinum could also be indicated.
sameervermani last decade
She does not like warm drinks and she does not like too much warmth.

Also , we take her to this 'dadima' who does accupressure and her liver points hurt everytime she presses it as well as her pinky finger points. Will any of these meds harm her liver?

And also, what is the proper way for a cure : to treat the most recent symptoms and then go back in time
Her complaints from present to past :- fever---ringworm maybe eczema like patches---/fast heavy breathing wheezing with colds (possibly asthma like)----/tummy ache for past year especially after trip from India---/constipation on-going/blood/mucous in stools
at about 3-6months
stuffy nose on and off
hemraj last decade
Arsenic has a craving for cold drinks and so does Phosphorus.

Do not try to self- prescribe as this is a very complicated case. If you are willing to follow me for about 10 weeks atleast, I will make a prescription.
Such a case will not be solved overnight. There might be layers and blockages we encounter after the first prescription and this treatment can go on for months. Ofcourse that doesnt mean she will be taking many medicines, it could just be 2-3 doses and then waiting for 3-4 weeks. That is how I will go , but then the decision is yours . If you can walk exactly with me, I will continue further. Otherwise , we are wasting each other's time.

Do let me know.
sameervermani last decade
I don't want to self-prescribe but in your earlier statement you said Arsenic had a craving for warmth and Phosphorous more for cold ...I was just clarifying her traits hoping that we pick the right medication for her.

Her symptoms are on the right side of the body...does that mean anything especially since her liver point is hurting.
hemraj last decade
I said Arsenic ';feels' better from warmth but it still has a 'craving' for ice and cold drinks. Both Arsenic and Phosphorus are chilly remedies with cravings for cold drinks, and ice.

There is a difference between feeling better with something and craving for something. People crave for many things which at times make them feel worse.

I would not read too much into symptoms being right sided.

So , if you can just confirm that you will stick to the instructions exactly, I will make a prescription.

sameervermani last decade
hemraj last decade
Okay !

Here is the prescription.

Dissolve 2 pellets of Arsenic Album 30C in a 500 ml bottle of spring water. If you leave 2 pellets in the bottle for about 20 mins , they will dossolve by themselves. Then, turn the bottle upside down gently a few times for them to shake.

One teaspoon from this bottle using a disposable spoon in 1 dose. No eating or brushing of teeth for 1 hour on either side of this dose. Give her 3 such doses for 1 day only. Space the doses equally in the day.

After this dosage, just wait and watch her closely for 4 days and then report back your status here.

sameervermani last decade
just to clarify , if I'm giving just one teaspoon of 2 pellets of ars. alb30...then does that equal to a higher potency in homeopathic terms?

also she is 4.5yrs old but weighs only 32lbs...does this make a difference id dosage?
hemraj last decade
2 pellets dissolved in a 500 ml mineral water bottle, and then 1 teaspoon from that bottle is 1 dose.

You have to give 3 doses in 1 day. No doses after these 3.

Yes, the dosage is fine for her.Go ahead.

sameervermani last decade
And surely it doesn't have to be a teaspoon full of pellets !! :)

It has to be a teaspoon from the 500 ml water bottle where only 2 pellets have been dissolved. The same bottle is to be used for all 3 doses, and do not throw the bottle.

Just keep it, we might need it in the future.
sameervermani last decade

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