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Rhus Diversaloba

Rhus Diversiloba, California Poison Oak, Rhus-d.

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HPUS indication of Rhus Diversaloba: Itching
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Rhus Diversaloba in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



antidote to Rhus; violent skin symptoms, with frightful itching; much swelling of face, hands and genitals; skin very sensitive; eczema and erysipelas, great nervous weakness, tired from least effort; goes to sleep from sheer exhaustion

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Rhus Diversaloba

Rhus-t > relationships
Compare: Rhus Radicans (almost identical action); characteristics are, burning in tongue, tip feels sore, pains are often semilateral and in various parts, often remote and successive. Many symptoms are better after a storm has thoroughly set in, especially after an electric storm. Has pronounced YEARLY worse ( Laches.) Rhus Toxicodendron Radicans has headache in OCCIPUT even pain in nape of neck and from there pains draw over the head Forwards). Rhus Diversiloba - California Poison-oak (antidote to Rhus; violent skin symptoms, with frightful itching; much swelling of face, hands and genitals; skin very sensitive; eczema and erysipelas, great nervous weakness, tired from least effort; goes to sleep from sheer exhaustion); Xerophyllum (dysmenorrhoea and skin symptoms).

Rhus-v > relationships
Antidote: Clematis. The California Poison-oak (Rhus Diversiloba) is identical with it. It antidotes Radium and follows it well.

Rhus-t > appendix
99, Dr. D. S. Kimball, Hempel's Jahr's New Manual, Appendix, p. 1041, effects on Dr. K. of gathering and preparing some of the Tox; 100, J. H. Sherman, M.D., New Eng. Med. Gaz., vol. xi, 1876, p. 407, a lady was poisoned; 101, H. M. Logee, M.D., Cincin. Med. Advance, vol. vi, 1878, p. 168, Mrs. W., a healthy woman, aged sixty years, drank a cup of sassafras tea, in which were some roots of Rhus rad., Friday evening, and rather more than a cupful the next morning; (102 to 105, from J. Murray Moore, M.D., Annals of Brit. Hom. Soc., Aug., 1878 (Amer. Hom. Obs., vol., xv, 1878, p. 465), effects of Rhus diversiloba); 102, Dr. Max Werder gives a case of poisoning; 103, E. B. M., a lady, aged twenty-five years, was poisoned by exposure to the shrub; 104, John W., aged twenty-three years, lay down among the shrubs while sweating, and once or twice relieved his bladder there; 105, Wilson K., aged ten years, plucked some leaves.

Rhus Diversaloba is not available to buy over the counter.
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