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Pulmonaria officinalis

Common Lungwort, Pulm.
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Morph > appendix
(Nos. 1 to 99, from Hahnemann, R. A. M. L., 1, 278, with critical annotations in brackets, by Dr. Hughes.) 1, Hahnemann; 2, Cubitz; 3, Gutmann; 4, Schoenike; 5, Stapf; 6, Act. Nat. Cur., IV, Obs. 145 (observation by Hasenest); 7, Eph. (not Act.) Nat. Cur., cent. I, Obs. 54 (from a large dose of "Theriaca," given to a child of six weeks, observation by Hoyer); 8, AEpli, Hufel. Journ., XXV, 3 (from mixture of opium and rhubarb, given to a baby for colic); 9, Alibert (not accessible); 10, Alpin, Med. AEgypt., IV, Cap. 1 (general statement as to Egyptian opium-eaters); 11, Alston (Essays and Obervations, Edinb., V, 93, observations); 12, Baglivi, Prax. Med., Lib. I, p. 65, from too many and too large doses (statement); 13, Bard, Diss. de vir. Op., Edinb., 1765 (p. 15, experiment on self with 1 1/2-grain doses); 14, Bauer, in Act. Nat. Cur., II (Obs. 93, observation); 15, Bautzmann, Misc. Nat. Cur. Dec., II, Ann. 8 (Obs. 44, observation); 16, Bellonius, Libr. 3, Obs. Cap., 15 (p. 431, from opium-eating); 17, Berger, de vi opii rare facient (general statement from authors); 18, Bergius, Mat. Med. (p. 458, general statement from authors); 18a, Boerhaave, praelect. (general statement); 19, Bohn, de officio med., p. 362 (symptoms not found); 20, Bonetus, Sepulcret. Anatom. lib. I, sect. 1, p. 214 (symptoms not found); 21, Borellus, Cen. 4, Obs. 57 (observation); 22, Büchner, diss. de Opio. Hal., 1748, § 45 (not accessible); 23, Büttner, Unterr. Ueber. d. Toedtlichk. d. Wunden (p. 204, observation); 24, Charas, Pharm. Reg. Chym., C. 51 (symptoms not found); 25, Chardin, Voyage en Perse, Amst., 1771, Tom. IV, p. 203, 204 (statements as to opium-eaters); 26, Charvet (Act. de l'Opium, Paris, 1826, experiments with various doses); 27, Clerk (In. Essays and Obs., Edinb., III, 121, poisoning of a man by 20 grains); 28, Clauder, Eph. Nat. Cur., Dec. II, Ann. 5, Obs. 178 (experiment with an extract prepared with sulphuric acid); 29, Cocq, in Stalpaart v. d. Wiel, Observ., cent. II, Obs. 41 (symptom not found); 30, Crumpe, Nature and Properties of Opium, 1793, effects of 1 grain of opium, taken in a teaspoonful of warm water, pulse 70, normal; 30a, from same, a healthy man took same dose, pulse 44, normal; 30b, Crumpe, took 2 1/2 grains of Opium, pulse 70; 31, Delacroix, Journ. de Méd., XXXIX, 1773, p. 313, from 2 grains, in a clyster, taken by a woman; 32, Eph. Nat. Cur., Dec. II, Ann. 10, Obs. 80 (should be Misc. Nat. Cur., statement); 33, Ettmüller, Diss. de vir. Opii Diaphor., Lips., 1694, Cap. I, § 5 (general statement); 34, Freind, Opera, Tom. I, Emmenol, p. 139 (general statement); 35, Garcias ab Horto, Hist. Aromat., I, Cap. 4 (observation); 36, de Garter, Med. Dogm., Cap. I (not accessible); 37, Geoffroy, Mat. Med., II (general statement); 38, Grimm, Act. Nat. Cur., III, Obs. 19 (experiments on self, with grain i-iij); 39, Guiand (not accessible); 40, Haller, Praelect. in Boerh. Inst., IV, p. 519 (general statement); 40a, Haller, de Part. Corp. Viritab. et Sensib., Sect. 2 (not found); 41, Hamberger, Diss. de Opio, Jen., 1749, § 16 (a general statement, cited from Geoffroy); 42, Hargens, Hufel. Journ., IX, 2 (observation on a patient); 43, Hecquet, Réflexions sur l'usage de l'Opium, Paris, 1726, p. 184 (not accessible); 44, omitted; 45, de Hellwich, Bresl. Samml., 1702 (not accessible); 46, Hist. de l'Acad. des Sc., 1735 (not accessible); 47, Hoffmann, Diss. de op. Opeii, Hal., 1700 (general statement); 47a, ibid., Diss. de Corr. Opii, Hal., 1702 (not accessible); 47b, ibid., Med. Rat. Syst., II (p. 273, general statement); 48, Hufel. Journ., VIII, 4, p. 134 (not found); 49, Hunter, uber d. vener. Krankh., p. 640 (observations on patients); 50, Joerdens, Hufel. Journ., XVII, 1 (observation on self when taking laudanum to procure sleep); 51, Jones, the Mysteries of Opium Revealed (observations); 52, Juncker and Böhmer, Diss. Sistens Casum. Matrone Largissimo usu Opii Tract., Hal., 1744 (not accessible); 53, Kämpfer, Amoen. exot. Fasc., III, Obs. 15 (observation on self in health); 54, Kilian, Med. Annal., 1800 (not accessible); 55, Knebel, Hufel. Journ., XXVI, 2 (p. 148, observation on a child with hooping-cough); 56, Lassus, Mem. de l'Inst. National des Sc. et Arts, Tom. II (from gr. 26, taken by a woman of sixty); 57, Leroux, Journ. de Méd. (from nearly a drachm, in a woman of fifty-one); 58, Levesque-blasource, Journ. de Méd., 1808 (vol. 16, pt. 1, p. 21-24, from large doses in a man); 59, Lindestolpe, de Venen., p. 591 (general statement); 60, Journ. Encyclop., I, pt. 2, p. 72, also Recueil period, p. 74 (observations and statements); 61, Martin, Vetensk. Acad. Handling, 1773, P. II, Nr. 7 (observation); 62, Matthai, Hufel. Journ., XI, 2 (observations on patients); 63, Manchart, Eph. Nat. Cur., cent. I, Obs. 15 (from a grain of crude O. taken by self)64, Mead, de Venen., in Op. D., II, p. 190, edit. Götting. (general statements); 65, Monno, Essays Phys. and Lit, vol. III (Art. 13, experiments on frogs); 66, Müller, Hufel. Journ., XVIII (p. 55, from a mixture of tinct. Thebaica and Hoffmann's anodyne, given for a nervous affection); 67, Murray, App. Med. II, p. 282 (general statement); 68, Muzell, Wahrn., II, p. 131 (from a mixture of Opium and Spr. Cornu cervi); 69, d'Outrepont (from a large dose taken by a woman eight months pregnant); 70, Ouwens, Noctes Hayanae Vorr., p. 14 (from laudanum taken for spasms of legs); 71, Pitcairne, Diss. de Circul. in Animal., etc., also Element. Med. (observations); 72, Plater, Obs., Lib. I, p. 127 (not found); 73, Pyl, Aufsätze, Samml., I, p. 95 (from a large dose of the extract, in a man of fifty or sixty); 74, Rademacher, Hufel. Journ., IV, 3, p. 587 (from tinct. Thebaica given in dysentery); 75, Reineggs, in Blumenbach's Med. Bibl., I (an account of the effects of Opium-eating); 76, Renodaeus, Mat. Med., Lib., I, sect. 13, Cap. 2 (statement); 77, Riedlin, lin. Med. Ann., IV, Decemb. Ob., 16 (observation); 78, de Ruef, App. ad Nova Acta Nat., Cur., V, p. 63 (general statement); 79, Saar, Reise n. d. Orient (statement as to use of O. by Chinese); 80, Sachs v. Lewenheim, Misc. Nat. Cur., Ann. 2, Obs. 69 (general statement); 81, Sauvages, Nosol. method, I, p. 847 (a drachm and a half of laudanum drunk by a boy of fifteen); 82, Schelhammer, Misc. Nat. Cur., Dec. II, Ann. V, Obs. 12 (from pills of styrax and Opium); 83, Schweickert, Hufel. Journ., VIII, 3 (not found); 84, Stalpaart, v. de. Wiel, cent. II, Obs. 42 (from half a drachm of solid Opium); 85, Stentzelius, de Venen., I, § 46 (not accessible); 86, Stütz, Hufel. Journ. (X, 4, 35-7, from Opium given in a convulsive attack); 87, Van Swieten, Comment., I, p. 878 (general statements); 88, Thomassen a Thuessink, Diss. de Op., use in syphilitide, L. B., 1785 (not accessible); 89, Thompson, Diss. de Opio, p. 121 (observations and statements); 90, Tralles, de usu et abusu Opii (observations and statements); 91, Vermendois (not accessible); 92, Vicat, Plant. Vénén. de la Suisse, p. 226 (from overdose of laudanum mixed with amber and nitre. N.B. All the symptoms referred to Vicat belong to this case, which is in the work mentioned); 93, Waldschmid, Monita Med. Circa Opium, Marburg, 1679 (not accessible); 94, Ward, Neues Journ. d. Ausländ. Med.-Chir. Lit., IV, 1 (from external applications); 95, Wedel, Opiologia, p. 165 (not accessible); 96, Wepfer, de Apoplexia, p. 24 (not accessible); 97, Whytt (Essays, Phys. and Lit., II, 308, experiments on frogs), omitted, T. F. A.; 98, Willis, Pharm. Rat., p. 305 (observations and statements); 99, Young, treatise on Opium (observations and statements), (100 to 109, Jörg's provings from Materialien, 1825, all provings with Opium combined with Magnesia, omitted); 100, Guntz, took 1 drop of tincture, afterwards 2, 4, 6 and 9 drops, and subsequently repeated doses of 2 to 18 drops; 100a, same, took doses of 1/2 to 1 grain of crude Opium; 101, Kneschke, provings with tincture, doses of 1 to 9 drops; 102, Lippert, provings with tincture, 1 to 36 drops; 103, Otto, tincture, 2 to 4 drops; 104, Pienitz, tincture, 1 to 6-drop doses; 105, Siebenhaar, tincture, 1 to 12-drop doses; 106, Jörg, took tincture, 1 to 3-drop doses; 107, Edwd. Jörg, tincture, 1 to 2-drop doses; 108, Theo. Jörg, tincture, 1/2 to 2-drop doses; 109, Mrs. Ch., tincture, 1/2 to 2-drop doses; (Nos. 110 to 120, Austrian provings, Zeit. des. Ver. Hom. AErzt. Aust., 1862); 110, Dr. Alb, effects of tincture, 5 drops, one dose; 110a, same, subsequent proving, 25 drops of tincture; 111, Dr. Bresslauer, provings with 30th and 12th dils., doses in the morning; 112, Duditsch, proving with 30th and 12th dil.; 113, Eidherr, provings with 1st dil., 4 to 24-drop doses; 113a, same, tincture, 5 to 20-drop doses; 114, Dr. Freud, tincture, 6-drop doses; 115, Jenitschek, 1st dil., 3 to 15-drop doses; 115a, same, tincture, 30-drop doses; 116, Wm. Jenitschek, aged nine and a half years, 1st dil., 3 to 20-drop doses; 116a, same, tincture, 2 to 20-drop doses; 117, Dr. Schauer, tincture, 20 drops; 118, Stern, tincture, 5 to 20-drop doses; 119, Szontagh, tincture, 5 to 40-drop doses; 119a, same, 1st trit., 12 to 12-grain doses; 120, Tedesco, 6th dil., three times a day; 120a, same, 1st dil., 5 to 25-drop doses; 120b, same, tincture, daily doses of 5 to 30 drops; 121, Smith, Med. Museum, 1763, a man in the habit of taking 3 drachms of O. daily, took 1 1/2 drachms morning and noon, also statement of general effect in same man; 122, Kennedy, Edinb. Med. and Surg. J., 1794, effects of 155 grains, in a man; 123, Pfundel, from Schlegel Materialien, 1800 (Frank's Mag., 3, 600, a man took 12 to 15 grains in beer); 124, Lassus, Med. and Phys. Journ., 1801, p. 491, effects of 36 grains of O. in a woman of fifty-six, death after eleven hours; 125, Schlegel, Materialien, 1801 (Frank's Mag., 3, 600), a physician took 1/2 an ounce in beer; 126, same, another man took 1 1/2 drachms in beer; 127, McKechnie, Edinb. Med. and Surg. Journ., 1811, p. 305, effects of an ounce of laudanum, in a woman aged twenty-eight; 128, Vincent, Thesis, 1816 (Wibmer), effects of a large dose; 129, Ward, Med. and Phys. Journ., 1802, p. 130, effects of inunction (in right leg and foot) of 2 drachms of tincture of Opium with olive oil; 129a, same, repeated two days later in left leg; 130, Weber, Med. and Phys. J., 1803, p. 435, effects of single doses large enough to produce effects; 131, same, effects of 2 grains, in a young lady; 132, same, effects of 4-grain doses, in eight healthy men; 133, same, effects of 3-grain doses, in three men; 134, same, effects of 4 grains, given the next morning to two of the preceding cases; 135, Shephard, Med. and Phys. Journ., 1808, 1, p. 497, effects of 2 1/2 drachms of O.; 136, Kinnis, Edinb. Med. and Surg. J., 1818, effects of 1 1/2 ounce of laudanum, in a man; 137, Percival, Dubl. Hosp. Rep., 1818, 226, effects of 2 ounces ofcamphorated tincture of O., in a delicate old lady, antidoted by green tea; 138, Lond. Med. Repos., 1818, vol. 9, p. 525, effects of 3 ounces of tincture; 139, Polinieri, Bibl. Med., 1820 (Wibmer), effects of 2 grains, in a glass of wine; 140, Desruelles, Journ. Univers., 1820 (Frank's Mag., 4, 660), effects of 2 drachms; 141, Leigh, Med.-Chir. Rev., vol. 2, 1821, p. 888, effects of 30 and afterwards 90 drops of laudanum; 142, Richardson, Edin. Med. and Surg. J., 1821, p. 226, effects of 3 drachms, in a woman seven weeks after confinement; 143, Howison, Edin. M. and S. J., 1822, p. 49, effect of about 2 ounces of laudanum, in a girl aged eighteen; 144, same, effects of 1-2 ounces laudanum, in a girl aged seventeen; 145, Ross, Edin. M. and S. J., 1823, p. 247, effects of 2 ounces in laudanum in two doses, in a man; 146, Bost. Med. Intell., 1824, 1, 203, effects of about an ounce of tincture of Op., in a man; 147, same, vol. 2, p. 135, effects of an ounce in coffee, in a woman; 148, same, vol. 3, p. 132, 1825, effects of four teaspoonfuls of laudanum in a child of three years; 149, Gottel, Rust's Mag., 1825 (Frank's Mag., 1, 597), effects of fresh juice of a poppyhead, in a child four weeks old; 150, Olivier, Archiv. gén. de Méd., 1825 (Frank's Mag., 3, 299), effects of 1 1/2 ounce of laudanum, in a man; 151, Suchet, from Alibert, Eléments de Thérap. (Wibmer), effects of a teaspoonful of laudanum, in a child seventeen months old; 152, Kopp (Wibmer), effects of two poppyheads in milk, in a child aged six months; 153, Williams, Lancet, 1828, 2, 764, effects of a large dose, in a woman aged forty; 154, Lancet, 1828, 2, 254, effects of 2 ounces of laudanum, in a man; 155, Bally, Mem. Roy. Acad. of Med., 1828 (Frank's Mag., 4), effects of 20 grains, in a man; 156, Bardsley, Edin. M. and S. J., 1828, vol. 30, p. 306, effect of a large dose, in a man; 157, Edin. Med. and S. J., 1828, vol. 29, p. 450, from J. de Chim. Méd., effects of application of a poultice containing about an ounce of laudanum to an erysipelas; 158, Wibmer, experiments on self, took 1/4 grain first day, 1 grain second day, 2 grains third day; 159, Purkinje (Wibmer), took 5 grains; 160, Madden, Travels in Turkey (from Bost. M. and S. J., 1829, 2, 503), experiments on self; 161, Root, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1830, vol. 5, p. 703, effects of a large quantity, in an intemperate man; 162, Mart, Lancet, 1831, 1, 710, effects of habitual used of Opium, 1/2 drachm daily for fifteen years, in a woman; 163, same, habitual use in another woman; 164, same, habitual used in a man, aged sixty, who had use it thirty-five years; 165, same, habitual use in a man of forty, had taken 1 1/2 ounce of laudanum daily for ten years; 166, same, habitual use, in a woman aged fifty-five, who took 20 grainsdaily for fifteen years; she died of tuberculosis pulm.; 167, Werner, Rust's Mag., 1832 (Frank's Mag., 1, 597), effects of the juice of a poppyhead, in a girl aged seven; 168, Lancet, 1832, 1, 639, effects of 12 drops of laudanum with marshmallow, introduced into rectum after cauterization; 169, Strohl, Hufel. J., 1833 (Wibmer), effects of poppyheads, in a boy; 170, Oppenheim, Hamb., 1833 (Wibmer), effects of sleeping near a field of poppies in blossom; 171, same, took 7 grains of O. as an experiment; 172, Lancet, 5, 218, effects of an ounce of laudanum, in a woman of twenty-two; 173, Lancet, 6, 124, effects of 2 ounces of tincture, in a woman; 174, omitted; 175, Lancet, 10, p. 732, effects of six drachms of laudanum, in a young woman; 176, Lancet, 1833, 1, 268, effects of about an ounce of laudanum, in a man; 177, Thomson, Bost. Med. and S. J., 1835, p. 133, habitual use of laudanum, in a woman; 178, Montault, Journ. Univers., 1836, effects of about 5 drachms of laudanum in a woman (Frank's Mag., 4, 660); 179, Yound, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1834, vol. 14, p. 655, effects of about an ounce of laudanum, in a pregnant woman; 180, Christison, Lancet, 1836, 1, 631, effects of about 2 or 3 drops of laudanum, in an infant three days old; death in twenty-four hours; 181, Lancet, 1836, 1, 271, effects of about 2 ounces of laudanum, in a man; death after nine hours; 182, Bost. Med. and S. J., 1834, p. 284, effects of about an ounce of Opium, in a man; 183, Kiles, Lancet, 1837, 1, 304, 4 drops of laudanum, in a child nine months old; death in nine hours; 184, Bullock, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1837, p. 264, 1 ounce of laudanum, in a girl aged twenty-one; 185, same, same dose in another girl; 186, Sigmund, Bost. M. and S. J., 1837, p. 101, effects of habitual use among the Turks; 187, same, effects of 4 grains, in divided doses; 188, Smith, Am. J. M. Sc., 1837, p. 450 (Med.-Chir. Trans., vol. 20), effects in a woman; 189, Koch, Rust's Mag., 1837, 15 drops of laudanum Sydenhami, in a child aged four weeks; 190, same, effects of a poppyhead in milk, in a child with hiccough; 191, Lancet, 1838, 1, 389, 20 drops of laudanum daily for six days; no effects till after last dose, in a woman accustomed to take it for uterine pain; 192, Bost. M. and S. J., 1838, p. 128, general effects of opium-eating; 193, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1838 (J. de Chim. Méd.), effects of application of a cerate containing 15 drops of laudanum to an excoriation in a fold of skin; 194, Hubbard, Bost. M. and S. J., 1838, p. 31, effects of a drachm of tincture, in a child six months old; 195, Strecker, A. H. Z., 12, 134, proving, dose of 1 grain; 196, Semple, Lancet, 1840, 2, 186, effects of 1 1/2 ounce, in a girl aged nineteen; 197, Harrison, Lancet, 1840, effects of about six dessertspoonfuls, in a woman aged thirty-two; 198, Boisragon, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1840, vol. 25, p. 878, effects of a teaspoonful of laudanum, in a child under two years; 199, Vanderkeere, 2 drachms of laudanum, in a child aged thirteen months; 200, Williams, Lancet, 1840, 2, 661, effects of 1 1/2 ounce of tincture, in a woman; 201, Erichsen, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1840, vol. 28, p. 390, effects of 1 ounce, in a girl aged twenty-two; 202, Shipman, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1840, vol. 26, p. 508, effects of a wineglassful of laudanum, in a woman eighty years old, recovery; 203, Hygeia, 13, 393, effects of injection of 20 drops of tincture, for spasms of uterus; 204, Pupke, Med. Zeit. Ver. Preus., 1841, effects of a poppyhead, in a child aged four; 205, Choune, Lancet, 1841, 2, p. 705, effects or more than an ounce, in a man who had been drinking; 206, Hill, Lancet, 1841, 1, 820, effects of smoking O., in a Chinaman; 207, Hensley, Lancet, 1841, 1, 88, effects of 1/2 ounce, repeated after a quarter of an hour; 208, Cowper, Lond. and Ed. Month. J., 1841, 1, 71, a person took 2 1/2 ounces of liq. op. sedativ. (death after an hour and twenty minutes); 209, Buck, Bost. M. and S. J., 24, p. 126, a woman, aged twenty-two, took 1 ounce; 210, omitted; 211, Morris, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1842, p. 148, effects of some laudanum with castor oil, in a child four months old; 212, G. H. Smith, Lancet, 1842, p. 707, opium-smoking among Chinese; 213, Walth, A. H. Z., 22, 160, experiments, first took 1/2 a grain after each meal, then 1 grain, and afterwards 2 and 4 grains; 214, Everest, Lancet, 1842, p. 758, effects of 12 minims of tincture of Op., in a child two days old, death after fourteen hours; 215, McCune Smith, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1843, 1, 878, effects of habitual use of laudanum, in a woman aged twenty-four; 216, same, habitual, use, in a man; 217, same, habitual use; 218, same, habitual use; 219, Russell, Lond. Med. Gaz., 1843, 1, 924, 12 drops of laudanum, in a child two months old; 220, Pharm. J., 1843, vol. 3, p. 261, effects of laudanum, in two children; 221, Taylor, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1844, 2, 32, effects of 1 1/4 grain of opium, divided into five doses, in a girl aged five and a half, death thirty-seven hours after first dose; 222, Gaz. des Höp., 1845, (Écho de la Frontière), effects of unripe poppyheads, in three children; 223, Sharkey, Ranking's Abst., 1846, effect of two pills, each containing 1 1/4 grain of ext. Op., in a man; 224, James, Lancet, 1847, 1, 639, effects of an ounce of laudanum, in a woman; 225, Barry, Ranking's Abst., 1847, 25 minims of laudanum, in a child aged nine months; 226, Lancet, 1848, 2, 696, 2 ounces of laudanum, in a woman; 227, Iliff, Lancet, 1849, 2, 874, an indefinite amount of laudanum, in a boy aged seventeen; 228, same, an indefinite amount, in a woman; 229, Wooten, Bost. M. and S. J., 1849, p. 133 (from Southern Med. and S. J.), effects of 1 drop of laudanum, in a child five days old; 230, Stevens, Bost. M. and S. J., 1849, p. 120, effects of repeated use of laudanum when children (now aged twenty-three, twenty, and eighteen); 231, "Confessions of an English Opium-eater," Prov. M. and S. J., 1848; 232, Little, Month. J. of Med. Sc., 1850, p. 524, general effects of Opium-smoking; 233, Wright, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1851, p. 540, effects of about 10 grains on self; 234, Boecker, from Bernardi and Loeffler, 1851 (Frank's Mag., 4), experiments, effects of increasing doses, in a healthy man; 235, same, a man aged forty-seven took 3 grams twice first day, 4 grams twice second day, 5 grams three times third day, same twice fourth day, 5 grams thrice and 6 grams once fifth day, 5 grams thrice sixth day, 6 grams thrice seventh day, 6 grams four times eighth day, 8 grams four times ninth day, 8 grams four times and 9 grams once tenth day; 235a, same, subsequent proving, took 6 grams; 236, Herpath, Lancet, 1852, 1, 303, a teaspoonful of laudanum, in an infant nine days old; 237, Deguise, Month. J. of Med. Sc., 1852, 14, p. 88, effects of 200 minims of laudanum in a clyster; 238, Woodson, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1852, p. 573, effects of "Bateman's drops" (Opium and Camphd. tinct. op.), in a child five days old; 239, Kirk, Lancet, 1853, 1, 80, effects of a few drops of laudanum, in a child; 240, Smith, Lancet, 1854, 1, 419, effect of 1/20th grain Op., in a child five days old; 241, Anderson, Month. J. Med. Sc., 1854, p. 377, 2 drachms laudanum, three drachms more after one hour and a half, in a woman; 242, Bullock, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1854, p. 575, about 2 ounces of laudanum, in an intemperate man; 243, Hodges, Bost. M. and S. J., 1856, p. 23, 1 ounce of laudanum in a girl of fifteen years; 244, Blanc, Rev. de Thér. Méd.-Chir., 1857 (S. J., 97-37), effects of three injections of Sydenham's laudanum; 245, Gibbs, Lancet, 1857, 2, 80, effect of 1 1/2 ounce of laudanum in a man aged seventy-two; 246, Corbett, Lancet, 1857, 2, 220, 30 minims of tincture, in a child one day old; 247, Channing, Bost. M. and S. J., 1857, vol. 56, p. 449, from three to six teaspoonfuls of laudanum, in a man; 248, Bost. M. and S. J., vol. 56, p. 526, 1857, effects of drinking some laudanum, in a child aged six; 249, Wood, Bost. M. and S. J., 1857, vol. 57, p. 78, effects of a few drops of "paregoric" (probably laudanum), in a child aged nine months; 250, Chamberlin, Bost. M. and S. J., 1857, vol. 57, p. 357, about 1 1/2 grain of Op., in a child six days old; 251, Pharm. Journ., 1857, vol. 16, p. 195, effects of laudanum, in a woman aged twenty-four; 252, O'Rorke, Gaz. des Hôp., 1858, a spoonful of Sydenham's laudanum, in a child seven months old; 253, Schützenberger, Gaz. des Strasburg, 1858, 40 grams of laudanum, in a woman; 254, Murray, Edinb. Med. J., 1858, 72 drops of [left], in a child one year old; 255, same, 1 drachm of solution of muriate of Morph., in a child seventeen months old; 256, Mushet, Med. Times and Gaz., 1858, p. 292, Opium, in a child of three months; 257, Gallagher, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1858, p. 559, 2 ounces of tincture, in a woman; 258, Jackson, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1859, p. 75, a tablespoonful of laudanum, in a youth of nineteen; 259, Lister, Br. Med. J., 1859, p. 692, 2 drachms of laudanum, in a woman of thirty; 260, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1859, p. 281, repeated effects of Op. in slight uterine inflammation; 261, Crook, Br. Med. J., 1860, p. 341, 40 minims of [left], in a child twenty-two days old; 262, Pearson, Med. Times and Gaz., 1860, 2, p. 72, an indefinite amount of [left], in an infant eight weeks old; 263 and 264, Campbell, Bost. M. and S. J., 1860, p. 101, effects of 1 1/2 ounce of [left], in a man; 265, Andrews, Pharm. J., 1860, p. 387, fatal effect of a black draught containing liq. Op.; 266, Pharm. J., 1860, p. 287, effects of a piece of Op. as large as a pin's head, in a child five weeks old; 267, Duchek, Wien Med. Woch.-Bl, 1861 (S. J., 113, 165), a man took a large amount of tinct. Op.; 268, Beaupoil, J. de Chim. Méd., 1861 (S. J., 110, 294), three-fourths of a poppyhead, in a child; 269, Maschka, Prag. Vjs., 1861, effects of 1 ounce of tincture; 270, Duncan, Lancet, 1861, 1, 637, effects of 1 1/2 ounce of [left], in a woman; 271, Pharm. J., 1861, p. 46, effect of a lare dose, in a woman; 272, Murray, Braithwaite's Ret. of Med., 1862, 2, 266 (Austral. Med. J.), effects of 1 1/2 ounce of [left], in a man aged fifty; 273, Duncan, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1862, p. 272, 2 ounces of [left], in a woman; 274, Lee, Ranking's Abst., 1862, effects of Op., in a child two years old; 275, Ellis, Lancet, 1863, p. 126, 1/2 ounce, in a girl four and a half years old; 276, Pharm. J., 1863, p. 186, a teaspoonful of [left], in a child six years old; 277, same, p. 136, fatal dose of Op. in a man; 278, Taylor, Guy's Hosp. Rep., 1865, effects of 1 1/2 ounce of laudanum, in a girl aged eleven and a half; 279, omitted; 280, O'Sullivan, Dublin Quart. J. of Med. Sc., 1865, p. 221, effects of 1 scruple, in a child twelve weeks old; 281, Walley, Lancet, 1866, p. 35, habitual use of [left], for fourteen years; 282, Radcliffe, Lancet, 1868, p. 312, 3 drachms of [left], in a woman aged thirty nine; 283, same, two tablespoonfuls of [left], in a woman of sixty; 284, Finlay, Lancet, 1868, p. 664, effect of an indefinite amount of [left] (probably used as an enema for pain in abdomen); 285, Ogle, St. Geo. Hosp. Rep., 1868, p. 222, about 2 ounces of [left], in a man; 286, same, an indefinite amount, in a man; 287, same, in another man; 288, Young, Phil. M. and S. Rep., 1869, vol. 20, p. 157, about 2 ounces of tinct. Op., after a drunken spree; 289, Farnsworth, Phil. M. and S. Rep., 1869, p. 87, about 30 grains, in a man; 290, Hemecourt, West. Hom. Obs., 1869, p. 89, about 1/2 ounce of [left], in a girl; 291, Dobbie, Br. Med. J., 1870, p. 33, 2 ounces of [left], in an insane woman; 292, Olivier, Gaz. des Hôp., 1871, effects of 30 grams of the tincture, on account of erections after circumcision; 293, Spooner, Trans. Hom. Med. Soc. St. of N. Y., 1871, 2 ounces of [left] with 6 grains of Morphia, in milk; 294, Murdock, Med. Rec., 6, 343, effect of 1 1/2 ounce of [left], in a woman of thirty; 295, Johnson, Med. Times and Gaz., 1872, 2, 268, 4 drachms of ext. of Op., in a woman; 296, same, 3 drachms of extract, in a man; 297, same, 1 1/2 drachm of Op., in a man; 298, same, 3 drachms of extract, in a woman aged twenty-four; 299, same, 2 drachms of extract, in a man; 300, same, 2 drachms of extract, in a woman of twenty-nine; 301, same, 1 drachm of extract, in a man; 302, same, 4 drachms of extract, in a woman; 303, same, 2 drachms of extract, in a man; 304, same, 1 1/2 drachm of extract, in a woman of thirty-seven; 305, same, 3 drachms of extract, in a man; 306, same, Med. Times and Gaz., 1873, 10 drachms of extract, in a girl aged sixteen (death in nine hours); 307, same, 3 drachms of extract, in a man, death in seven hours and a half; 308, same, an unknown quantity, in a woman; 309, same, 2 drachms of extract, in a woman of thirty-six; 310, same, 1/2 ounce of extract, in a woman of twenty-seven; 311, Walker, Am. J. Med. Sc., 1872, p. 283, tincture of Op. (equal to 6 or 8 grains of pulv. Op.), in a girl of fifteen; 312, Chatarion, Gaz. des Hôp., 1873, effects of 20 grains of Sydenham's laudanum; 313, Pharm. J., 1873, p. 138, effects of a large dose of laudanum, in one habituated to Opium; 314, Price, Hahn. Month., 1873, p. 474, effects of discontinuing the use of the "black drop." that had been used for pain in an ulcer; 315, Stockman, 3 ounces of laudanum, in a man, vomited and recovered, but next day took 2 1/2 ounces, Phil. M. and S. J., 31, 164; 316, Hartley, Lancet, 1873, p. 684, 1/2 ounce of laudanum; 317, Parrish, Phil. M. and S. Rep., 1873, p. 343, effects of habitual use of Op., as suppository; 318, Pehell, Phil. Med. Times and Gaz., 1873, p. 134, effects of 1 1/2 fluid ounce of [left], in a young woman; 319, Hart, Am. Hom. Obs., 1873, p. 31, about an ounce of laudanum, in a child; 320, Sharp, Essays on Med., 1874, p. 724, experiments with 1st dil. and with tincture; 321, Heaton, Med. Times and Gaz., 1875, p. 413, large dose of laudanum, in a man; 322, Clark, Med. Times and Gaz., 1875, p. 185, a large dose of [left], in a man; 323, Pharm. J., 3d ser., vol. 5, p. 179, a large dose of laudanum; 324, Sharp, Essay on Med., No. 32, experiments a man took 1 drop of 1st cent. dil. of tinct. of Op., night and morning, for ten days; 325, same, subsequent proving, 5 drops, night and morning; 326, same, subsequent proving, pulse 72, took one dose of 10 drops of tincture; 327, same, subsequently, pulse 54, took 6 drops of tincture; 328, same, Dr. Sharp, took 1 drop of tincture; 329, same, a man, well, pulse 68, took 5 drops of tincture; 330, Cameron, Am. J. Hom. Mat. Med., 1876, p. 251, proving by inhaling Op., 60th dil.; 331, C. Wesselhoeft, N. A. J. of Hom., 1876, p. 17, habitual use of Op., in a man aged fifty; 332, Fitzsimmons, Toledo Med. and Surg. Journ., May, 1877, p. 134, effects of about 2 drachms of laudanum, in a child two years old; 333, Skae, Edin. M. and S. J., 1840, p. 151, effects of 2 drachms of laudanum, in a man; 334, Toogood, Prov. Med. and S. Journ., 1841, p. 129, effects of 10 drachms of laudanum, in a woman (recovery); 335, Ryan, Lancet, 1845, p. 476, effects of 1/2 drachm of laudanum, in a man; 336, omitted; 337, Lyman, Am. J. of Med. Sc., 1854, p. 383, effects of an ounce of laudanum, in a woman, death in three-quarters of an hour; 338, Jackson, Am. J. of Med. Sc., 1854, p. 385, effects of 2 drachms of Op., in a woman; 339, Cleveland, Med. Times and Gaz., 1855, p. 82, a man took 2 ounces of liquor Op.; 340, Sloane, Med. Times and Gaz., 1855, p. 445, effects of 1/2 ounce of laudanum, in a man; 341, Slayter, Lancet, 1862, p. 326, laudanum, in a woman; 342, Ludlow, Brit. Med. Journ., 1866, p. 15, an overdose of laudanum, in a man; 343, Bowstead, Lancet, 1873, p. 468, effects of 8 ounces of tinct. Op., in a woman; 344, Taylor, Med. Jurisp., 1, p. 349, an ounce and a half of laudanum, in awoman; 345, Daniel Wilson, Inaugural Dissertation on the Morbid Effects of Op., Phil., 1803, 2 drachms of Opium, in a man; 346, ibid., an ounce of laudanum, in a woman; 347, ibid., same, in a man; 348, ibid., effects of habitual use of 50 to 90 grains of Opium, in a man; 349, ibid., another case; 350, ibid., Baron de Toth, observations among the Turks.