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Boletus Luridus


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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Boletus Luridus in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



B. luridus, Fries. (B. nigrescens, Palladium Pall., etc.)

Nat. order, Fungi. Common names, German, Hexenpilz, Feuerpilz, etc.; French Fauxceps, or Oignon de loup. Preparation, Triturations.

Authority. Delle Chiaje, Tossicologia, p. 143 (from Boudier, by Husemann, p. 158), effects of eating the roasted fungi.


Sunken features (second day).

A Viola Odorata violet color of the nose and lips (third day).

Intense thirst.

Violent pain in the epigastrium (after two hours).

Meteorismus (third day).

Exceedingly fetid stool (third day).

Pulse small, irregular (second day).

Subsultus tendinum (fourth day).

Cold sweat (second day).

Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Boletus Luridus

Merc-sul > general
stool gushes away like water from a bung-bole.

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Boletus Luridus is not available to buy over the counter.
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