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Grippe Aviare, Bird Flu, Avi.
Available in 2X-30X, 12C-30C, 1M-10M from $6.59
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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Aviaire in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.



Bronchitis. Influenzinum Influenza. Measles. Phthisis.


Dr. Cartier gave an account of this nosode in his paper read at the International Homoeopathic Congress, 1896 (Transactions, Part "Essays and Communications," p. 187). Aviaire acts most prominently on the apices of the lungs, and it corresponds most closely to the bronchitis of Influenzinum influenza, which simulates tuberculosis, having cured several hopeless-looking cases. It has also done excellently in some cases of bronchitis following measles. The bacillus of avian tuberculosis has been identified with that of human tuberculosis, but the clinical properties of the two nosodes are not identical.



A preparation of chicken-tuberculosis introduced by Dr. Cartier and other homoeopaths of Paris.

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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Aviaire

Baci > general
also a slight cough with easy expectoration of phlegm. In cases of acute tuberculosis it has not done so well as in mote chronic cases. Dr. Cartier has found it particularly useful in cases where there was excessive muco-purulent bronchial secretion threatening to occlude the lungs. It must be compared with Bacillinum testium, Tuberculinum of Swan, Aviaire and Tuberculinum of Koch. Dr. Burnett has shown that ringworm of the scalp and pityriasis versicolor on the body are indications of tubercular diathesis, and they respond to this remedy. Also they are leading indications for it when present in combination with other affections. A case of insanity with pityriasis yielded rapidly to the remedy. Phthiriasis has been cured by it when all attempts to kill the body-lice by parasiticides were useless. Dr. Young has recorded the cure of several cretinous idiots. An inter-current course of Bacillinum will often make a wonderful change in patients who have a personal or family history of chest affections. I have found an eczematous condition of the margins of the eyelids a strong indication for it. agg. Night and early morning.

Hippoz > relationships
Compare Bacillin., Avi., Luet., Variol. The serpent poisons, Aurum, Cadm. s., Kali b., Hepar, Psorin.

Tub > relationships
Compare Bacillinum (including Tuberculinum of Swan), Bacil. test., Aviaire. In tubercular meningitis, Iodf. Irregular distribution of circulation; constitutional remedy, Sul. Analogous constitutional remedies, Pso., Med., Syph., Thuja. Sensation of an iron band compressing brain (Thuj. hoop round forehead). Sensitive to music, Thuj. Phthisis, insanity, Thyroid. Pain in region of appendix, Ir. t., Ars., Lach. Pains in breasts at menses, Con., Calc. Compatible Hydrast., "it actually seems to fatten up tuberculous patients" (Burnett; confirmed by Nebel), Calc., Calc. iod., Calc. ph., Phos., Thuj., Sep., Puls. Sensitive to music, Aco., Amb., Nat. c., Nux, Pho. ac., Sep., Thuj., Vio. o. (amel. by music, Trn.).