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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Mind Symptoms.

In homeopathic literature, mind symptoms are much accentuated. No doubt, they play an important role in the selection of the right homeopathic remedy especially in chronic diseases. Their magnitude of importance cannot be ignored at any stage but we must keep in mind that there are certain group of mind symptoms which are common to every person and these common symptoms of low grade and value when given inappropriate importance for the selection of the remedy will always mislead and the selection will be absolutely wrong.therefore, one must be careful in considering mind symptoms for their inclusion in reportorial analysis to select the right remedy which is our main objective.
For example some body blame you or slam at your face and you keep silent without showing any disagreeable reaction, this is a perfect example of uncommon symptom. This is uncommon behavior and this particular symptom must be included in your analysis since the medicine selected on uncommon symptoms always cure, and if it is vice versa then it is of low value and given importance will delude. Therefore, it is better to ignore it altogether. Another example, if you don’t have money to pay utility bills or other necessary expenses and you are worried, anxious, depressed.It is all common to every body having no value for the selection of the remedy.Dont include in your analysis otherwise you will be far away from the proper homeopathic remedy and if it is opposite then of great importance, consider it as top ranking and don’t miss it. It will help you in selecting the right remedy that will cure your patient of any curable disease in minimum possible time.

The so-called classical homeopath gives inappropriate importance to mind symptoms of little values, consequently fail in their private practice. I am not against mind symptoms but they must of higher significance and uncommon.

Always pay attention to the patient’s personal symptoms, which have no direct relationship to the case. The desires and aversions, likeness and dislike ness regarding food and drinks, weather and others, because personal symptoms more or less do not changes.

For better prescription, first concentrate on his main complaint, his physical complaint and complete the symptoms regarding his main complaint.

For example, a patient consults you for his stomach problem. First, write down all the symptoms relating to his stomach complaint, aggravation and amelioration of stomach complaint. Take complete history, the causation, and physical check up and all the laboratory observations and clinical findings, x-ray, ultrasound and other diagnostic findings then go through all his organs one by one. Note down every change and every diversion from normality.

After analyzing the case suppose you come up with 2-3 medicines of equal importance then sort them out in their particular relationship to that particular organ or disease also considering their depth of action.Preferance should be given to short acting remedies of vegetable kingdom, and when the condition is stable and well under control then consider giving him deep acting remedy for permanent cure.

Keeping in view all these realities, you will be a successful physician.
  sajjadakram635 on 2006-08-24
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Mind symptoms are ALWAYS important!

If they are UNUSUAL then you can use them to prescribe a HIGH potency.

Generalities take precedence over mind symptoms.

Vegetable remedies IN HIGH POTENCIES are LONG ACTING.

ALWAYS look for hereditary/miasmatic background this can take precedence over everything.
walkin last decade
Difference of opinion always welcome.

sajjadakram635 last decade

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