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how do you get live nosodes and how do you get a dead nosode?

If I took my own blood to make a remedy, would that be dead or alive?
Pat2006 last decade
Dear it will be dead.

sajjadakram635 last decade
A french Homeopath Julian wrote much about isopathy.Read those booke if you can get them from your country.

sajjadakram635 last decade
thanks, dear.
Pat2006 last decade
Pat, it is true that no matter how you make your blood remedy, the blood itself would be “dead”.

HOWEVER, that does NOT hold true for the living organisms that may be present within your blood. Many parasites, viruses, and bacteria can survive quite well outside the body in various environments for rather long periods of time, especially dormant forms and spores. Some cannot. If you add nothing to your blood except lactose (milk sugar) and/or spring water, many of these organisms may remain alive and viable, thus you could say you have a “live” auto-nosode. Nothing has been added to purposely kill the organisms.

By adding ethanol - or some form of consumable alcohol – I would guess that at least 97% of the organisms in your blood would be killed, hence a “dead” auto-nosode.

This is what I have been able to gather, based on the little information I found on the subject.

Commercially prepared nosodes are all “dead” nosodes. Even so, the sale of nosodes in the U.S. is pretty restricted. Even though homeopathic nosodes contain miniscule amounts of the actual original substance, the FDA in the U.S. would never approve the commercial sale of “live” nosodes.

Truthfinder last decade
that is corect point tracy..words well to meaning--.this can be applied also--to undesired substances (impure) when potenizing ..here is mistake common to the unknowin--with process of potenization--see this with kirchof method and such---or those tell simply add more water and i crude part and same as 3c;6c;..etc...need go the long route --wise will see their mistake--unwise will defend for some reason....
John Stanton last decade
In my opinion, when making a dead auto-nosode, doing a little cheating - by using water - when making interim dilutions would be acceptable. In other words, use water for dilutions that are to be discarded, but always use alcohol when making the dilution you intend to take internally as a remedy.

What do you think, John .... or anyone?

Truthfinder last decade
i've been taught use alcohol as medium throughout potenizing---what the difference is would require science minded people for valid comparison...not guesswork...not seen the like up for such yet...also been taught rigid manner of potenizing--i dont deviate from this--no reason to---not to say i have done any research into other method's of quickies...i guess it is each own priority--and utilized into an experience...science mindedness is a plus...no need compromise this aspect...but again---each has own agenda....

i must bring this back to he 'live' aspect you brought to attention--as this gives rise to the idea of when (hrough poteniztion) doe she 'live' aspect .becoem filtered or 'non'--it would appear that always'chance--that it will be placed into next solution (crude in itself) within the dynamic medium (intended remedy dynamization)...if so lets stretch this to other substances and their impure -unthought of existence--particular with --home brew remedy preparation---seen some just increas water with 1 drop and say same as conventional method---not true----logic itself--and bit of unbiased thinkig establishes that...well i am ramblin..just my thinkings--for me to explore --truth or not---
John Stanton last decade
John, yes, probably best to follow the rules. They are probably there for a reason.

I think if I were to make a “live” auto-nosode, I would be tempted to take the remedy in potencies of 12C or higher ONLY. That way, the chances are extremely remote that any of the original substance is left in the remedy.

(The laws of chemistry state that there is a limit to the dilution that can be made without losing the original substance altogether. This limit - related to Avogadro's number - corresponds to homeopathic potencies of 12C or 24X.)

Truthfinder last decade
Dr sajjad,
of course i tried in hep B&C.
Moreover, i also tried this practice in pesticides, you see our farmers especially in india/pakistan they spray pesticides openly w/o taking care of hygine. I once made remedy from mostly used insectide, methamedophos to few people, only could be contacted afterward and he was satisfied with results.
I think it can not be effective in diabetes as it is not pathogenic oriented rather it is genetic.This method may be effective in pathogenic diseases.....even AIDS
Let see who gives breakthrough??

ashfaq last decade

ofcourse i tried it in hep.B/C,
i think it may not be effective against diabetes as it is not pathogenic oriented,rather it is genetic.

I also tried this practice in pesticides,as in india/pakistan like countires farmers are well exposed to pesticides w/o practicing hyginic ways. So one farmer was having affected with methamedophos exposure, I diluted upto 12x and tried ...it amelerated his illnes.
let see how it works against AIDS????

ashfaq last decade

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