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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

bartholin cyst - please help! Page 4 of 4

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[message deleted by simone717 on Sat, 25 May 2013 21:17:00 BST]
simone717 last decade
Last July I had my first Bc and it was the most amount of pain one can endure! Mine was the size of a golf ball, it ached when I stood or walked and my left flap was hanging three times as big as the other. Being a hypochondriac (supposedly says my family) with the amount of things actually wrong with me, no one believed the amount of pain I was going through and my sister said I was like the little boy who cried wolf. Most worst experience of my life I had no moral support off anyone not even my bf because he thought I was just being very melodramatic! Well anyway as it was the weekend the docs was shut and my dad kept telling me to wait till monday and check it out but this had started friday morning and it was Saturday when I mentioned anything. The cyst got bigger and I ended up lying with my legs wide apart on only my right cheek. Come Monday I was in severe pain I managed to get a lift off a mate and have an emergency app at docs. Annoyingly just as I got out of the car outside the docs a huge stream of brown pus flowed down my leg. The smell was unbearable but the pain had completely gone. Anyway it is now a year later and im eighteen with my a-level economics and sociology exams in a week and a half. I had an occurrence of another cyst eight weeks ago and it is still there and only today has the pain began to ache and sting. Two weeks ago I got given antibiotics and it could only happen to me that I had received an allergic reaction to them and had to go to the hospital as I got a swollen neck and couldn't swallow. They then prescribed some other antibiotics without penicillin and I had finished the course last week. However the cyst is still here and I don't know what to do about it. Any advice or please would be great
darmstrong9 last decade
This thread is really a discussion thread.

If you read further up on the thread, page 3, you will
see one poster Nandika, got her cyst to drain by
doing sitz baths and taking silicea 30c three times a day.
If you are in usa, that remedy is at whole foods and
the health stores in 6c and 30c. You would take
3 pills, don't touch them and put them in a couple
tablespoons of water and dissolve. That would be
a dose.

If you want to get treatment on here , you can repost,
see the button, Post new Topic at front of forum,
bottom left. That would be a treatment thread and
someone will help you out.
simone717 last decade
I have had 3 episodes with this. One 16 years ago and now dealing with my 2nd one in less than a year. I found this remedy on another site and it was helping lots of other women that I decided to try it.

1 oz Calamine Lotion
1 tsp Tea Tree Oil
1 tsp Witch Hazel

Apply it with a cotton ball and leave on the cyst for approximately one hour. Do a warm sitz bath right after with epsom salt. I had to repeat this 3 times but by the next day my cyst had popped and began to drain. EXACTLY what happened to most of the women that tried this.
ruby328 last decade
This was my second run in with my left BG. This time it came on very quickly. I diligently sat in the bath tub 4-5 times daily with salt. However, please be very careful if using tea tree oil as it will cause a chemical burn if not diluted and that will greatly increase the pain that is already unbearable and horrid. The night before I went to the doctor my husband was giving me ice packs, drawing baths, giving me antibiotics and I slept a little that night(this was day #7). The next morning I woke up at 4 am in overwhelming pain and walked hunched over and drew a warm bath. I found if you draw a bath, making sure the pelvic region is covered does relieve the pain. Afterwards I slung my feet over the footboard of my sleigh bed to mimic he natural flow of the gland. When I got in the car to go to the doctors my husband was being soo slow as I was crying and passing out in pain. As I sat in the hollering for him, I all of a sudden felt liquid all over my vagina, dress, and it was running down my leg. Prior to this the only fluid to come out on its own was clear. My goodness the smell of the abscess was overwhelming. It drained for close to 3 hours. I went to my appointment and following up in a week. Since it ruptured on its own, THIS WAS AN ABSCESS NOT A CYST, and I was already on antibiotics, the doctor told me to do warm bath, ice pack 15 mins, followed by heat to encourage contraction and expansion which allowed my abscess to rupture. I had a very painful 8 days, I cried, I begged god and I took the pain without narcotic pain meds. Ibuprofen 400 mg when ever I did not feel well, Tylenol 400 mg twice a day, and antibiotics. The pain is unreal, I have never had a child but I hear that the pain of a BG abscess is far worse. I was in agony for eight days. I am thankful it ruptured, and I will do everything I can to make sure that it does not affect again in the future. Proper maintenance and care, wearing clean cotton underwear to wick away the moisture from the area, and having the fluid that comes from obsessed culture, are very important things to do. It is a necessity to find out the exact bacteria that caused the blockage, to enable the treating physician to prescribe the exact antibiotic for the infection.
[message edited by Tahotie on Wed, 28 May 2014 04:16:43 BST]
Tahotie 9 years ago
I would be interested to see if there is a common emotional link for all the users of this thread... I posted a couple of years back because I had bartholin cyst pretty bad and had to go under general anaesthetic and have it removed. Coming from a Kinesiologists perspective - I would like to know if women are going through similar emotional stuff whilst they have this issue. Can anyone or everyone post a summary. I was in quite a stressful relationship with a guy who I felt extremely insecure with and was suffering a lot of anxiety, sadness and disappointment.
rmgato 9 years ago
I found that stress has played a role. I'm currently a full time lawyer and taking my MCAT to be a doctor. My relationship can be stressful. I've found I bring a lot of stress on myself. That being said, if my skin gets cut it rarely heals without a small scar. I take a probiotic and Tumerick every day. Women have so much stress in their daily life, it is hard to alleviate that stress. I think the most important part is wearing clean cotton underwear, reducing stress as much as possible, a hot bath two times a day, eating the right foods including organic and non-genetically modified foods, and being aware if the is gland growing. The experience of an abscess has been the most horrid experience of my life. I would never wish this pain in my worst enemy, it is truly a sense of despair and extremely depressing.
[message edited by Tahotie on Wed, 28 May 2014 18:03:17 BST]
Tahotie 9 years ago

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