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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Very Angry 18 month old

Hello- new to this... My 18 month old is very angry. Throws lots of tantrums & throws himself on the floor. (More than terrible 2's.) He also hits/ kicks/ tackles other kids, and hits daycare workers.

I am trying to be as specific as possible, but don't know all, since he can't tell us.

HOT blooded, but not feverish
Goes to bed at 7/8 PM. Wakes up super early (5:30)- but waking through night too
Wakes up screaming (nights/ some naps)
Wants something then pushes it away
Loves milk but we are not sure if milk/ dairy agrees
Loves to recycle/ put things away/ throw away/ put clothes in laundry basket
Likes to wipe hands/ wipe table
Loves music/to dance to it
Tantrum if lego doesn’t go exactly where it should fit (example of easily frustrated) or something doesn’t work the way he wants it to
Loves to be read to & play legos, figuring out things, getting into things
Tantrums- anger easily & throws whole body on floor- head bang/ feet & arms bang too
Stubborn- doesn’t redirect well
Hits/ tackles at daycare (worse now)
Sleeps on front with butt in air (mostly) Or likes to be held upright when sick
Wants to be held as much as possible (by mom)
Tall/ & big for age (80%)
HUGE head (99%) just like mom & dad
Dislike being alone (even if in next room)
Hates diaper changes
Hates being told NO- throws tantrum
Has lots of birth marks- some white/ raised
Lots of mucus from nose; if sick- gags/ coughs up more
Prev: Focal seizures on one side of face (eye/ cheek/ mouth) from 6- 11 months, started as eye twitching first… We think it was “Cured” by chiro adjustments of c1, c2, sacrum
Snores somewhat, esp if sick/ mucus
Seems to always have a little “red splot” in ear- not ear infection?
Rubs ears and eyes a lot too
Restless sleep- wakes with noise/ wakes a lot at night
Teeth came in fast and early. Still drools
Loves all motors- cycles planes trains etc
Loves animals
Smart receptive language (understands what you are saying)
Speaking: delayed (but says a few words, and understands a lot)
Shakes hands and head and says no dramatically
Allergies- penicillin, maybe peach, not sure but something else too- getting testing
Lots of gas & burping; some hiccupping
Usually high pain tolerance- if bumps head or falls down or what not
Gets allergic reaction- first on butt (rash), then on backs of legs (rash), and face too
Dislikes face being washed, but loves to play in the water
Stool- changeable- sometimes hard and pellet like, sometimes diaherra, sometimes a big pile; sometimes super stinky (seems to “hurt” sometimes - farts wake him up & can be painful, so Dr told us to give him apple juice/ water, which mostly helps)
Eating: he doesn’t like eating certain food- textured food/ food with “pieces” in it. (Pureed smooth food, or cracker, crunchy food is easier on him.) Swallowing issues? Gagging, Choking, Vomiting; Very picky

Meds: penicillin (allergic- but used for 4 days bc we didn't know if it was allergy or handfootmouth going around daycare), a lot of lanolin on face to treat excema since we thought (badly at time) it was “safe”, Baby Tylenol with fevers (not anymore), steroids- for bad case of butt rash and now croup 2 weeks ago, seizure med (Trileptal)- for a week (bad reaction)
Vaccines- all up to 6 months (no 12 month shots); MRI for seizures- deep sleep med (like Michael Jackson took)------ - when he was on any of the hardcore meds- he was very down & out- not wanting any food, only to be held, slept a lot, etc.

Complications at birth: He almost needed emergency C-section because his heart rate was going down with every contraction (cord wrapped around him); Vacuum extractor (head sucker thing) used at birth to help pull him out quick because huge head stuck; Meconium present before birth; NICU for a few days- meconium in lungs, and removal of all the “junk” in lungs; had very elevated breathing rate; Mother was anemic & on iron last couple months of pregnancy; Mother had blood clot after birth, had to go on blood thinners for 3- 4 months. (So formula fed instead of breastfed); He had “outie” for first few well baby checkups & strained while pooping. (Hernia- potentially, they said)

When he isn't angry, he is a very fun loving child who loves to laugh, tickle, play games, etc. Has a best friend at daycare. Angry episodes are getting worse though.

We just want him to be happier and healthier. We are soooo blessed that his seizures have stopped, and we are so thankful for that. We just want him to be happy again.

Thank you
  BeckyM on 2015-04-28
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
give him SULPHUR 30 one dose in the morning. do not give him any sour food to eat or drink. one dose is if in globules 4 or 5 globules, if liquid dissolve 3 or 4 drops in half a cup of mineral water and then give one teaspoon from there. update 2 days after giving the medicine.
telescope 9 years ago
telescope- what sour foods do you mean? We won't give him lemonade, but what else do you mean?

I will go buy very soon! Thank you for responding to me.

Question- so is sulfur because of his type of character? I was reading other posts with angry kids being subscribed nat mur or stram?
BeckyM 9 years ago
sour Includes all citrus fruits. sulphur has been prescribed because of his character and physical symptoms. natrum mur is very different. it works when there is great depression and weeping mood. stramonium is prescribed in acute mania when there is great violence. the most important symptom in this case is large head. this symptom is covered by only a few medicines . when combined with hot nature and angry disposition sulphur is the only medicine that comes up.
telescope 9 years ago
Sorry for the many questions! I am waiting on delivery of it and I like to research as much as I can.

What about Cinia? (Saw another post about very angry children using this or chamomile, and seems a lot of their problems were similar- pushing away when wanting something, not wanting to be held while tantruming, but like being carried a lot, had seizures.) At first I thought- no way (because of reference to worms), but he does poke in his ears/ rub them, etc, and it isn't an ear infection.

Was cinia one of the ones that have bigger heads?
BeckyM 9 years ago
Whoops- cina, not cinia!
BeckyM 9 years ago
Cina and chamomila both have anger but they are acute medicines. their action is on the surface only. they do not cover deep seated problems. you may get benefit from them in certain acute conditions but to root out the problem you need deep acting remedies. in fact treatment of chronic diseases was discovered by hahneman from observation that the diseases. kept on coming back inspite of careful prescribing
telescope 9 years ago

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