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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


  ssahmr on 2014-03-30
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Why are you posting this?

Do you understand how to use the repertory? You have made a serious mistake here - you do not count sub-rubrics separately like this. If you need to use them all, you would combine them into a single rubric. Doing it the way you have done it gives too much weight to the symptom and this will artificially push the analysis towards particular remedies.
Evocationer last decade
didn't get what you want to convey.Try to explain using simple terminologies.

Thanks anyway
ssahmr last decade
These repertory programs are a real problem - people are using them to determine remedy prescriptions without understanding how to choose a symptom, how to translate it into a rubric, how to structure the symptom list, how to interpret the results.

I assumed since you had posted this, and you have said in the past that your mother was a homoeopath I think, that you would understand what I was saying.

You have used what is essentially the same symptom three times - the variation is minor (conscientious about things of little importance and 2 sub-rubrics). Generally speaking the remedies found in the sub-rubrics (cannot rest when things are not in proper place, things of little importance seem important) will also be found in the parent rubric (the first one you used). By including all 3 separately, any remedy found in the 2 sub-rubrics will be counted twice, or even 3 times if it is in all 3. This means it is given too much importance.

What you would do is simply look at all the remedies in all 3 rubrics as if it was one rubric, and during your analysis you would consider the difference implied by the sub-rubrics for comparison of remedies.

Unfortunately these computer programs don't teach you anything about how homoeopathy is actually done - this isn't your fault. But if you are using this program to prescribe you need to understand that there are many mistakes that can be made using it, because it doesn't show you what those mistakes are. When I was a lecturer in homoeopathy I saw students have the same issue with their professional homoeopathic software.
Evocationer last decade

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