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The ABC Homeopathy Forum


I have begun to have some fluid buildup in the abdominal area in recent months. sounds like ascites, and resultant from too much alcohol intake.

I'm not a homeopath, just a lay person. My research led me to Apocynum Cannabinum.

Is that a reasonable path? If so, I have as well no idea what dosage to start with, nor how best to prepare it.

I'd go see a homeopath if I were able to afford it.

Any comments/suggestions?

Thank you!
  earthmuse on 2012-08-18
This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
You can take
1. Apocynum can-Q 10 drops 2 times every day in 2 teaspoonful water
2. Quercus-Q 10 drops 2 times every day in 2 teaspoonful water
Pl keep 30-40 minutes distance between above medicines
These medicinies will create aversion to liquor (alcohol)

3. Sulphuric Acid-30 6 pills at bed time every day

Pl take above treatment for one month and then give feedback

R.P. Tamhankar
[message edited by shouse_nsk on Sat, 18 Aug 2012 14:45:25 BST]
shouse_nsk last decade
Thank you! An ignorant question. You use a -Q after both Apoynum and Quercus. What does that designate? On the ABC Homeopathy store, I see 3c through 200x for both, and they say that the drops contain alcohol.

Could you possibly explain? Thanks so much.
earthmuse last decade
Q means mother tincture.
It is avaialble at any Homeo medicines stores.

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
RP- Which Quercus- the gland one or the Robur one? and
can patient use 3x which is on ABC remedies shop or would
you rather they order from Helios and get the Q?

Earthmuse-in India you can get the Q which is the mother
tincture out of which remedy potencies are made at homeopathic stores-
Western world - you can't.

You have two choices here-on ABC shop you can get
liquid - lowest seems 3x and you have to pick WHP bc
Boiron does not have both.

If you are in Canada, order from Helios Homeopathic Pharm-
you see remedy and on list of lines it says mother tincture
last- you click that- Helios take about 5 days. For
Canada, usa, Europe- helios has everything.
[message edited by simone717 on Sun, 19 Aug 2012 03:33:40 BST]
simone717 last decade
It is Quercus Glandium-Q

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
All I can find at Helios for the Apocynum are these choices: 6X, 12X, 6C, 30C, 200C, 1M, 10M, 50M. Will one of thesework well in this case?

On the Sulphuric Acid they ask for what size pill (ie 28g, etc). What size?

earthmuse last decade
1. You need to take mother tincture.
2. Size of pills : 28g is ok

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
perhaps it is best to get the apocynum and the sulfuric acid through ABC?

apocynum available: 6x, 12x 30x,3C, 6C, 12C, 30C. which?

sulfuric acid: 8x through 30x, 5c through 30c. which?

sorry to be such a bother here!
earthmuse last decade
30 and 30c are same.

If mother tincture is not available, then take 6x power of both the medicine and take 3 drops of each two times a day in 2 teaspoonful water

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
thanks so much!
earthmuse last decade
just to be clear then:

6x apocynum liquid
28g sulfuric acid pills

i found and ordered quercus mother tincture. still take 10 drops 2 times every day in 2 teaspoonful water?

is this correct?
earthmuse last decade
Quercus-Q, you can take 10 drops as suggested before.
Other doses are correbt what you understood.
But still I suggest you search for Apocynum-Q (mother tincture)

R.P. Tamhankar
shouse_nsk last decade
thank you. are there any suggestions as to where i can find the apocynum Q here in the US? i cannot find it ANYWHERE, and this is completely frustrating.
earthmuse last decade
google hahnemann homeopathic - the lab and pharmacy
up in northern California. Tell them you were prescribed
this by an Indian Doctor and ask if they would make it
up for you-

India and Pakistan are way ahead of USA on use of homeopathy-
they commonly use Mother Tinctures and remedies are
easily available there.I looked for you and since Helios and
also Remedia - huge European homeopathic pharm. -does not
have it the best you can do is ask to have it made up for you.-
or order from India Pharmacy-whatever is least expensive.
[message edited by simone717 on Wed, 22 Aug 2012 18:48:26 BST]
simone717 last decade
can anyone write me a prescription for the quercus Q and apocynum Q?
earthmuse last decade
are the hahnemann labs asking for prescription?

If so I don't know who they would accept it from-
on here as there is no usa person on here except
reva v.

Why don't you write to Helios or Remedia pharmacy
Europe and tell them this is prescribed from India
and can they make it up for you? bc they are more
flexible in this area.
simone717 last decade
to reva v

do you know any way to get Quercus Glandium-Q and Apocynum cannabinum-Q here in the US?

I am anxious to try these formulations in treatment.

earthmuse last decade
Reva probably won't see this- actually I told Reva about
getting remedies from Helios.

I was referring to IF HAHNEMANN labs wants a prescription
from a homeopath and Reva is a homeopath, who they
might take a prescription from. Hahnemann would make this
up for you via a request from a certified homeopath.

Remedia and Helios are international and they would understand
more about Indian prescription and how you cannot get it unless
you go to India or Pakistan.
simone717 last decade

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