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This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
It is trickier than you think-God knows
what they did before antibiotics, it must
have been hell. I know different cultures
have remedies ( herbs) etc for this stuff

The big thing I see in the uti's in people
I know is the ones getting them were
from using those lubes products, and they were constantly getting uti's and what was unreal was their doctors never
asked them about what they were doing,
and they were so ignorant they thought
they had a defective body!! Oh well
live and learn.
simone717 last decade
Yes, I have never found my constitutional
however, I have gotten rid of all my
allergies and other things. And I know
I first got ill from some shock that happened to me and if I had known
about homeopathy then - I would have
been back on track in 2 hours.

Later on when I did have a homeopath
md I had a similar type shock ( the bookeeper had stolen money) I started
to have a major meltdown and ran over
to the homeopath who gave me some
ignatia and I was totally normal and calm
within 60 seconds!! and then dealt
with the problem as if it was no problem. It works, and could have saved me years of suffering if I had
known about it earlier.
simone717 last decade
[message edited by girl2010 on Fri, 01 Jun 2012 20:30:05 BST]
girl2010 last decade
I don't have enough knowledge to
comment on your prescription but
I am really enjoying learning about
all of this now.

Have to do some other things.
Have a good night.

take care,

simone717 last decade
[message edited by girl2010 on Sun, 12 Jun 2016 07:00:21 UTC]
girl2010 last decade
Yep, like 7 years or so earlier-

one shock seems to bring out all
the other similar shocks. I feel they
are grouped memory wise.

anyway, nice chatting with you.
simone717 last decade
Ddddd but in 30c
[message edited by girl2010 on Sun, 12 Jun 2016 07:00:47 UTC]
girl2010 last decade
Let's say this issue about having been deceived is important. You have gone on about it ever since I first answered a post here. There is a serious problem with you trying to focus your whole case through that one symptom, but I will discuss that in a second.

'Ailments from dissappointment and deception' has 43 remedies in it. It is not just Ignatia. There are lots of remedies. Ignatia has a very specific way of expressing their problem, which I have never heard you do, even when I took a detailed case from you.

On top of that, the specific way the deception is experienced may widen the number of remedies considerably. We know from the new work that Dr. Sankaran and the other Sensation homoeopaths are doing, that all the Reptiles experience problems with Deceit as a strong characteristic - all the snakes, the lizards, the crocodiles, the alligators - all of them. There are many new reptile remedies now, so you can add some 30 or so remedies to that list.

Deceit and deception is also a strong issue for the Spiders too. It is also prominent in the Carnivorous Plants, which I have confirmed with all my prescriptions from this group.

However, there is a signficant issue with using any 'Ailments from' rubric to narrow your search for a remedy. In order for it to be truly useful, you must have become sick from this event. You should have been well before it, and then became sick after it, in a very marked and noticeable way. There must be no doubt when using Ailments from... - it cannot be a theory, it is not just something you are sensitive to. You need to have developed your current disease very soon after. 'Soon' for me would be weeks not months, preferably days. If it was weeks it becomes less sure that the event was truly the cause.

On top of this, 'Ailments from...' should never overide the specific and peculiar way the person reacts to the deceit. If a patient reacts in a Calc carb way, then they get Calc carb, even though it is not in the rubric. If they act in a Lyssin way then they get Lyssin. Homoeopathy does not have short cuts, you have to intelligently sort through all the facts, all the information from the patient, to see what is really happening. What has happened in the past is far less important than how the patient reacted to it. This is the cardinal rule of homoeopathy, and until a practitioner learns that, they will always have more misses than hits.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Well you seem very attached to the idea. That is very problematic for a patient. It means that you are probably trying to convince practitioners that you need specific remedies, trying to direct them towards certain things you think are important rather than letting them decide that for themselves.

This is always the problem with patients asking advice from a hundred different people, reading up on remedies and generally getting confused and muddled. It makes the case confused and muddled too, which is obviously why you still haven't got the right remedy.

This whole issue of feeling mentally better while the physicals get worse has happened several times to you before. I went back through your posts to look at them. Do you know why this is? I can tell you.

You are focussing on one part of your case too much. Everyone keeps giving you the same remedies, remedies you keep manipulating them to give to you. Staph, Nat-mur, Ignatia, Carc - you keep getting the remedies for the situation that you are obsessed with. This means that you keep getting partial similars, remedies that only suit one part but not the whole case. This will always result in other parts of the case getting worse. It is not cure. It certainly has not worked for you so far. Instead you have gone from practitioner to practitioner to practitioner, and you are still the same. You still worry about the same things, you still behave the same way, you still suffer from the same symptoms. Any remedy that does not cure the insomnia, the tendency to get urinary symptoms, the anxiety around your health or being on the right remedy -- is the wrong remedy.

You need to change your attitude to how you give your case. Stop talking about the 'Why'. Talk only about the 'What'. What has happened, how it is happening, when it happens. Why is not important, why distracts you into the past, when it is only the present that matters.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hmm think I could use some of the good advice in those last posts in here too. ..Although I didnt obsess about any idea when I have gotten to the homeopath. I dont do that. I am just imbalanced on the internet. Not in person.
starface last decade
[message edited by girl2010 on Fri, 01 Jun 2012 20:39:32 BST]
girl2010 last decade
[message edited by girl2010 on Fri, 01 Jun 2012 20:40:08 BST]
girl2010 last decade
Hi Brisbane is using the Sankaran
method of case taking and finding your remedy by
trying to get you to describe sensations even tho
they may sound like non-sense. They are looking
for the non- sense descriptions bc it leads them to
the plant , animal or mineral kingdom and then on
from there to narrow it down to find your remedy.

Look up some Sankaran videos on you tube or read
one of his books. The other interesting thing Brisbane
said was what happened when you got the first shock-
how did you react to it when it happened. That
description of how you reacted initially should lead
to a particular remedy. ( and that is if you got sick
after this shock which you say you did)This is another
way to pinpoint your remedy.
simone717 last decade
an off topic question

what ?
[message edited by girl2010 on Sun, 12 Jun 2016 07:02:36 UTC]
girl2010 last decade
On the first part of first post- yes it is hard- you are describing a fact level
for what went on and an emotional level.
The next level is think about how everyone reacts different to feeling hurt
shocked or bad, some people show nothing and go silent, some people shake
and get red in the face, some people
yell and scream, some people leave and
go to bed- and there are physical things
going on too- like being numb or being
nauseous, or feeling muscles tense up-

so that is what you write down about
your 'reaction to being shocked, and

Look up emaciated in the dictionary-
it is not an exact term as far as
[message edited by simone717 on Sat, 24 Mar 2012 23:05:30 GMT]
simone717 last decade
[message edited by girl2010 on Sun, 12 Jun 2016 07:02:56 UTC]
girl2010 last decade
[message edited by girl2010 on Fri, 01 Jun 2012 20:43:52 BST]
girl2010 last decade
simone717 last decade
[message edited by girl2010 on Sun, 12 Jun 2016 07:03:21 UTC]
girl2010 last decade
Suppression is the same no matter what causes it. Suppression is always bad for you, and anything can do it. Pharmaceutical drugs do it deliberately, homoeopaths do it accidentally or because they are poorly trained.

If you suppress a symptom in any way, then yes it will probably reappear in the future once the proper healing process begins. Not always, sometimes people heal purely by aggravating their current symptoms, but often old things will return that were suppressed.

There is a difference between palliating a symptom and suppressing it. If a symptom is palliated it may or may not need to reoccur to allow a rebalancing of health.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
[message edited by girl2010 on Sun, 12 Jun 2016 07:03:47 UTC]
girl2010 last decade
If you get the right remedy in the future
this uti thing may show up for an
hour and pass on or a day and pass on.

It will not be a real uti.(assuming you have totally got rid of this one) Right now you
have a real uti-and your body is not
being able to keep up with how it
keeps growing the bacteria from it.
If you took anitbiotics it would kill
all the bacteria which is probably ecoli.

In the future your body
is still going to have to deal with
E coli from wrong hygiene !! If you had
the right remedy and the vital force
was working well then drinking water,
cranberry etc might be enough to
clear out the e coli- you would still
have to deal with it in some way.
E coli is not like having the flu- it is
not supposed to get in there.
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 03:37:04 BST]
[message edited by simone717 on Mon, 26 Mar 2012 03:38:09 BST]
simone717 last decade
could ddddd
[message edited by girl2010 on Sun, 12 Jun 2016 07:01:48 UTC]
girl2010 last decade
An aggravation doesn't last that long. If an old symptom has returned, and is not resolving on its own, then it is appropriate to represcribe, taking into account any symptoms still remaining.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
[message edited by girl2010 on Fri, 01 Jun 2012 20:48:40 BST]
girl2010 last decade
You said you had a full blown uti
when you started the nat mur.

then it seemed like you said it was not
showing up in the urine test later, but
then would show up?

So it sounded like it never really got
cleared out. Like it was being subdued
but not totally gone. That is why when
I was prescribed Cantharis it seemed
also to be gone- then just showed up

I would want to be done with it and
take the antibiotics and kill it off
for good and see if that works. I don't
know if you are still taking remedies for it? but if you are and you stopped
then it might get worse and show up
in the urine again where it is verifiable.

this is not like your body has some
defect - it is a foreign energy that it
is trying to get rid of just as if you
ate bad food. Up to you of course
but what a hard way to do this.I would
take the antibiotics and then take the
probiotics and then work on my
remedy .
I had another person I know who
had a subdued uti and bacteria vaginosis and was on remedies plus
all kinds of natural ointments and
this was going on with her - never
really gone for like 6 months and is
probably still going on.
simone717 last decade

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