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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

David - Please guide Page 3 of 8

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Yes I believe that would be a valuable next step.

It is also very likely that a new remedy will need to be found, once the old state has vanished.

We will probably need to retake the case if Vanadium has taken you as far as it can.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
hello David,

hope you doing great

1. Should my next dose be 1m?

2. What indicates that its time to go to to higher potency?

3. The theme within me has definitely changed but not to something new or drastic, i can relate to some old traits. why?

Spark12 last decade
It is time to reassess before making a decision. Can you tell me how things have changed, what has come up now, what is new?
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hello David,

I am lost for how to present the case. I wrote 2 times and was not at all comfortable with the description.

What has changed is the image of success and the pressure for it. Success to me now is finding what you like or doing what comes. now i see the world as people in tune or out of tune.

so concept wise i am fine.

but the actual doing what is required feels daunting, i am not sure of myself, i tend to ask too many opinions and advise, not focused nor confident, trying to please people, like positive review of myself, shys aways form responsibility/maturity, cant ask for help, not happy and satisfied inside.

not sure how to structure the above.

i think these things were there before also.

I suspect that they got created because the gap between reality and my vision was huge. Now that the false image is gone and i want to do something myself this gap has become a part of me. Do you see any truth in this para of mine.

you will have to ask me some pointed question so that i can think and answer.

I dotn know what exactly i want and the thing in fornt of me will require lot of personal traits to be developed. I am satified and i can take a fall in terms of my earlier false vision and can start a normal low paying job which will definetly present less challenge to me. but i guess its better i learn up fast. either ways i will be able to find satisfaction now.
Spark12 last decade
Just talk more about:


Not sure of myself

Ask too many opinions

Not focussed

Not confident

Pleasing people

Shy from responsibility
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I am having a very hard time analysing myself.

Two weeks back i had to shift to a big city and face a lot of paperwork and people. i started feelign the anxiety with the upcommign change. i have always found change hard to deal with.

its then that i took the last dose of Van Met.

when i landed in this big city. I felt too small and insignificant. I did my Masters form here and 3 ys back and then moved to other cities where i wasted 3 yrs. now my friends here have jobs and all. seeing the college and friends i felt small, insignificant as if i lack something withing me.

i tend to appreciate decisive people. i tend to ask a lot of opinions and worry a lot. This pattern was there before also.

Earlier the gap was big since my idea of perfection was too high, now that concept has changed and the gap is small maybe. but still i have to fill that gap within me.

Daunting - task seems too big, cant get up in mornign, feels weak

Not sure of myself - I tend to reason from all sides and ask peoples opinion and cant take a decision.

Not focussed - I tend to be detailed oriented and gets lost in trivialities. also self conscious.

not confident - all above leads to lack of self assurance, confidence.

Also am low of courage. full of apprehension and fear and anxiety.

pleasign people - i ahve always seen myself trying to please everyone and in a way expecting somethgn form them also. The chief reason behind being extra freindly i think is that i dotn like disharmony and disaggrement.

in a way i can say that self is not assured, confident and developed. i am like a child searchgin and thinking and worrying.

I have decied to stay in in this big city for some time so that my sense of things to do and generate the qualities withgin me matures.

I think i should take bach flower so as to guide myself to build up. and i shoudl also take Van met 1m so that the underling patterns gets more clear. let me know.
Spark12 last decade
apart from above

I tend to think, dream and plan a lot in terms of future. as in what will i do and how good it will turn out.
Spark12 last decade
The fact that you still have that gap, suggests that actually the higher dose of Vanadium is probably a good idea.

Get that, lets see if it takes you any further.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Hey David,

I have Van met 1m, let me know how to take
Spark12 last decade
Hey David,

I dissolved 2 pilluets of Van Met 1m in a dropper bottle and then took one drop in one cup and 2 spoons form there.

Dose taken - 7 July
Drops form bottle - 1
Spoons - 2

No noticeable difference so far :(
Spark12 last decade
It's only been 2 days. Remedies take time to work.

Remedies will work over a period of 2-3 weeks or even longer.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Thankyou will update in due course..
Spark12 last decade
If the state has changed now, the remedy will have changed as well. But, it is a mistake to not attempt to push the remedy further by changing potency, since the options for new remedies is almost endless.

Keep a dream diary, this is important and may be helpful for me to determine a new remedy.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Somehow you are able to read others mind and answers the concerns. are you from this world :)

I agree with you that we need to be absolutely sure that the remedy has done all it can and also that the new state is clearly visible.

I was actually planning to use bach flowers to help me deal with other immediate shortcommings i see.

This remedy is actually working at a very different level. at a very fundamental conceptual level.

It is not making me proactive to deal with the current situation where i need to address lot of things proactively.

There have been some real acute situation where i had to take bach flowers for 1-2 days to deal with circumstances.

what is a dream diary? What kind of things i should look for to give feedback.
Spark12 last decade
Dream diary just means to record your dreams, and then give them to me here.

Bach flowers can be suppressive - be careful of becoming dependent on them.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
1. Suppressive as in supressing the condition more in pschylogy

or as in masking/covering the real state.

2. I remember you told earlier that you had tried with potencising the Bach flower. How was your experience/learning
Spark12 last decade
1. Suppressive as in supressing the condition more in pschylogy
or as in masking/covering the real state.

2. I remember you told earlier that you had tried with potencising the Bach flower. How was your experience/learning. Does it work very precisely like homeopathy to cure.

3. Do bach flower cure deeply or just superficially.

4. Bach flower is supposedly covers entire range of emotion and is a complete system in itself. Did you feel so esp after increasing the potency.

5. Can it be used as a temporary helper to accelerate the learning (due to change of concept due to Van Met)
Spark12 last decade
bumping in case u missed...

I have above questions

Spark12 last decade
The Bach Flowers have also been made into proper homoeopathic medicines (made into potencies). The symptoms that Dr. Bach got from holding the plants seem to be quite accurate and can be used to prescribe.

Suppression means it pushes the symptoms down without addressing the cause, forcing the vital force to manifest in new places or locations. By constantly using them to address things that are either aggravations on a remedy or are not being helped by a remedy, you run the risk of blocking that expression of the vital energy and changing things.

Bach flowers are not potetized, their power to cure is quite limited. They appear to mostly palliate if they work at all. If someone resonates on the level of that plant I am sure it might even cure them but this would be rare. However since many people are in Animal or Mineral states, a system only using plants will always be limited.

Anything that does not cure the source of your problem can palliate or suppress them, which at best will hide the symptoms from your practitioner, and and worst can actually make you incurable (although this is mostly orthodox medication with the power to do that).

Bach flowers are very general, they are not specific enough to really get to the bottom of a problem, to the most peculiar and unique aspect of a person's suffering.

There is no such thing as a temporary helper - there is a medicine that suits the symptoms, and there is a medicine that does not. The change of state requires something that suits it, I doubt that Bach Flowers will go far enough or deep enough for it.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
Appreciate the clarity and preciseness of your answers.

With van met i can see the parallel in what you have said. Cure come at a very fundamental level and other symptoms are expression of the vital energy.

I am trapped in a helpless situation in terms of being in a foreign country with some major visa issues and wherein i have to work out many things which require me to shed of many of my behavioral characteristics. If i dont do that i will land in more issues or will simply have to go back to my country loosing any chance of job and all here.

Now my dilema is that i understand and have experienced the level at which van met works.

But at the same time the characterstics of my nature like overthinking, future thinking, Procastination, Perfection, Not able to take decision, mental exhaustion, Timidity, apprehension, confidence, doubt, pessimism and all these are blocking my ability to deal with the situation.

What should i do if i use bach flower i can deal with the situation in a far better way, if i dont take then i will get completely screwed up in one of these issues and out of frustration or desperation go back to my country.
Spark12 last decade
One suggestion I would make, if you are going through a time of transition caused by the remedy, is to seek counselling. This would be one thing a good homoeopath would offer anyway, but I am unable to give you that.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
I the remedy transition I am able to understand as itÂ’s a fundamental change in how I used to feel and on that level I can see only relief. Earlier there was a success concept that if I dont achieve I would have perceived myself as failure. The pressure has definetly gone.

The issues I am facing are not transitional but situational, they were there before also and are present now also. (Background concept has changed)

1. I have taken a dose of Van Met 1m and I think it will last for around 1month so am watching myself. How long it acts approx?
2. Do you approve of Bach flowers to deal with other symptoms I am facing?
3. Does it take more than 6mts for Van met to bring about a change/cure (I read somewhere that the theme based medicine takes long time to balance the new personalities)
4. Will it help if I write the new themes (some old also) I can see in myself. Since I dotn have a detailed description of Van met I dont know wether I am on the old side or new side is emerging.
Spark12 last decade
Remedies don't have set times that they act. In fact, a remedy only ever acts for a short period, it is the vital force that continues the effects (primary action of the remedy versues the secondary action of the vital force which is a response to the remedy). Remedies are very short acting. Secondary actions can last for months or years (or forever vis-a-vis cure). If this secondary action is sufficient, it snuffs out the symptoms.

There is no telling how long secondary action lasts, but it is experienced as relief of the symptoms once the aggravation stops. If you need Bach Flowers then you are not relieved. The fact that you want to use other things suggests that we have not cured you at all.

The method for choosing a medicine does not affect how long it takes to cure. Homoeopathy is homoeopathy - the length of time depends on factors personal to the patient. The simillimum does not take months, unless dosage and potency are wrong. However, cure of physical pathology (where there has been extensive tissue change) can take a long time.

New themes would never arise leading to the same remedy, if that remedy was curative. The new themes (symptoms) would lead to a new remedy because the first one did not cure. New symptoms are never a good sign unless they are the sort that are associated with discharge and rebalancing (nasal discharge appears but suicidal feelings abate) OR they are old symptoms and feelings that have returned after the first remedy addressed the more recent state (change of state back to a earlier state).

If Vanadium has really left you in such dire straits, we will have to abandon it and reanalyse the case. So yes, present your symptoms again. Sometimes if the deepest level of the case is not addressed, the remedy will dismantle everything on top of it, but leave the suffering more exposed and raw.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
There are no new themes, Some of the old ones only.

Am not in dire straights as such.

Its just i can see my limiting behaviour traits clearly and wants to cure them.

Lets see how this dose of Van met 1m develops.
Spark12 last decade
Alright that is good then. Sorry about that rant lol, I did that last night when I was tired and I was concerned that we were on the wrong track and was getting down on myself for it. These forums can be frustrating for a practitioner like myself used to face-to-face interactions. It is very difficult for me to stay in tune with the patient, and there can be all sorts of miscommunications.

A remedy first brings into light those things restricting freedom, and then attempts to break them. I am still hopeful that we are in the process of doing that.
brisbanehomoeopath last decade
No your posts was completely fine.

Its just that i am a overthinker and because of soem know how of bach flower i end up seeing and judging myself from bach flower perspective. i need to focus on my self only and let the new picture (if at all) develop/clear up.

coz of certain condition on my side i get impatient and think that i can maybe bang myself into a cure by bach flower now.

We are definetly on right track as the illusion and pressure of success and failure is gone and now i do think in terms of what i really want to do.

face to face is anyday better. forum can be frustrating but am glad you have the gift of reading people mind.

'A remedy first brings into light those things restricting freedom, and then attempts to break them.' exactly!!!! and i am gettign impatient/confused and want to bang them with bach flower , which is wrong thinking as the remedy itself will sort it all out.

I know overthinking and half-knowledged patients can be very frustrating for practitioners. extremely sry for this toxic combination LOL
Spark12 last decade

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