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bleeding and lechoria alterate Page 4 of 5

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seen thanks
Rajendra last decade

Which country code has to be dialed as we are from Pakistan.is number given above is full local number .is city code given in number.is that mobile number--
honey635 last decade
Now fresh symtomps are as under

chilli burn in vaginal passage started again.sensation that inner organs will come out if stand or sits.when sits lower back became stiff and feel as lower back is filled with air
dry cough but little discharge if whooping cough.if talk much than cough due to dryness of throat.
honey635 last decade

As talked to you yesterday, first give Cantharis 30 - three times a day for three days and then report.

After this you will be advised.

Rajendra last decade
DR RSG medicine given as prescribed and chilli burn corrected now plz sugggest medicine to correct other ailments reported on 24th august2009.
honey635 last decade
sepia 30 4 pills at a time three times a day. must report after three days.
Rajendra last decade
Fresh report is as under
two doses of sepia 30 could taken daily since three days and ailments dated 24th august corrected.now patient is fat too much kindly specify medicine to reduce weight.
honey635 last decade
Continue the same remidy for another week. Report after that alongwith a photo of the pastient.

Rajendra last decade
group picture showing patient has sent to you on your email address
honey635 last decade
hello dr rsg
as discussed telephonically on digestive problem of patient china 30 was given and ailments of gas and burning of stomach corrected.
thyroid fuction test has taken and repoirt attched.weight of patient was 70 kg at time of marrige , age of 23 years while now at age of 30 years her weight is 75 kg.once an effort was made to reduce weight through atckins meat formula and it was reduced up to 68 kg before four years.again 75 kg.
mensus of patient remain disturbed since marraiage.
fresh symptoms are as under

involuntary discharge of urine during or immediately after sleep.
honey635 last decade
file of tft is large too lager to send and now beig sent on email address
honey635 last decade
For forum members extract of report is as under
t3 2.5
t4 136
tsh 2.2
honey635 last decade
it is in normal range.
Rajendra last decade
Take 1/2 kg of water and add 10 grams of coriander
(dhania saboot). Boil it till the water remains to 100 grams.

It should be taken daily once for 40 days starting from a day before period is due.
Rajendra last decade
hello DR RSG
MENSUS STATED LATE 18 DAYS THAN DUE DATE these were scanty not full than u advised teleponically ashoka for patient which is being given .should dhania formula be given side by side
best wishes for u
honey635 last decade
No dhania formula given as no response received from you sir.mensus became red and watery due to mixed lechoria.red blood with water like fluid was mixed and quantity increased after 4 days of start.after 8 days watery lechoria stopped and itching stated with smell of mensus.ashoka was discontinued as per telephonic conversation.Now nitric acid 200 has been given one dose.After 15 days mensus are on progress
honey635 last decade
After taking acid nite 200 one dose dicomfort of patient / itching and smell / of bleeding correctd however now mesus are scanty some time felt inside and some time outside on pad.
honey635 last decade
Bleeding stopped after taking acid nit 200 but restarted after intercourse with burn and itching and profuse red bleeding.
honey635 last decade
dr rsg immediate response required.kindly advise further
honey635 last decade
Give her Kreosote 30 three times a day.

Also confirm if you have any urinary problem?
Rajendra last decade
should four doses given single day or 4 doses each day for 15 days.
honey635 last decade
Inform me after 24 hours
Rajendra last decade
After taking 4 doses of kreasote ailments corrected.should more doses required.what medicine should taken to avoid future lechoria or mensus disturbances
honey635 last decade
.what medicine should taken to avoid future lechoria or mensus disturbances.is now safe for intercourse=
honey635 last decade
milky lechoria iN normal quantitiy started since
honey635 last decade
sulphur 200 - one dose after bath

after 24 hours

sepia 1m one dose
Rajendra last decade

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