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Dr. Sameer for my daughter Page 4 of 4

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I have given my daughter two doses out of the 5 doses of Silicea. I just wanted to report that every time I give her this remedy, the following day she has a lot of mucous discharge from her vagina. She says that she needs to wear a pad because it's like her period is happening without the blood. Then on the third day the mucous clears up and when I give her another dose there is much mucous on her underwear the next day. I don't know what this means. Her attitude is much better and she is focusing at school!

Thank you!!!
sindym last decade
Hi Sindy,

Discharges accompanied by mental amelioration is perfect response.

Carry on for 3 more doses and report back.

sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

After the first two doses of Silicea my daughter seemed better. The last two doses out of the 5 she seems back to her old ways. She is argumentative with me and her brother. She holds back with teachers and friends. She wants her way. She does not want me to help her with her homework even though she needs me to. She says she wants to do it all by herself. She says she does not want me in her business. She just got her period. She has a habit of touching her upper lip and pulling it out. She's done this before but now when she is still or riding in the car she does this. She also had a bad case of constipation 3 days ago. She had very bad constipation when she was a baby. Let me know what I should do next. Thank you!!!
sindym last decade
When was the last dose given ?
sameervermani last decade
The last dose was given on September 2nd.
sindym last decade
Do you have LM2 with you ?
sameervermani last decade
No I don't I'll have to order it. Let me know if I need to and the procedure of giving the remedy.

Thank you so much!!!
sindym last decade
sameervermani last decade
I will order today!

Thank you! I'll report back when I receive it!
sindym last decade
Hi Sameer,

I have the LM2 of Silicea. Please let me know how to administer.

She was complaining of a stomach ache today and feeling not very well. Several students in her class have the flu. Will the Silicea help prevent her from getting the flu?

Thank you,
sindym last decade
3 drops of LM2 in 250 ml spring water, and a teaspoon from there ONCE.

Report in 5 days.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

It's been past the 5 days since my daughter took the LM2 of Silicea. She has been irritable, achy back, not wanting to do her homeowork and just difficult to be around. Her concentration is not very good. I don't understand because it seemed like this was really helping.

Thank you,
sindym last decade
Please form a fresh list of symptoms covering every thing you can notice about her. Things that aggravate/ameliorate, times of aggravations should be mentioned.

Always think of what, why, when, where, how...while writing her symptoms.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Thank you for your quick response. I'll try to do the best I can with her symptoms when she was a baby until now.
When she was a baby she was very easy. She wanted to be held a lot and was wary of strangers that wanted to hold her a lot. She was easy to put to sleep. She laid down and watched her mobile and seemed to hum and babble herself to sleep. She did have a lot of runny noses. She walked at 13 months and crawled at 6-7 months. She did have a lot of constipation problems to the point that the pediatrician had to put stool softner in her anus. She would cry because of the hard stool. She ate and drank fine. As she grew I noticed that it took her longer to understand concepts and to really get them. She seemed more clumsy than most of her friends. She was still wary of strangers and not wanting to talk to people, only to her immediate family. She would just hide her face or smile and nod yes or no. She loved pre-school and loved interacting with other children. She was in a pre-school dance class that she loved. She loved dressing up as princess type characters. Her favorite movie was the Wizard of Oz. She loved wearing costumes when we went out for errands. She would cry when her older brother went to school or if I left to go to the store. She had a stuffed bunny that she would sleep with and still does. She likes stroking the bunny's ear to soothe herself to sleep. Like I said learning letters, numbers, and colors were not interesting to her and she never knew her right from left until maybe the 2nd or 3rd grade. She had very good fine motor skills and could cut things out of paper that her brother couldn't. I had put her in reading classes for extra help almost every year of school. She is about 2 years behind in reading. She also has very good directional skills. She can remember things and where they were located years later but she couldn't remember letters and numbers. She has always been kind to others and liked having friends to play with but half of the time she enjoyed doing things on her own. She especially loves art and music. She was always shy around other adults even her grandparents and aunts and uncles. She is very expressive with us and her close friends but guarded around others. Everytime we would leave a vacation spot or leave people that we had been visiting with she would cry. She doesn't do this anymore but expresses her sadness when a visit is over or when we leave someone we have been with for awhile. She loves animals and hates when they are mistreated. Her teachers have always loved having her in their class because she is compliant but couldn't ever figure out why her learning was so behind when she seemed so intelligent and mature. I held her back in Kindergarten because I saw how difficult it was for her to learn the basics. I thought another year would help her. Her birthday is in May so she was already the youngest one in her class before I held her back. Her behavior started to change toward the end of 4th grade and during 5th grade. She started to get moody and angry and irritable. She started to become very stubborn and keep persisting on her way. For example going to bed. She would keep asking...just 30 more minutes and when I would say no she would just start arguing about why and that's not fair and stomp to her room. She was never like this before. She may ask a couple of times but always complied. She did get her period in the middle of 5th grade when she was 11. She is now 12 and in the 6th grade. Usually she is more irritable the week before her period. It seems as if everything turns into a challenge or argument lately with her. Everytime something is asked of her she either says, not right now, no, do I have to, or you just ruin my fun! She loves watching T.V. She could just sit and stare at it until I finally turn it off. She also loves riding her bike and being outside. Today I told her to ride her bike for a while and then start her homework. No argument with this because she loves riding her bike but I know the argument will start when homework has to be done. She really hates the work at school. She always has. She just loves being with her friends. She would rather be drawing, watching T.V. or listening to music. She says she concentrates better when her teacher is reading and she is allowed to draw while she listens. She has dark hair, thin, with freckles. She has long fingers and she seems to have grown tremendously this year. I'm pretty sure she is 5 feet or just under. She is 86 pounds. She always complains about her back hurting or complains about being tired. Her front teeth protrude out so she does wear braces. My husband, her father, had
ADHD growing up and is on medication now for it. I, her mother has had issues with depression and severe PMS and I'm on medication for this. She does not have the hyperactivity or the depression. She says she has a hard time focusing and she daydreams a lot when she's at school.

I hope this is enough.

Thank you,
sindym last decade
Please wait for couple of days
sameervermani last decade
Okay, please give her a single dose of Phosphorus 200c, i.e. dissolve 2 pellets in 250 ml spring water, and give her a teaspoon ONCE.

Report in 15 days..
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

I gave my daughter the Phosophorous 200c dissolved in 250ml of water. I gave this to her yesterday. Today she is achy, chilly, headache and feeling lethargic. Will this get better or is there something else I can give her?

Thank you,
sindym last decade
Wait for 10 days, this is a passing phase, do not interfere with anything.
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

Everyone in my family has had the Swine Flu this last week. I had to take my kids to the doctor immediately because of problems with breathing. We were all put on Tamiflu. I would like to continue with your guidance. Do I give my daughter the phosphorous 200c again?

Thank you,
sindym last decade
How many days did you wait after the Phos 200c dose ?
sameervermani last decade
I waited 2 days.
sindym last decade
Give it again.
sameervermani last decade
Hey ... OMG ... similar is the case with my 11 year old daughter. Had her FIRST periods when she was 10 years and 11 months I..e... on 22nd July 2021.
From June end I realised her stark change in behaviour in studies and social behaviour.
- She hates to write her notes.
- Hates attending classes ... let alone participate.
- Dislikes doing ANY work at home what so ever.
- Says that she has become extremely lazy and a bad student and an equally bad daughter. She feels bad about her laziness at home ans studies.
- Dislikes meeting and talking to strangers or even her old friends around.
- Any physical and mental labour is like moving a mountain for her.
- She is not able to focus on her work. She gets anxiety when she tries to.
- She hates explaining herself or her actions to anyone, gets angry and very irritated.
- Thinks her 16 year old brother is better than him, so she hates him
- She’s lactose intolerant and not being able to eat chocolates and curd and milk bugs her to no end. She’s also allergic to house dust mites and dust.
- She at times tries to cover up things, like quietly eating a cheese slice or a chocolate or an ice cream ... won’t lie but just will make an effort to hide.
- She gets irritated and is often defiant and stubborn .... exact opposite of her personality.
- Waking up at 8.30am is extremely difficult for her.
- She is anxious most part of the day ... but more so when she’s made to plan or think of her studies or some work or her anxiety issue.
- Nothing makes her excited .. not even her Birthday Party on 10th Aug 2021 in her favourite Pizzeria. In her own party she felt awkward and didn’t spk much to her friends. So unlike her !
- She even avoids brushing her teeth, likes bathing though.
- She craves for comfort food and pizza burgers chocolates and ice creams and chips etc ... all junk !!!
- She seems to be a little irresponsible now but still very sensitive to love and hugs and even our actions towards her. Like she told me that her brother is acting a little weird with her of late ... (... we told our son to be a little more empathetic towards his sister and don’t mind her temper ... his patience and care she must be finding it weird !!)

Earlier ... before June 2021 ... my daughter was extremely loving, obedient, understanding, interested and good in studies, very chirpy and active in all social events, would choreograph a group dance of kids of her age with ease, bakes perfect Cakes (which she does even now ...)
She’s in 6th Std right now. And takes online classes from her teachers since 1 and a half year now. Hasn’t moved out of house since Feb 2021.
She hasn’t met any of her friends since almost 1.5 years. Now she says there’s no common topic to even talk to with friends.

She was a sweet girl until now ... always ran to help her friends... was always happy and silly, yet sensitive to her reactions to the surrounding. Always made sure she’s presentable and would wear well co or donated clothes. Helped me with house work immensely during Covid. Loved keeping house clean. Kept a track of who’s doing what at home. Very interested in home and school affairs. Would keep her notes up to date and would send them to friends who need them. Participated very actively in class affairs. She was a little timid yet confident of herself and her conduct. Was very responsible... we often told ppl that our little 11 yo daughter is more responsible than our 16 yo son .... earlier also she loved junk food but on reminding her the benefits of healthy food she would restrict herself but now it gets difficult for her.
Once she was even telling me that she has forgotten what she was like before her anxiety started.

She also once mentioned that she watched ALL the Marvel movies and series and she keeps making their theories and ending in her mind ... most of the time when she’s not engrossed in watching utube or TV.
Also I wanted to mention that .. because by being locked down at home she ended up watching stupid and scary things on utube ... and ever since she watched all Marvel series ... she can’t stop making its theories in her mind endlessly .... and she thought it’s a very creative thing to do !

Some more info abt her - She weighs 45kgs and her height is 4 feets.
She often gets sty in both her eyes and boils in her nose.
She throws away her sheets at night while sleeping.

I am worried sick !!

My husband approached a Homeopath friend. She prescribed Pulsatilla 1M for her and on 16 Aug 2021 we gave her the SINGLE dose ( in the form of crushed sweet balls ) snd were asked to monitor her till 14 days. 17th and 18th Aug 2021 we checked in .. in a Hotel .. my daughter loved Swimming for hours on end for all three days and was happy. So I don’t know if it was Pulsatilla or Swimming Pool effect .. after coming back home she was better but still had anxiety on and off ... couldn’t focus, study or write ... but she was atleast talking to us properly .. sharing her feelings a little. A little calm in her responses.

So on 22nd Aug 2021 we took her to Dr. Batras clinic for her anxiety and food allergy. There they prescribed 1) IMMUNO FORCE 200C and 2) Cal - C 30C (twice a day for 15 days)

She’s presently on these two remedy ... but even after two days she remains a little anxious when not distracted and still can’t focus herself ... can’t write or concentrate on her work. As far doing her own work at home ... there’s 10 percent improving only ... I just am so worried about her.

Can Dr. Sameer help me and guide me about the line of treatment that she is being made to follow is okay or needs some change ?

I just want my daughter to feel ... like she felt before. Happy .. satisfied and a lovely girl !

Just thought I will add this info too - My mom and my fathers sister were schizophrenic ... they are no more now.

Thanks in advance !
[Edited by anannya on 2021-08-24 16:52:22]
anannya 2 years ago
Hey How’s your daughter now ? She must be 22 by now. Hope you all are doing good. May god bless u all.
Take care,
anannya 2 years ago
Do not run from pillar to post please
I understand your situation
Please be patient
Things will fall into place continue on the other thread, the remedies which cured these people may not suit your daughter
Post reply to what I have asked in the other post or tell me that you do not want me to look into your case
As you wish
Kaps 2 years ago
Dear Kaps,
By my posts u can make out that I am not only anxious but impatient as well. Since I feel I need to help my girl as soon as I can ... don’t want things to deteriorate with her.
You were bang on abt my fears in the other post.
Just as I read this post I couldn’t believe the similarity of issues ...
I shall stick to the other post with you, please.
But I still urge u to go through the details I mentioned here abt my daughter since to reproduce so much in the other posts will be difficult for me.

And apologies for being so impatient.

Thanks for ur support!
Regards, Abha
[Edited by anannya on 2021-08-24 18:09:25]
anannya 2 years ago

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