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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Hayfever, frequent colds, stiff neck Page 6 of 6

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Let us wait for 1 more week.

In the meanwhile please read about Causticum.
sameervermani last decade
Yes we will wait one more week and see...but you know Sameer that we discuss back and for and it is very difficult to decide if he has improved after the dose. He says that he enjoys his work more and that may be an improvement...and now he also says that he thinks more clearly...but the main complain is his asthma and it´s not better...

I have also been reading about causticum and there are some similarities, like the idealism, hatred of injustice and warm and emphathic personality, socially committed also suit him...I think we will wait to be sure about the nat mur and causticum may be worth trying next...

Best regards Pia
Tintintin last decade
Hi Sameer,

The pflegm, asthma and 'pain' deep down in the chest won´t go away. (it´s after a cold 2 months ago) So my husband says that he must go to see the doctor now...cause he gets so severe asthma attacks and we worry that he has pneumonia on the way...

Best regards Pia
Tintintin last decade
Hi Sameer,

My husband wants to continue with the homeopathy now.

His condition has improved slowly during the last months. He has more energy and is more open, talkative and happier. One explanation is that he has changed his diet, eating low carb high fat (since 6 weeks).

But the improvement started even before this diet-change.

Could it be possible that it is the Nat-m causing the improvement? I know that it is a deep, slow and long-termed remedy...

The last week his state has changed and the reason seems to be that it has been very emotionally stressful for us (our son has caused some trouble) and my husband reacts with some symptoms after this stress. Compared to how he has been the last months his mood now has changed dramatically. He is depressed, introvert and closed. Very tired, despondent and negative. A yielding state, leaves the responsibilty over to me, resigned state. His allergy has started due to this with runny nose (has had no allergy this spring earlier). It´s like when the emotional stress is too much for him he goes into this state...

Do these symptoms sound like Nat-mur? And if so may I give him one dose 1M? What do you think Sameer?

Best wishes Pia
Tintintin last decade
He has also been sighing the last days and has a tendency to yawn as soon as there are some emotional stress around him. This makes me think of Ignatia but I don´t know how to differentiate them. I´m sure that disappointment and grief over our son´s behaviour and illness makes his condition worse.
Tintintin last decade
Hi Pia,

You can give him the Nat-m 1M dose
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,
I think that he has improved after the natrium mur 1M dose. He has been quite happy and talkative. He is actually very different in a positive way compared to when we started with the homeopathy...

He reacts strongly when there is emotional turbulance in the family (some quarrel with our son) then he gets very low and depressed and just wants to sleep. He says things like; it doesn´t matter what we do, it´s like it always have been, he ruins everything for us, there is no point of doing anything fun with the family cause he ruins it all every time.

It´s like all the problems with our eldest son has caused a blockage and the reactions triggers very easily..

-kind of swollen in face and abdomen...
-mild asthma

May I try a natrium mur lm1 dose?

Best wishes Pia
Tintintin last decade
Yes, please go to Nat-m LM1
sameervermani last decade
Hi Sameer,

We didn´t see much improvements with the nat mur.
Here is a fresh list:

-easy-going nature, mildness, friendly
-likes to be friend with everyone
-competitive, likes to do things he is good at like sports, has been very good at sports and loves when people talks about his former success
-sometimes irritated, especially when tired
-proud, bravado
-rigidity when it comes to knowledge, he tends to be an 'expert' on many things, when he has read something he tells everybody about it
-can get 'obsessed' with some topics, for example some new diet he uses, then he tells everyone about it and it is the only 'truth'
-cannot tolerate criticism
-too much alcohol and sweets
-emotional turbulence affects him deeply and he gets sad and tired, often just falls asleep if there is a quarrel
-probably low self-confidence although showing the opposite
-is not the emotional type, dislike talking about emotions, more a earthy 'doer'
-takes every chance to socialise
-likes to be in the centre of attention, when not in a group he yawns and gets bored

Best wishes Pia
Tintintin last decade
Have we ever tried Calcarea Carb on him ?
sameervermani last decade
Yes, 2 separate times 30c and 200c with no reactions. We have given lycopodium 30c once with a slight good effect...any chance that this could be the remedy...?

Tintintin last decade
Bumping up this too just to get your attention Sameer,

thanks a lot,
Mammiz last decade
Give him a dose of Lycopodium 200c.
sameervermani last decade

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