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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Can someone reccomend a better moderated forum? Page 3 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
I'm glad you've decded to stick around here. You can join me occasionaly in asking them to play nicely when they step over the line...
moderator last decade
Dear Simon,

Now some one has started using multiple ids .... to endorse his own view through other ids.

This happened earleir also.

I know it is difficult for you to control that...but unscruplous people are trying the control the Forum.

This is going to be detrimental to the interest of free exchange.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Dear Simon, we work for free (slave labor).

We are better than any posting-donkey-software to keep your forum running.

All we ask in the return is a little appreciation.
girilal last decade
The forum runs with the collective efforts of the people participating in it.

It was running well when some people were on strike. It will run now, even if a couple of 'slave labor' abstain from work. :-)

gavinimurthy last decade
You are true man.

You ever watched Steven Spielberg's Pinky and the Brain.

Pinky and Brain are genetically enhanced laboratory mice who reside in a cage in the Acme Labs research facility. In each episode, Brain devises a new plan for the two mice (led by Brain) to take over the world, which ultimately ends in failure each night.
girilal last decade

I am grateful to everyone's constructive posts. A few members also post a lot of less constructive argumentative posts, for which I'm not at all grateful.

As for the multiple IDs issue. I'm afraid we have only suppositions, which are not enough to act on.

moderator last decade
Dear Simon,
If there is 'smoke', there can be 'fire' !!

It is better to sound the alarm.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
One can have a doubt. But to assert it as truth without any means to verify is not a thing wise people normally do.

gavinimurthy last decade
Ahh, 'Simon' is the moderator here then. If I may ask, Mr Moderator, why would you tell Mr Varma my ID originates from India, when this is not the case?

I also do not understand why one or two members here are apparently free to make personal remarks and goad other members when they are simply trying to prescribe for patients, and would be grateful for some clarification of the forums stance on this.

Dr Organon last decade
docotor, where did you do your medical studies?

Just asking in the interest of patients.
girilal last decade
Dear Sir Gavini, now I am convinced that there are two, not one.
girilal last decade
Dr. Organon wrote: 'I also do not understand why one or two members here are apparently free to make personal remarks and goad other members when they are simply trying to prescribe for patients, and would be grateful for some clarification of the forums stance on this.'

Moderator, yes, I agree w/ Dr. Organon. But I would like to see all 3 or 4 of them stop doing it. I understand why they do it to one person and why he fights back. While I agree w/ their comments and opinon of him, I do not think it courteous to engage. I think they should allow him space. Everyone here should leave it alone.

If there is a person on here who is skeptical about homeopahty, yet often sets themselves up as an 'expert,' too bad. We must deal with their comments and skepticism. If that same person constantly tries to undermine our 'clients'' confidence in homeopahty or in us ourselves, we must recognize that this person has little self-confidence and esteem. The only person who seeks out cases to undermine the confidence of others' is a weak person who has little value in his own mind. Do you see this? Let's all ignore the person who lacks self-esteem and the jokesters. It it unbecoming and unworthy of our higher selves which wishes to help others. --Cordial
Cordial last decade
I have one more request. I would like to see these 3 or 4 negative threads die; please do not post to them again. The personalities are not important. Let's all begin the new year focusing on (1) those folks who need help, (2) those folks who are here to learn (3) those who have things to teach and information to share.

I myself have already learned so much from reading a few of the posts and hope to continue to learn here.
Cordial last decade
'docotor, where did you do your medical studies?

Just asking in the interest of patients.'
Oh I doubt this is the case Mr Girilal, and the apparent obsession with my location, coupled with the behaviour of both yourself and Mr Varma since I arrived here, which I have found disturbing to say the least, would be reason enough for me to keep such things to myself. I have no desire to become the object of some kind of insane internet stalking game.
Dr Organon last decade
I posted this on another thread.:

That is an offensive statement Dr. Organon....which you made to Girilal.

This is not a homeopathy school. It is a Forum.

On another thread I have welcomed you provided you are a genuine guy. Coz we like straight forward guys here.

The skills of all prescribers may not match. But the important thing is dedication. Some guys are here for ulterior motives...to them we object !!

See their postings in the archives. Today...they may pose as gentlemen....but in the past they did a lot of damage....so the memory doesn't fade away quickly.

If you use the prefix 'Dr.'...people have a right to ask.... where you received medical/homeopathy education.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
In the past ...we had Jacob C. Scott here who posed as qualifed homeopath from UK.
When we examined the British Homeopathy Register and failed to find his name..... he blurted out that he was a homeopathy school drop out.

That is why we ask ....

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
It is strange that you remember Jacob now. :-)

Qualifications are not important for a homeopath. More over, there is no way to verify them in a forum set up.

So, forget about it, and lap up any new insights the new comers provide you.

gavinimurthy last decade
Hi Giri

Thanks for believing me at last. :-)

Any way you are a reasonable guy despite the occasional deviations from being a 'gentleman'.

gavinimurthy last decade
Gavini, problems occur only when you take me seriously.

Never do that.
girilal last decade

I don't think I will post there again as I don't think it's got many homeopaths, but some of our forum memers do post there. Go see.
Cordial last decade
Do they have a culture to say a patient at the just first reply:

' --- taking advice on an interent forum would not be a good idea. I would recommend you seek a competent Homoeopathic physician in your area.'

If that is the case, I do not even wish to open this web page.

I know a website, there they do it but Classical Homeopathy is their bread and butter so I see a reason behind showing a patient THE DOOR at the first reply.
girilal last decade
It is strange that you remember Jacob now. :-)


Dear Gavini,
Becoz of him and his conduct here...we are wary of people coming here and misleading other innocent patients who have less knowledge of homeopathy and their tender minds can be easily swayed this way or that.

At the end of it all .....the new patients are at the receiving end of 'utter confusion'.

Truthfulness on the Forum is a desired quality..

The prescriber's advice also appears genuine....if he has not concealed any information about himself.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Pankaj, Dr. Organon made this post:

Re: High BP please help From Dr Organon on 2008-01-11
Dear Zuzi, this is not something which should be treated online. Sometimes with remedies there is what we call 'Homoeopathic aggravation', where the symptoms will temporarily intensify after the application of a remedy, and with your tendency toward strokes, taking advice on an interent forum would not be a good idea. I would recommend you seek a competent Homoeopathic physician in your area.

Report post to moderator

This forum is a community, let the community to participate. We do not want someone like Gina Tyler to stand at the door to shut it for patient.

This deprives many people to find treatment and also deprives many people who are here for the sake of learning.
girilal last decade
If one feels that he is not capable to take that case, one should desist standing at the door.
girilal last decade
Dear Girilal,
To me this 'Dr.' Organon sounds a lot like Jacob Scott...who misled us earlier with his claim to qualifications in homeopathy from UK.

He was banned a few times and then he started writing as JCS.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
May one ask Gavini, why is he Dr. Organon's mentor again. Dr Organon refused to answer about his qualifications. All I see is that Murthy and Dr. Organon are in utter cooperation here.

Dr. Organon was born on many websites at 8 January 2008. I can count four at least.
girilal last decade

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Information given in this forum is given by way of exchange of views only, and those views are not necessarily those of ABC Homeopathy. It is not to be treated as a medical diagnosis or prescription, and should not be used as a substitute for a consultation with a qualified homeopath or physician. It is possible that advice given here may be dangerous, and you should make your own checks that it is safe. If symptoms persist, seek professional medical attention. Bear in mind that even minor symptoms can be a sign of a more serious underlying condition, and a timely diagnosis by your doctor could save your life.