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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

Can someone reccomend a better moderated forum? Page 2 of 4

This is just a forum. Assume posts are not from medical professionals.
Kuldeep, why are you now using the girlial ID again? A while ago you told me you weren't going to use it again.

By the way, for comparison with hpathy:

Our users have posted 131,393 Posts in 16,172 Topics in 1 Forum

We have 32,382 Forum Members.

Some of the Forum Members are grumpy.

moderator last decade
Sir the ID kuldeep was butchered.
girilal last decade
Hi Simon,
Cograts for the Wimbeldon record !!

Atleast we (who post regularly) deserve some champagne !! Even Joe does.

Murthy is grumpy coz Hpathy print his photo on the site whereas at ABC he is a face less wonder !!

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hi Pankaj,

My comment 'Some of the Forum Members are grumpy.' was a joke referring to hpathy's The Latest Forum Member is Gimpy. Being a bit dyslexic, it was hard to resist. It wasn't aimed at anyone in particular.

As you have aimed it at someone in particular though, I would say that to remain good humoured in the face of continuous provocation, Murthy has proved himself less grumpy than other contributors to this thread.

moderator last decade
Hi Simon,
That is a convenient way of side tracking the celebration !!

By the way...... my next visit to London is likely to be soon.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hope this new guy Gimpy makes lots of posts there.

May god bless him.
girilal last decade
Sure, this dear fellow -- Mr. Gimpy -- needs all the blessing he could fetch from heavens.

Ten years ago Gavini took a single dose of Causticum 200 and they are still discussing it.

And a guy just came today with a burden of pain and in a great hope and he is told to go back to Dr. Batra.
dr mehmood last decade



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girilal last decade
Wow !! Ten years ago and still discussing.

Those guys must be from 'Mars' or 'Satrun' !!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I am worried about our Gimpy.
girilal last decade
You mean it is a real job to survive in that 'Mahabharat ka yudh' at Hpathy.....

Ah ! Our Gavini ...is quite brave. He is the Moderated there !!

Sorry ...sorry ...Moderator!
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
This our friend got no dog's chance there.

If poor fella is a patient, he will be shown the door in no time, if he wants to participate in their redundant never ending discussions then he must behave ... and must possess a specific dull and coward mind.

If he is a lecturer, now a lecturer never takes the name Gimpy.

Gimpy is the Martyr.
girilal last decade
OK, I think this has all gone a little too far, and is getting too personal.

These posts may well be meant light heartedly, but they can also be read as being spiteful. Is that what we want to be?

We had a few weeks of peace when everybody agreed not to refer to, or engage each other. Please let's try that again.
moderator last decade
I am just asking for politeness guys. I use homeopathy all the time. I am still learning; there is so much to learn. (!) I came here to learn. I don't like some of what I see going on here. There is some fighting. I want everyone to be friends. I know we can't all be friends, but let's just keep our mouths shut when we have nothing nice to say. Thanks for keeping it nice here.
Cordial last decade
I went that forum and read the rules. I do not agree with one of them in particular. I am not convinced that ONLY classical homeopathy should be discussed. Sometimes a combo works well for someone and why not suggest this. I see nothing wrong with that. I also use Bach flower essences frequently and have gotten good results with those. I also have more experience with herbs. Sometimes the problem is with diet, like nursing babies with colic: it's often cow's milk in mom's diet. YKWIM. I don't want to go over there and have to be in constant fear that I will be in trouble for slipping and violating their policy. Thanks for the suggestion anyway. I think this forum is better even though ...
Cordial last decade
Cordial, thanks for giving us all the opportunity to entertain you.

We are always waiting for a chance to put up the show...

Cordially yours,

girilal aka kuldeep aka DHARAM PAL aka ... 1008
girilal last decade
Dear Girilal,
Next time please choose a name for your self which is in line with the times...like Akshay Kumar, Ajay Devgun, Sachin, Yuvraj etc. etc.

You are quite young.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
Hello Cordial,
You will be able to say all these good things only until our Classical homeopathy friend does not make you the target of his harsh writings....whether your suggestions are good or bad...he makes no distinction.

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
'Yes....Hpathy dot com.

There....seven replies out of ten are like :

'Go see a practicing classical homeopath near to your home.'

If by any chance...some one gives some guidance...the Moderator there pounces upon him / her.'

I must admit, this has been my experience there so far also, but it is a good forum, with potential, just perhaps a little TOO strict, the opposite extreme to here.
Dr Organon last decade
Strict word is not appropriate. Hypersensitive is even not close.

Ms M Tyler is really something, try to influence each topic but no result. What good a ton of discussion if a patient is not walked with.

As Dr Khan said:

There are a million ways to serve the mankind on a medical forum.

But there is only one way -- blank">http://www.hpathy.com/ -- way. Turn down each and every patient.
girilal last decade
Dear Pankaj, people give serious attention to serious name.
Like it was easy to kill kuldeep because the name was week.
girilal last decade
Abc homeopathy forum is a good forum here you can seek to solve your or your patient problem.So many qualified doctor and innovators are regularly coming here and i think no harm to exchange views with them clearly.Thanks malaker
Dr.Haran ch malaker last decade
Dear Girilal,
But the name Kuldeep became very popular here.

Only a suggestion..you should choose a name that has to convey something about your personality.

And you are a dynamic guy !

Pankaj Varma
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I believe if you are suggesting the name: 'dynamic guy' or rather 'dynamo'
girilal last decade
Both are good names...choice is yours !
PANKAJ VARMA last decade
I'm glad you've decded to stick around here. You can join me occasionaly in asking them to play nicely when they step over the line...
moderator last decade

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