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The ABC Homeopathy Forum

mind in homeopathy

An age old controversy! Whether mind and body are two separate entities or mind is an epiphenomenon of the body, its nervous system and brain. Different schools of thought have given their view.
The cells of our body gets completely replaced within seven years, but that of mind remains the same throughout the life. Body changes, grows and decays with the age where as mind maintains its identity and continuity. Body ages with the years while the mind gets only more experienced and wise.
Mind is related with thinking function. Any thing which does not think has no mind and is non- mental. When a person is dead he can not think. Remembering, calculating, wishing, analyzing, introspecting, intending something to do, etc. are kinds of thinking and anger, sorrow, happiness, pleasure are the accessory of the thinking process.
A mental phenomenon is that which is capable of thinking, but does not occupy space or is not extended in space. Aristotle used the word “Psyche” for this. According to him “thinking is the talking of the soul with itself” and this thinking process is a psychic process or mental process.

Definition: -
1. Dorland’s Pocket Manual Dictionary- The psyche; the faculty of brain function by which one is aware of his surroundings and by which one experiences feelings, emotions, and desires and is able to attend , reason and make decisions.
2. Chamber’s 21st Century Dictionary- The power of thinking and understanding; the intelligence. The place where thoughts, feelings, creative reasoning exists; the intellect.
3. Stedman’s Medical Dictionary- The organ or seat of consciousness and higher function of the human brain such as cognition, reasoning, willing emotions.
4. Encyclopedia Dictionary of Psychology- Mind is one of the two basic characteristics of existence. Mind represents the primary and irreducible principle of innate consciousness. Mind is the activity of nervous system and brain subjectively experienced as consciousness.
5. Plato- Mind is an extremely non- material entity, separate and distinct from human body having control direct and adulate.
6. Bateson- Mind is the thinking process characterized by perception and action.
7. Santiago theory- Mind is the very process of life. It is the essence of being alive.
8. Bateson’s View- Mind is a necessarily and inevitable consequence of a certain complex process which begins long before the organism develops a brain and higher nervous system.

Continued in further days....
  gundasreedhar on 2007-03-11
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