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, Kiss.

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Below are the main rubriks (i.e strongest indications or symptoms) of Kissingen in traditional homeopathic usage, not approved by the FDA.




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Blood vessels; excited, rapid blood flow


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Materia medica entries of other remedies mentioning Kissingen

Verat > general
Veratrum is a remedy that would keep many women out of the insane asylum, especially those with uterine troubles. Girls at puberty suffer with dysmenorrhoea, hysterical mental states, diarrhea, and vomiting. During the menses they become cold as death, lips blue, extremities cold and blue, dreadful pains, sensation of sinking, mania to kiss everybody, hysteria with coldness at the menstrual period, copious sweat, vomiting, and diarrhoea, etc.

Croc > general
Changeable disposition; laughs, sings, jumps, wants to kiss everybody, or again cries, gets mad, abuses everybody, etc.

Croc > general
The patient is alternately cheerful or depressed. In the former state she will sing, dance, jump, laugh and whistle, love and want to kiss everybody. In the latter she will cry, get into a rage, abuse her friends, and then repent it, etc.

Puls > general
The bad taste in the mouth is persistent and the loss of taste is frequent, as is also the loss of smell. How peculiar that Pulsatilla should have dry mouth and no thirst, while Mercurius should have characteristically moist mouth with intense thirst. There is no accounting for taste, as the man said when he saw a fellow kiss his mother-in-law.

Croc > relationships
In Tarent. music subsequently amel. in Croc. it does not). Wants to jump (Tarent., Stram., Sticta, Asar., Agar.); wants to kiss, Agar. In miscarriage at third month, Sabi., Kreas. In violent movements of foetus, Op., Sil., Thu., Sul.; in heat in heart, Rhod., Lachn., Op.

Nat-m > general
Weeps if looked at, Kissingen.

Bell > general
staggered on going upstairs, and fell down insensible. He subsequently became delirious, and was very rough. His contortions were dreadful. He attempted to strike his wife in his delirium, and when he recovered a little, said he was sorry, and asked her to kiss him,.

Stram > general
a fourth would fondly kiss and paw his companions, and sneer in their faces, with a countenance more antic than a Dutch doll. In this frantic condition they were confined, lest in their folly they should destroy themselves. In eleven days they recovered, unconscious of anything which had passed,.

Verat > genitals etc
Puerperal mania, wants to kiss everybody.

Verat > genitals etc
Puerperal mania, to kiss every one.

Croc > generalities
Jumping, dancing, laughing, whistling, wants to kiss everybody.

Kissingen is not available to buy over the counter.
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